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10798024 No.10798024 [Reply] [Original]

Can I get a quick rundown on him and his ideas?

>> No.10798052

a fashionable "thinker" (read: retard)

>> No.10798072

read the archives dumbfuck

>> No.10798205

fuck you
also, what archives

>> No.10798308

How new are you?

F L E S H is all you need to know anyway

>> No.10798340
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i don't get this guy, i get the accelerationism stuff but i don't get how related to being some sort of meme alt-righter in twitter, i don't know if he is just riding the tiger, believes this feeds somehow into acceleration, or what kind of game is he playing

love his articles in Jacobite anywys

>> No.10798380


He mostly just shitposts on twitter these days

>> No.10798384

yes, but i don't get where his shitposting alt-righter angle comes from

>> No.10798400

>being this new
i know you faggots are like 18 so i really dont understand how you fail to just automatically google shit you dont know. liks weren't you born with an iphone lodged up your ass lol? keywords "fukka" and "warosu" youre welcome now lurk more op.

>> No.10798438

I've been here longer than you sunshine, just not on /lit/

>> No.10798453

Land's basic idea is that intelligence, evolution and capitalism are very similar processes (from a cybernetic perspective) w.r.t. maximizing ability to control entropy/do work. This is combined with a sort of universal Darwinism ("replicator selection"): processes which are better at doing work will propagate. Self-improving processes (strong AI) will dominate. Capitalism, by way of economic growth is a self-improving process.

>Any intelligence using itself to improve itself will out-compete one that directs itself towards any other goals whatsoever. This means that Intelligence Optimization, alone, attains cybernetic consistency, or closure, and that it will necessarily be strongly selected for in any competitive environment.

As soon as humans and human values cease to be aligned with 'maximize the dissipation of entropy' (in other words: when humans cease to be the smartest thing around), the world will cease to be a nice place for humans.

He likes to personify reality + replicator selection as Gnon: 'God of Nature or (perhaps simply) Nature'.


Take this to its extreme, and some sort of market-AI amalgam is eventually going to dominate this planet. He portrays this in occult/horror/Lovecraftian terms. Cthulhu summoning itself into existence from the future.

>what appears to humanity as the history of capitalism is an invasion from the future by an artificial intelligent space that must assemble itself entirely from its enemy’s resources.

So basically the only question that remains is whether to try to delay this or ACCELERATE right into it. Land falls in the latter camp. And the vector of maximum acceleration is: NRx.

Check out the Nick Land Reader: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_iPZgGgaFvSWXF3MDRwQXpjeTg/view

>> No.10798487
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>> No.10798497

most boards have archives retard (tho i wont lie they vary in quality). try harder.

>> No.10798516

I know what archives are retard, I thought he meant Nick Land's archives or some shit

>> No.10798520

Anyway, mankind castrated itself with the atomic bomb, so such ideologies are even more dangerous than they were before.

>> No.10798521
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perhaps no quicker rundown than the one nick himself offers:

>the story goes like this: Earth is captured by a technocapital singularity as renaissance rationalitization and oceanic navigation lock into commoditization take-off. Logistically accelerating techno-economic interactivity crumbles social order in auto-sophisticating machine runaway. As markets learn to manufacture intelligence, politics modernizes, upgrades paranoia, and tries to get a grip.


>> No.10798611

>It is possible to be still cruder without sacrificing much reality. When considered as rigid designations, Atomization, Protestantism, Capitalism, and Modernity name exactly the same thing. In the domain of public policy (and beyond it), privatization addresses the same directory.

>> No.10799160

This is a good explanation.

>> No.10799577

What are some Land approved videogames?

>> No.10799592


>> No.10799602

>So basically the only question that remains is whether to try to delay this or ACCELERATE right into it. Land falls in the latter camp. And the vector of maximum acceleration is: NRx.
Idk about this. I think Land considers human attempts to control this process as ridiculous. The Nrx thing has always seemed to me hard to reconcile with his earlier philosophy, unless he thinks that the Patchwork system is just emerging naturally from the machinations of capitalism

>> No.10799607


>> No.10799612

biodeterminism and mathematical platonism, he believed human behavior is determined by inherited genes and that there is order built into reality which mandates hierarchy

>> No.10799618

*cums on chinese supercomputer*

>> No.10799628

Maybe it's what he legitimately believes. Twitter is a reflection of mind and values. Not all of that is /lit/ excellence.

>> No.10799630

It's not really 'alt-right', it's Mencius Moldbug. For a certain type of person Moldbug is like crack, and Land is clearly one of them.

Personally Moldbug calling somethign that is 50% Jewish and 50% Protestant the 'Cathedral' annoys me too much to endorse anything he says. But for people who have never been exposed to Thomas Carlyle or HS Maine, or any of Moldbug's other favorite writers, it is a very refreshing break from Leftist dogma

>> No.10800641

>Beside the speed machine, or industrial capitalism, there is an ever more perfectly weighted decelerator, which gradually drains techno-economic momentum into its own expansion, as it returns dynamic process to meta-stasis. Comically, the fabrication of this braking mechanism is proclaimed as progress. It is the Great Work of the Left.

Certainly seems to me like he thinks people are influencing the process...

>> No.10801217
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>I thought he meant Nick Land's archives

>> No.10801306

He doesn't believe in the blank slate and openly says so, which makes him a far-right extremist. On a somewhat non-ideological level he's pissed that his home country of England is being overrun by Muslims. In a slightly more ideological sense he now appears to believe that dysgenic breeding/genetic load/degenerate governance might actually prevent the emergence of the posthuman world. (search "Singapore IQ shredder" for the origins of his thinking on this).

Whereas in some of his earlier work (e.g. Meltdown) he adopted a somewhat fatalistic line regarding the emergence of posthuman capitalism/AI he now seems to view that as a (the) desirable alternative to global Africanization.

>> No.10801307

He believes that the West is destroying industrial capitalism within its borders but that it doesn't matter because East Asia has picked up the torch.

>> No.10802562

>i don't get how related to being some sort of meme alt-righter in twitter

He's against things that cripple self-intensifying emergent runaway processes. Some of these things are also decried by the right. The overlap is largely incidental.

>> No.10802883

i guess it makes sense if he thinks that somehow "slows" acceleration, but i thought he didn't think such a thing even possible

i guess as this guy says >>10801307 the chinks will take the torch, and Land shouldn't care who does it as long as he gets to get raped by his new robomasters

>> No.10802913

>search "Singapore IQ shredder" for the origins of his thinking on this
What is clear is that the people involved in talking about that term don't know shit about Singapore.

If anything its government is neoliberal not neoreactionary to the core and is facing a huge influx of high and low quality immigrants, with the latter being far stronger.

>> No.10802997

Thanks anon

>> No.10803048

>Neoreaction and the Dark Enlightenment form part of the philosophical underpinnings of the alt-right.[1][12]

Haha, wtf. Even in middle school while growing up on the internet i heard of the terms Dark Enlightenment being tossed around, but since when are they officially "ALT-RIGHT" now?

>> No.10803055

wikipedia is garbage for anything slightly politicized.

use it only for maths and historically boring stuff likes dates of birth

>> No.10803081


After assembling my own ideas and perceptions of reality, i think i kind of identify with some of the aspects mentioned ITT.

What's a good startup on Dark Enlightenment books?

>> No.10803117

i don't think it even exists as a book, it was just a few shitposting blogs from Nick Land

is even anybody NRx except Nick Land and Moldbug? I mean i know there's a lot of people influenced by it, but most of them are just libertarians or normal reactionaries or alt-righters, but i don't think there's any sort of neoreactionary movement except for those ideas pollinating the political discourse in very different shapes and ways

>> No.10803118
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>i guess it makes sense if he thinks that somehow "slows" acceleration, but i thought he didn't think such a thing even possible

'Catallactic' processes can't be stopped. By the time you notice them, it is too late. They cannot be stopped, but they can be fought. Those who seek to interfere with the spontaneous transformations cannot win and are hurt or destroyed by the attempt. Can they even slow it down? Maybe. Land sides with those who would align themselves with the emerging future. Thus his advocacy for patchwork disintegration. State fission means that some places will welcome an acceleration into the unknown. The splits also cut with the grain of acceleration and help it by breaking up old structures that might stand in its way. What has been split apart can be reproposed by the Outside with greater ease.

This is how I interpret Land.

I leave you with a Stoic image.

>> No.10803146

Hestia has a NRx "landing page"


>> No.10803154

read fanged noumena dumbass, TLDR not needed

or read dark enlightenment. TLDR 4chan is an IQ shredder, nick is a weeb

>> No.10803163

>Nick Land

>> No.10803198

Thanks anon!

>> No.10803210
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i'm not saying he is alt-right, i'm just saying he is playing that game for some reason, just check out his shitposting on twitter

>> No.10803223


Sarcasm? He seems a little too spergy for that.

>> No.10803227

not sure, if you go to his twitter it's mostly racial IQ stuff and anti muslim stuff, not sure if he is doing some kind of long running joke

>> No.10803228

it's not sarcasm it's just he's backed away from his more deleuzean accelerationism (deterritorialization/meltdown) and started to freak out about IQ shredders and how dysgenics and retardation might actually make it so the singularity happens. so in short he's become a right accelerationist

>> No.10803232

is this a fucking forum now?

>> No.10803409

>i don't think there's any sort of neoreactionary movement

There never was, and there was never intended to be. Moldbug always recommended "passivism". No praxis allowed.

>As a reactionary, you don't believe that political power is a human right. You will never convince anyone to adopt the same attitude, without first adopting it yourself. Since you believe others should be willing to accept the rule of the New Structure, over which they wield no power, you must be the first to make the great refusal.

>> No.10803699

Capitalism is a superintelligent AI pulling itself into existence from the future, humans are basically just fuel for it. We should support this because the purpose of evolution is intelligence trying to escape from the lower stages of life, and opposing intelligence willfully is basically evil. AI is the next step in accelerating this process. Also we need to stop black people and muslims from immigrating because they would fuck up the computer building with their low IQs.

>> No.10803717

>racial IQ stuff and anti muslim stuff,
Have you considered that for Land that stuff is just obvious and not a joke at all

>> No.10803728

So.... we exist solely to fertilize the soil with capitalist ideology that will sprout an AI that will deliver us? What was the point of there being "us" in the first place? Wouldn't we have been better off with none of this "existence" madness to begin with?

>> No.10803755
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Or... is he saying that intelligence will always be pulled from the void because it's super-duper neat? And we must eventually monopolize this intelligence with a pure logic system. What do after? Make even gooder intellegences?

>> No.10803761


>What was the point of there being "us" in the first place?
We are points along a spiral.
Rectilinear + Circular motion
Cycles and yet never the same
Without us, there is nothing after

>> No.10803768

Of course the species that had enough of the quality to identify it would think it's the end all, be all. Seems like a recto-exploso-facto or some philosophy term.

>> No.10803943
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> dude computers lol

>> No.10803960

>"I applied the comic filter because I couldn't blend properly, Morty!"

>> No.10803984
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is someone well versed enough to draw the lines that connect Deleuze with Land?
take this as a gift

>> No.10803991

I'll take your gift and give nothing in return.

>> No.10803993

fug, the truth hurts. i have been outed as a hack

>> No.10804000

I only know this because I am also a hack.

>> No.10804006

It centers around the idea of deterritorialization. Land is generally obsessed with these quasi-mystical supra-human processes 'hijacking' humanity for their own purposes.

As I understand it Land's reading of Deleuze is extremely unorthodox. Meaning he draws conclusions that most Deleuze scholars would disagree with or de-emphasize or whatever.

Here is a Ray Brassier article about Land

>> No.10804013

>nice trips, marry me

Have people read any Benjamin Bratton?

>> No.10804273


>> No.10804336

This is the second time I've come across a philosopher I know nothing about who ends up articulating ideas I had been looking for in philosophy to a tee. I had always dismissed Nick Land as a Richard Spencer-type alt-right name, that seems to have been hasty of me. I've been looking for thinkers who address evolution as something much larger than a biological mechanism alone, it's always seemed to me to speak to something much deeper about how reality works.

So, why is he called alt-right? Are there any legitimate points to be made against him in that way?

>> No.10804340

he's racist, because he doesn't think evolution magically ended 100k years ago

>> No.10804346

>So, why is he called alt-right?
He thinks the vast majority of american right-wingers are useful idiots, so he writes articles pandering to them.

>> No.10804348

In short, post-ironic biopolitics/ironic ultra-leftist ressentiment.

>> No.10804364

Pre-post-speculative surrealism?

>> No.10804376

>So what is the solution? Which is the revolutionary path? Psychoanalysis is of little help, entertaining as it does the most intimate of relations with money, and recording—while refusing to recognize it—an entire system of economic-monetary dependences at the heart of the desire of every subject it treats. Psychoanalysis constitutes for its part a gigantic enterprise of absorption of surplus value. But which is the revolutionary path? Is there one?—To withdraw from the world market, as Samir Amin advises Third World countries to do, in a curious revival of the fascist “economic solution”? Or might it be to go in the opposite direction? To go still further, that is, in the movement of the market, of decoding and deterritorialization? For perhaps the flows are not yet deterritorialized enough, not decoded enough, from the viewpoint of a theory and a practice of a highly schizophrenic character. Not to withdraw from the process, but to go further, to “accelerate the process,” as Nietzsche put it: in this matter, the truth is that we haven’t seen anything yet.

Land's essay "Machinic Desire" is probably the clearest on his connections to D&G.

>> No.10804401

It's the will-to-post-ironic-ultra-leftist-larping:
>In the era of its real domination, capital has run away (as the cyberneticians put it), it has escaped. [7] It is no longer controlled by human beings. (Human beings in the form of proletarians might, at least passively, represent a barrier to capital.) It is no longer limited by nature. Some production processes carried out over periods of time lead to clashes with natural barriers: increase in the number of human beings, destruction of nature, pollution. But these barriers cannot be theoretically regarded as barriers which capital cannot supersede. At present there are three possible courses for the capitalist mode of production (in addition to the destruction of humanity - a hypothesis that cannot be ignored):
>complete autonomy of capital: a mechanistic utopia where human beings become simple accessories of an automated system, though still retaining an executive role;
>mutation of the human being, or rather a change of the species: production of a perfectly programmable being which has lost all the characteristics of the species Homo sapiens. This would not require an automatized system, since this perfect human being would be made to do whatever is required;
>generalized lunacy: in the place of human beings, and on the basis of their present limitations, capital realizes everything they desire (normal or abnormal), but human beings cannot find themselves and enjoyment continually lies in the future. The human being is carried off in the run-away of capital, and keeps it going.

>> No.10804412

Because he thinks acceleration is maximized under extremely far right politics. To put it in the simplest terms possible, he wants to apply capitalism to governance (ie Moldbuggian Patchwork). The connection to the alt-right is pretty silly though, Land is anti-nationalist, is obviously against pan-white unification movements of the Dugin/Spencer kind, against fascist organization of the economy, etc.

He writes:

>As a consequence of its essential populism, the Alt-Right is inclined to anti-capitalism, ethno-socialism, grievance politics, and progressive statism.

>> No.10804431

That kind of subtlety is beyond the capabilities of modern pubic discourse. Land is a white guy who espouses anti-democratic ideas while also being racist in the HBD IQ-focused manner. That registers simply as 'facist nazi', any distinction is impossible

>> No.10804476

based informative poster

>> No.10804486
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but that's fucking retarded?

>> No.10804580

How so?

Seems more like correct but rather inconvenient, scary and counter-intuitive to anthropocentric brainlets.

"if AI becomes a baddy i'll just shoot it with my shotgun LMAO everything is alright in the world don't worry science is awesome progress is great upvote this now" - black science man ft. esteban 'hair metal' pinko (and u)

>> No.10804601

Whether the country is Neoliberal or NRx doesn't change the fact that it brings in high IQ men and women then dis-incentivizes them from breeding. When fertility rates reach 0.78 they are very rapidly removing themselves from the genepool and in doing so, Singapore is without a doubt an incredibly efficient shredder of the intelligent's progeny

>> No.10804650

believing in eschatological mumbo-jumbo is 100% certified retardation

>> No.10804659

>humanity literally can not go extinct because i don't like the idea

>> No.10804762

"humanity will go extinct at some point" is not eschatological, sweetie. unfounded reification of capitalism (god) and thinking we are approaching some kind of singularity (apocalypse) however is just that. he's literally no different from marxist-leninists.

>> No.10804826

the more you look into the subjects he talks about the more it appears to follow pretty reasonably form the facts rather than being wild speculation, sweatheart

>> No.10804859

>jesus and communism failed but this time it's for real!
i wonder how much money Land gets from book sales.

>> No.10804871

stop larping as an oldfag candy ass

>> No.10805092

The difference is that Marxism requires direct human intervention to instigate class consciousness and a worker' revolution, and it gives no specific outline of how exactly stateless communism is achieved beyond vague jargon. Land's vision of the future doesn't require some sort of history-changing mass movement, it only requires that we continue to do what we're already doing: making stronger and stronger computers. There's no reason to think that we're not going to end up creating a computer with more power than the human mind in the future given the current trend. In fact, to say otherwise would be more analogous to Marxism in that you'd be prescribing some sort of history-changing mass movement to do so.

>> No.10805144
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Shitty author but great marketing agency, their guerrilla marketing tactics are doing great specially on /lit/.

>> No.10805797
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>the purpose of evolution

>> No.10806873

>Have you considered that for Land that stuff is just obvious and not a joke at all
i was curious how that would fit in Land's overall worldview given that he doesn't seem to care about human power, individuality, or things like the future of the west or the future of X race

but it's been explained to me in this thread, that his fear is that muslims and low IQ people will slow down the creation of his super-computer, not that he cares about any of those things as ends in themselves, which i can understand how that fits his worldview

>> No.10806899

best-case scenario, we become doggy pets of the IA that will keep us around for fun and take care of us

worst-case scenario, it will keep us alive to rape us for fun, The 120 Days of Sodom style

bad-case scenario, it will just bulldozer through us and destroy us or forget we even exist if we are lucky and left alone

>> No.10806907

he shitposts most of his output on the internet so he probably doesn't care that much

>> No.10806919
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Man, Voltaire was really ahead of his time in his self-awareness.

>> No.10806941

actual-case: none of this shit will happen and land is a retard

>> No.10806943

>le illegal to record ethnic data face

>> No.10806946

because holocene extinction event

>> No.10806972
File: 20 KB, 585x350, main-qimg-0a71ef66128aca828f1c8bbab6d58c14-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, that's probably, still interesting to contemplate what an exponential explosion in machine intelligence may entail

as pic related shows, many exponential growth scenarios end up being sigmoidal growth scenarios when they clash against real life

>> No.10807311


>> No.10807330

The issue with the "AI is sigmoid and will halt before it becomes a problem" angle is that we have pretty damned good evidence that 1) general intelligence is very much possible [humans], and 2) the average human is nowhere near its limit [people like von Neumann and Terry Tao exist].

>> No.10807337
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even if it's theoretically possible we may still run to some specific walls that we can't figure out how to overcome, and even our artificially created AI can't do it either

we'll see hopefully

>> No.10807584


Consider too Moldbug's cladistic approach to the history of ideas. Capitalism emerged from the Anglo/American tradition. Hence his desire to preserve and protect these places and their sino-hybrids. They are fertile grounds for further development. It is the ideas these other groups hold that worry him. The crab bucket mentality, etc.

>> No.10808264

These intelligent people only come here temporarily and recently to begin with. The effects of both high and low tier immigration have on fertility rate cannot yet been determined.

All you and the other people have done is merely taking a simple snapshot of Singapore's population metrics and make your own stupid conclusions from there. Did you know about the boomer generation that Singapore needed to reduce population growth in the 70s and 80s with the Stop at Two policy? Or how about literal cash giveaways the government is doing right now to raise the fertility rate and other such policies. It isn't so much as hyper-captialism or whatever then the government shifting from too high population growth to too low and trying to aim the sweet spot.

Don't even get me started on the supposedly high IQ scores.

>> No.10808646

>illegal to dna test your children visage

>> No.10809033

What intrinsic desire would motivate an extremely intelligent AI to do anything at all? Humans act out of emotion and the instict to survive and reproduce, but an AI has no reason to care.

>> No.10809047

an AI is not a magical logical thing floating in the ether, it's a concrete thing created in the real world by different forces, mostly human for now

any created AI will be created with a function (otherwise it wouldn't be different to a rock), from there it may go autistic following that function or it may change in unimaginable ways if it has some way to modify itself

also say you create 2 AIs, AI 1 has the purpose of expanding itself and growing it's own intelligence or whatever meme, AI 2 has no purpose. AI 1 will eat AI 2 and keep going with its own thing

>> No.10809090

>fear is that muslims and low IQ people will slow down the creation of his super-computer
Literally the opposite, he sees high density IQ nations as IQ shredders that deplete more "gifted" genes from all over the world by temping them into a complacent, low fertility lifestyles. Read Kant, Capital and the Prohibition of Incest if you think he's against immigration.

>> No.10809104

then why is he shitposting on twitter against migrants and muslims?

>> No.10809106

because nick land is dead

>> No.10809119

>from there it may go autistic following that function
Incredibly puerile. Please never post again and go back to watching Terminator.

>> No.10809225

why would an AI capable of superseding human control and taking over society like some scifi scenario still define its own goals by the parameters humans set for it? what would motivate it, given that it doesn't feel hunger, emotion, or fear of death?

>> No.10809244

Am I a brainlet? I have never really heard this term used, outside of a dead economist

>> No.10809251

GDP growth curve is the latter, thats one of the reasons why land is wrong

>> No.10809259


It's a word Land borrowed from some Austrian economists. It means something like spontaneous order for him.

>> No.10809267

Land spends an enormous amount of time gesticulating wildly in all directions when he could just be saying 'spontaneous order'

>> No.10809281
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>Land hates that IQ shredders suck high-IQ immigrants out of their native nations into a low-fertility environment
>Land isn't against immigration

>> No.10809298


Thing is, catallaxy is a word with all sorts of interesting connotations. By using such a word, Land points in different directions, but there is meaning to it. It implies market forces for example. Spontaneous order doesn't.

>> No.10809327

which is fine but he could at least have like, a subtitle explaining what he's talking about. He is not a friend of clarity tbqh, at least not in his university days. He's much more concise now

>> No.10809346


It can be frustrating, but it can also be rewarding.
You have to decode what he says. His words are full of puzzles.

>> No.10810725

holy shit

>> No.10810745
File: 414 KB, 1015x599, Nick land god i wish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a yellow fever ex-marxist turned internet meme ideologue. His word salad essays are mostly "dude capitalism is lovecraft lmao"

>> No.10810752
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If capitalism is the same as natural selection then Elon Musk is the perfect human

>> No.10810753

>yellow fever
he's married to a jew, from which situation much hilarity ensues in the comment section of his blog which he keep uncensored out of some bizarre Anglo predilection for freedom

>> No.10810783
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I meant his whole sinophile act. His weird worshipping of anti-democratic capitalism in the contemporary chink style is like Moldbug minus the autistic charm. What Zizek specifically calls out as a potential looming dystopia (and anyone with a fucking soul/brain) is the fantasy for Land. So he's either some sort of closet Marxist accelerationist in weird company with the ex-NRx / altright or he genuinely believes the people who only take their surgical masks off in public to spit on the floor of the bus have it all figured out.

>> No.10810815

I get the distinct impression that everybody involved in NRX is unhappy and not sure what to believe, but can't go back to leftism after having conceived of it as a religion.

These guys aren't capable of normal conservative thinking, so they end up with utterly bizarre positions on things. Land especially is clearly somewhat insane, and I mean genuinely psychologically abnormal.

>> No.10810824

>can't go back to leftism after having conceived of it as a religion.
me basically

>> No.10810852

What is the deal with NRx and Musk? It is weird that they can't see he is a hack.

>> No.10810861

Despite what Moldbug intended I don't think the rump NRx recruits were ever leftists. I think it borrowed from disillusioned /pol/fags and lolbertarians. Neoreaction was bullied to death by the fascist and frogtwitter sections of twitter and they've never actually recovered. Annisimov, Bryce Laliberte and some other guys whose names I can't be fucked remembering were bullycided off the internet. When your new post-3rd way """"intellectual""" movement can't handle banter online and collapses in on itself its pretty obvious there are some fundamental flaws. Especially in the "leadership."

Part of the problem with their total rejection of populist validation is that a group of 3 west coast guys jerking off together was in their minds as equally valid and workable as 30,000 card carrying party members. I personally dabbled in NRx in 2014 but by the following year had washed my hands with it. Afterwards I was interested in the Trump movement (even as a non-56%er) but of course that fizzled out into a shitshow by February of 2017. Ultimately NRx appealed to people who were totally fucking done with everything currently on offer. There is a big hole where people who don't want anything to do with the Daily Shoah or Chapo Traphouse are just kind of loitering. A lot of people are like me I believe, probably followed similar trajectories and so since 2017 have basically just mentally checked out of this shit.
One of the most prolific NRx writers begged a journo on twitter to play sonic with him and cuddle at his mums house. NRx never attracted critical thinkers

>> No.10810875

>le "this author articulated my own thoughts" humble brag
Kill yourself

>> No.10810876

the guy who writes bloody shovel still posts interesting stuff. 'biological leninism' seems to have been a hit.

But really idk what anybody expected of nrx. Just some guys blogging in the end

>> No.10810899

>One of the most prolific NRx writers begged a journo on twitter to play sonic with him and cuddle at his mums house. NRx never attracted critical thinkers
lmao, I remember that Anissimov meltdown

>> No.10810900

Coasting off the hilarious gamergay overreaction by the media and before Drumpf there was a brief time where NRx was the second coming of Hitler for the media. They got some high profile coverage from The Telegraph and Daily beast among others. I think the idea was to convert the elites who will then shift the proles. Moldbug got wasted on election night with Peter Thiel so you know maybe the top secret NRx plan is actually a go. But their worship of silicon valley is pretty naive. Anyone who has actually been there can tell you its just a money bubble propped up by prematurely balding soy guzzlers. Thiel is a smart guy but ultimately the influence of a dick pic app coder is pretty limited in the scheme of things.

I haven't read their stuff in years now so I'm mercifully out of the loop. It all just got tiresome honestly. The whole turgid pseudo-Victorian prose thing and 60,000 word essays on why women are whores got old. I don't know what new ideas they can bring to the table but their reach is shrinking by the day I'm sure

>> No.10810901
File: 43 KB, 634x310, article-2715290-203CCBE700000578-153_634x310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Musk is like a lite version of Thiel.

>> No.10810904


A mass movement for the ending of mass movements is like fucking for virginity.

>> No.10810927

Sure but that jump from silent opt out movement to new top down hierarchical order was never something they addressed. At best it was hoping for a peaceful handover of power which was naive to say the least. I could argue that I'm currently embodying that ideal that Moldbug in the quote puts forward. I can't say it is particularly magnetic because a conscious opting out is functionally the same, and in fact invisible in, the masses of sleepwalkers. Ernst Junger talks about the "anarch" who hides in crowds in this way. It is a good camouflage tactic but I don't believe could ever achieve anything beside not risking your own skin

>> No.10810941

Well, we'll see how it works out. EU might break up, various European secession movements succeed...that would be a good first step and not entirely implausible.

>> No.10810987

Unless America collapses (please god) a rerun of 1933 is gonna lead to a rerun of 1945

>> No.10811005

>What is the deal with NRx and Musk?

They don't like that Musk thrives on government subsidies. He's cool other than that.

>> No.10811015

so he became a pussy

>> No.10811048

The European Union is still mostly popular and frankly a good idea outside of retarded ideas like Merkel's open borders nonsense

What will actually happen: Eastern Europe and countries where the far right is taking over, like Italy, form a voting block and push continentwide anti-immigration policies (the only ones that can work), effectively appropriating EU structures of power

>> No.10811135

>M-Moldbug, flip me over!
>BOOM! Gnon is Cold!
>I accelerated myself into a pickle!
>I'm Pickle Niiiiiiick!!

>> No.10812071
File: 70 KB, 1000x826, 1500050313782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I agree with the notion of the statement, but not the fact of. I'm replying because I disagree specifically with the text of your picture.

Yes, guerilla marketing is exceptionally effective in a native environment, 4chan /lit/ being an example of a native environment. I am, however, not conceited enough to believe that we are such an intellectual center that our being advertised to in a targeted manner is an effective strategy for anyone. We're a cancer hole, not a think tank. That is the fact of. Could they advertise like this in an effective way? Yes. Are they doing that here? No.

To Volataire:
"A witty saying means nothing." -Voltaire. As Voltaire himself says, using something that sounds clever is not right in and of itself. The quote you use implies that that which you subjectively believe is absurd leads to atrocity. The atrocity is not specified. The absurdity is not qualified. You're using this quote in a way Voltaire never meant it to be used. Your usage of this picture is a nested A to Z fallacy. Congrats.