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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 56 KB, 1338x459, manuscript.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10798146 No.10798146[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I guess I'm not gonna make it. Jesus christ, this was my last chance.

>> No.10798162

post it here

>> No.10798164

low effort fake

>> No.10798165

Can I read it?

>> No.10798166

Try writing something less dark.
high chance it will be shittier, but do try

>> No.10798174
File: 115 KB, 914x596, leftopiaexcerpt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a small piece

>> No.10798183

Is this Alex Jones fanfic?

>> No.10798193
File: 452 KB, 803x738, LEFTOPIAebookscreenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's from my book

>> No.10798204

You're cramming too many memes in at once, it comes off as really desperate. Why do you want to make this a book instead of just a crappy greentext?

>> No.10798212

>The dystopia was such a dystopia
>Looked at himself in the mirror
>Fucking memes

>> No.10798223

Enviados means sent. So you emailed yourself and didnt even bother hiding it?

>> No.10798227
File: 338 KB, 538x572, 1519308742362.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post more OP

>> No.10798233

Wait, spam-chan is latinx?

>> No.10798240


>> No.10798246

Fake and gay, you sent that message to yourself.

>> No.10798250

>para mi

>> No.10798369

Even worse lol

>> No.10798620
File: 214 KB, 393x391, 1508056157314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread
Desu, we need more people like op on /lit/.

>> No.10798649

Talented writers who were denied their Publishing? I agree, unfortunately for the rest of this board, my writing talents and I are a diamond dozen.

>> No.10798651


>> No.10798656

I think he meant "insane frauds who write at an 8th grade level"

>> No.10798677

Like dfw said, many people write just for the sake of being clever. Being clever is only awarded with its recognition. The problem with clever work is it is hollow and without meaning. You write to deliver a message, you write to try to magnify an issues or something meaningful about the human experience. This work is nothing but clever. I hope this is all a joke and I'm the butt of it because if its not then I feel nothing for you. I don't pity you, and if this is your sincere attempt to become a writer you will never reach anything but being clever.

>> No.10798696

This is why I'll likely self-publish, situations like this definitely aren't worth it, and would likely result in my blacklisting

>> No.10798711

Try being more subtle, OP.

>> No.10798716
File: 63 KB, 239x246, 1446363205882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this prick on his /lit/ high horse. You've never even attempted to publish have you? You keep scrapping all of your manuscripts in hopes that one day you'll finally write 'THE ONE", but that day'll never come and do you know why? Because you have no balls, no CAJONES. I understand that my Novella wasn't that good, but I made an attempt to get somewhere with it. As Illfounded an attempt it was, it was still one more than you.

>> No.10798736

You fucked up, and got blacklisted from a publisher for thinking it was a good idea to submit something you know they would hate.

>> No.10798744


This was on r9k a couple of days ago, so you are either OP reposting old shit, or some identity theft with no creativity to create an actual thread.

Either way, you are evil.

>> No.10798750

I didn't think they'd hate it, I was actually shocked to read that email, yeah I pushed a multitude of boundaries per paragraph but they really took some serious offense to it, maybe I struck a chord? Probably. It's not like I sent it to an accomplished publisher such as Penguin books, y'know?

Read some Neescha, then come talk to me about evil.

>> No.10798761

Why is everyone falling for the most obvious bait of all time?

>> No.10798775

It ain't though. I genuinely tried to write an incredibly deep and meaning full tale about Lonely men and the woes of modernity we are plagued with. Hence the soy, and jews, and homoerotic tendencies and thoughts seemingly out of the blue.

>> No.10798830

welcome to nu/lit/

>> No.10798988

I'd rather not attemot to publish then submit that piece of shit. Do yourself a favor and please stop writing

>> No.10799025

top kek

>> No.10799028

Pice of shit? You didn't even read the whole thing, literally about 4 paragraphs. That's not enough to get a handle on the grand tale of which I've weaved.

Could you please explain in which way this was funny. It's a serious timepiece.

>> No.10799215

A paragraph is enough to know your clever. Clever and talentless.

>> No.10799242

You can't be both, If I was clever I'd be able to skirt being talentless by using some sort of Jewish trick, but I don't have to because I'm fairly clever and incredibly talented, in more ways than one ;^)

>> No.10799255

He's probably is booty hurt liberal

Gravity's Rainbow apparently had shit eating

and art is art apparently, keep trying fella

>> No.10799270

>written apparently with the intention of sexually arousing the reader

Looks like it did the trick, congrats OP.

>> No.10799271

Do you really think you're funny?

>> No.10799291

good lord that was excruciating. couldn't even get through it.

are there really people this delusional who think they can be writers? has to be a meme

>> No.10799316

I liked it, anon. Post more?

>> No.10799325

> describe in great detail the manufacture of an explosive substance and explosive devise

ok, let's see if OP is not a fake.

i wanna read the part about the bomb. you can't just inventing certain things from the top of your head when you're dealing with chemistry and the process of making an explosive

>> No.10799452

post hte whole thing

>> No.10799454

We're just playing along

>> No.10799489

Time to self publish on Amazon or find a less pussy publisher.

>> No.10799498



>> No.10799511

kek'd but your writing is atrocious

>> No.10800975

Holy shit.
This is a joke, right?

>> No.10801007

>publisher writes like a second language english speaking retard on 4chan
really makes you think

>> No.10801055

awful prose but the funniest shit i've read in a while

>> No.10801057
File: 40 KB, 491x491, 6ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop spamming poorly made straw men Schlomo and get back to studying for private school at whatever fuck faggot suburb you live in.

>> No.10801129

i read Harry Potter fanfics written by autistic 14 year-old girls that were better than this

>> No.10801131

Not even OP would publish his book