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10797220 No.10797220 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of Storm of Steel by Ernst Jünger? What are good supplementary works and what are other good books by Jünger? What are other great books about World War I, and war in general?

>> No.10797317

I read Storm of Steel, then after that Goodbye to All That by Robert Graves, which is a WW1 memoir from the British side. Comparing and contrasting the two from a historical perspective is very interesting--you see how much more the German command had their shit together, and the different attitude of the soldiers on the ground from each country. The Germans were a lot more motivated (not just Junger, we know he was kind of an outlier), and the Brits were a lot more fatalistic, though still competent. Both the Germans and Brits wrote about how they had respect for each other on the field, but none at all for the French who they agreed were worse at all aspects of fighting the war.

>> No.10797345

I can recommend Higher Command by Edlef Köppen. It's a diary of a German soldier during WW1

>> No.10797370
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>tfw germany lost
Not even kidding, its probably one of the greatest disasters in the past 300 years. They had a great society that wasnt completely infected with the """enlightenment""" ideals of humanism and atheism.

>> No.10797397

All Quiet on the Western Front is worth a read

>> No.10797424

What were they even fighting for? Lol

>> No.10797484
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Has anyone read Poilu?

>> No.10797489

To defend their allies, then themeselves

>> No.10797491


Junger books are not all about war, though war is a recurrent theme.
I would suggest to you the trilogy of novels: On Marble Cliffs, Heliopolis, Eumeswil. They are very beautiful. Also, take a look to Bees of Glass if you are interested in how technology changes war and society - it's still one of the best books I've read on that matter.

If you are interested in his philosophical/political views, check out Der Arbeiter (I don't know if it's translated) and then Der Waldganger. They are both very interesting, the first as an analysis of the modern world, the second both for the development of his political positions and as a viable way of acting politically in our times.

>> No.10797561
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I never see this book discussed here but I would rank it up there with Storm of Steel. McBride was an American who enlisted in the Canadian army because America was "too slow" to enter the war. Ian from Forgotten Weapons has a short video review on Goodreads.

>> No.10797570

>They had a great society that wasnt completely infected with the """enlightenment""" ideals of humanism and atheism.
lol u mean their stupid ideologies? they are even more laughable than any system of "enlightment" thought

>> No.10797608

>Brotherhood, unity, strength, and love for the fatherland

>> No.10797612

u mean
>chauvinism, submission, violence and brainwashing

>> No.10797622

>implying chauvinism, hierarchy, and a will to defend and attack to better the country is a bad thing
Pretty admirable traits, not commonly seen anymore

>> No.10797639

Admirable until you end up on a losing side.
>a will to defend and attack to better the country is a bad thing
>implying governments give a fuck about welfare of their citizens
Is it possible to be more deluded? It's like you never read a history book in your life.

>> No.10797640


Every country has that anthem and every country loves to break it including nazi germany.

>> No.10797663

Ah the enlightened individualist

>> No.10797668

Well, The German empire was the height of German power and wealth, both for the country itself, and the people. Even if the government didn’t care, the side effects were felt academically and artistically
Nazi germane and the German empire are very different beasts

>> No.10797683

Where do you even find On the Marble Cliffs? Lots of Junger's work is hard to come by, unless you don't mind digital copies.

>> No.10797690

>the height of German power and wealth
no-no, what you meant is
>power and wealth of the rich
At least I didn't fall for "The German empire was the height of German power and wealt" meme

>> No.10797700

Don’t be a cunt, you limp wristed faggot. Germany would never reach the power and resources it had during the empire. All classes had their situations improved, especially compared to other empires like the ottoman, Habsburg, and Russian empires

>> No.10797718

>limp wristed faggot
Well, actually my wrists are normally developed, I do pull-ups every day.
>power and resources
What it has to do with welfare? When 1% of the population holds all "power and resources" you cannot call such society "prosperous".
>ottoman, Habsburg, and Russian empires
And they all collapsed as a result. The German empire would have perished as well if Germany won WW1.

>> No.10797741

>well umm akshuwally
Fuck off you chai drinking cunt. When you have a country with the economy of the German empire, the wealth spread naturally. The fucking nobles don’t have to give up their wealth in order for good food and housing to be available, what kind of backward ass logic is that? Yes they were poor, but they were much better off than the poor in most other countries, and considering the time, that’s quite an accomplishment. The amount of entertainment, such as literature and music, was at an all time high, which is mostly viewed and enjoyed by the middle and poorer classes

>> No.10797751

Guess there was never an actual prosperous society according to yourself

>> No.10797760

This, your arguement is fucking dumb. The work is unequal, doesn’t make an entire country and it’s people/values invalid

>> No.10797766

World, my bad

>> No.10797768

>When you have a country with the economy of the German empire, the wealth spread naturally.

Where do you get this information from? You know one of the main theories for the outbreak of WW1 was that Germany was trying to escape its own political quagmires(e.g. rise of the SPD) right?

>> No.10797787

Logically speaking, the Nobles can’t be the only ones to enjoy the cheaper imported goods from the colonies, the wealth from the powerhouse of industry, and the protected agricultural industry. The work it provided alone gave most of the people steady incomes. There was inequality, there always is, and there were strikes, but there were at the same times strikes in America, the model for equality at the time. You’re being unfair, and I’m not claiming it was perfect, but it was better off than most other countries

>> No.10797796

>Guess there was never an actual prosperous society according to yourself
In marxist view, a society can't be called "prosperous " if only a small fraction of given society enjoys prosperity. Only a "communist" society could be ever called "actually" prosperous.
Fun fact: if you lived in the German empire you would probably end up as a pauper or a factory worker, stripped of all the wealths of a "prosperous" society.
>Yes they were poor, but they were much better off than the poor in most other countries
That is hardly an argument. Goes like: you are retarded but much better retarded than the retards in poor countries. Also, [citation needed].
>The amount of entertainment, such as literature and music
>implying music and literature are entertainment
go back to /pol/ now
I can almost feel your saliva splatters.

>> No.10797815

Ah you’re a Marxist. Then perhaps the Soviet Union is more to your liking? The Paris commune maybe?
>go back to /pol/ now
Fuck off, or I’ll fuck your ass. Just because your argument is “akchewally this country isn’t good because it doesn’t live up to 100% of my socialist ideals so it’s shit”

>> No.10797819

>Both the Germans and Brits wrote about how they had respect for each other on the field, but none at all for the French who they agreed were worse at all aspects of fighting the war.
fuck the french kek

>> No.10797822

Just stop this. Germany's power-grabbing in the East was what really triggered WWI and it backfired. Fuck 'em, they deserved the disasters that followed.

>> No.10797823

>You’re being unfair,
That was my first post my man.
>Logically speaking, the Nobles can’t be the only ones to enjoy the cheaper imported goods from the colonies
The German Empire had a distinct lack of overseas colonies, which was why the Kaiser/officials made speeches 1900+ about Germany claiming its place in the sun. So there were no cheaper imported goods from colonies.
>There was inequality, there always is, and there were strikes,
My point was that if you have a social democrat party(the SPD) rising in power, and this was clearly an issue to the wealthy elites in charge of the state, then there was clearly wealth inequality. People who agitate for more welfare always exist, but they don't get the establishment-threatening levels of support that the SPD had without genuine grievances.

>> No.10797830


Nigel Heinrich

>> No.10797831

Yeah sure they had other motives, but Russia mobilizing their army against their ally had nothing to do with it?

>> No.10797834

>In marxist view, a society can't be called "prosperous " if only a small fraction of given society enjoys prosperity. Only a "communist" society could be ever called "actually" prosperous.
A simple yes would of sufficed lmao

>> No.10797836

Why do frogs always reply like this? France was shit, deal with it.

>> No.10797838

>the wealth from the powerhouse of industry
Also, the key industries(chemicals, electricals) were run by government-approved cartels which would artificially keep prices higher than their real value, which really contradicts your idea of second reich society as 'fair', by any sense of the word.

>> No.10797842

On the marble cliffs is so fucking good

>> No.10797859

Confused you with the commie, my apologies. Anyway, the rubber and such added wasn’t too much, but it did greatly make their dependence on foreign imports reduced prices, since they weren being taxed by foreign powers. And about th politics, there were socialists, but they were cracked down and welfare and good treatment was given to workers who weren’t communists or members of unions

>> No.10797874

I think you're making this stuff up man. Again, if the SPD was 'cracked down' why was it a threat to the establishment right up until WW1? And then a dominant party until the rise of the Nazis in Weimar.

What books have you read about this subject, out of interest?

>> No.10797890

Here I got a Wikipedia quote, specific source material is Harold kurtz
>The threat of the SPD to the German monarchy and industrialists caused the state both to crack down on the party's supporters and to implement its own programme of social reform to soothe discontent. Germany's large industries provided significant social welfare programmes and good care to their employees, as long as they were not identified as socialists or trade-union members. The larger industrial firms provided pensions, sickness benefits and even housing to their employees.[63]
And yeah, they were never eliminated, so you’re right in those regards

>> No.10797908

Okay, so if you continue reading that article you see
>Having learned from the failure of Bismarck's Kulturkampf, Wilhelm II maintained good relations with the Roman Catholic Church and concentrated on opposing socialism.[67] This policy failed when the Social Democrats won a third of the votes in the 1912 elections to the Reichstag, and became the largest political party in Germany.
This was a serious sign that the German establishment was in trouble, and the social reform adopted by the government was a failed means to deal with the SPD's support. In >>10797700 you said people's lives improved, but only when compared to the most notoriously backwards empires in Europe, none of whom survived the first world war.
You should try reading a full book about this topic before you talk with some kind of authority about it. Wikipedia isn't enough.

>> No.10797934

When looking at all European nations, at least the big ones, they all had large socialist groups rise to power, and in some cases, take over. This was not exclusive to Germany, and yes, the reforms and crackdowns didn’t stop them, but neither did fill on military action in Russia. And one could hardly call the Soviet Union better than imperial Russia, especially the first decade or two. My apologies for not listing my knowledge on it, I’ve read quite a bit on the subject, notably germania (not that good a source, but a fun read) and numerous text books and some more biographical pieces(books on Bismarck and wilhelm)

>> No.10797938
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Le Feu/Under Fire by Henri Barbusse
Written and published during the war when the author was in the hospital. Gives a pretty good picture of what trench warfare was like and it's well written.

>> No.10797941

>France was shit
>Being on /lit and unironically saying France is shit.

Is this the power of pure autism?




>> No.10797945

>Ah you’re a Marxist
Nope. But I agree with marxism in this point. Wealth should be distributed justly.
> the Soviet Union is more to your liking?
USSR was a mistake. It has never been close to communism.
>Fuck off, or I’ll fuck your ass.
What a your, a 12-year-old?
a simple "fuck everyone ITT" would suffice lol

>> No.10797965

Unironically this. Most brainlets think ww2 was the point at which the west began to die, but the truth is a world where Germany won ww2 would be just as degenerate if not more degenerate than the world right now. If Germany had won ww1 on the other hand specifically if the schliefen plan had worked, the atheism and nihilism that took root after ww1 would have never happened and British/French liberalism would have been crushed.

>> No.10797973

Reminder to read the Basil Creighton translation since the other one is not only from a heavily revised source but also has lots cut out of the story. The earlier translation is on libgen.

>> No.10797991
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>LARPing: the thread

>> No.10798000
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>the wehraboo for the contrarian

>> No.10798012

No but my dick is hard for soy drinking faggots like you, and your mom :^)

>> No.10798035
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back to pol mate

>> No.10798464

Lots Jungers other works are in german

>> No.10798473

>USSR was a mistake. It has never been close to communism.

>> No.10798480

Are you alright? Hahahahahahahahaha, frogs are despicable.

>> No.10798490

>world where Germany won ww2 would be just as degenerate if not more degenerate than the world right now

>> No.10798506

>implying chauvinism, hierarchy, and a will to defend and attack to better the country is a bad thing
Considering on how it destroyed Europe twice, yes, it is a bad thing.

>> No.10798513

Yeha dude haha just enjoy life and be urseld ;)))

>> No.10798517

>Considering on how it destroyed Europe twice, yes, it is a bad thing.
>destroyed europe twice

>> No.10798527

Ermmm what?
Anyway such ideologies have no place in today's world, mankind castrated itself with the atomic bomb.

>> No.10798533

Think he's implying it happend more than twice. Germans just can't seem to leave your mind.

>> No.10798654

Ha, I downloaded that from gutenberg.org and have had it in my ebook collection for what must be approaching 14 years now, and yet I have never got around to reading it. Seems like I need to finally get serious about putting it on my reading list.

>> No.10798667

Try "The Passing Bells" from Philip Rock. It is about the pre-war British society and all the changes wrought by WW1 just as much as it is about the war itself. It contains a lot of very vivid and quite haunting descriptions of fighting too though, or of the conditions in the field hospitals at the time. Absolutely gruesome and better than anything by Jünger or Remarque IMHO. It's a little known book but really worth a read.

>> No.10798681

In the context of war you actual autist

>> No.10798698

reading farewell to arms at the moment. Takes place in WW1 but seems to deal with war conceptually more so than looking at it from a historical, empirical standpoint. It's probably quite a normie reading choice but it feels so human and unpretentious in it's presentation of war. Give it a read if you can and I'll try and pick up Storm of Steel.

>> No.10798847

No. It's the fact that none of those virtues exist in the west anymore. It's just individualism and egalitarianism all the way down. The first world war and the second were entirely different affairs anyway

>> No.10798871

I don't mean being daft and aggressive but I'm talking about commitment to your country and the people in it, the will to defend it etc

>> No.10798925

can't wait til you get to the ending t b h

>> No.10799080

>Ernst Junger thread
Well, time to post my collection of texts from him.
I have copies of all of these works in the .zip other than the arbeiter. It was recently translated into English and it's a bit dense, even for Junger.

>> No.10799456

dude your a literal faggot. fuck off you condescending fuck.

>> No.10799476


>> No.10799502


Is this tumblr?

>> No.10799508

what format are they in?

>> No.10799513

>the atheism and nihilism that took root after ww1 would have never happened and British/French liberalism would have been crushed.
utter fantasy nonsense

>> No.10799520

All commies are.

>> No.10799550

>.t knows virtually nothing about european millitary history prior to the 20th century

>> No.10799569

Various ones, mostly .epub and .pdf.

>> No.10799576

this is an armchair marxist view
no they’re destructive tendencies that ruin life
you need to be killed

>> No.10799663

Thank you

>> No.10799799
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Ernst Jünger can't be read as a holistic writer (few writers can), he went through several periods of ideas that divided his writing.

The experience of war and the the transcendence of the individual in the mechanical army (and the industrial society) was a reoccurring motif in the 1920ies and 30ies. This is where he was close to the right-wing revolutionary groups in Berlin. Books like the early versions of the storm of steel (he rewrote parts later), The adventurous heart, On pain and The Worker belong to this period. (There is a lot to read from this period, just google Conservative revolution. Nietzsche was also important for this period. )

There was however a breaking point in 1939 which is marked by the book On the marble cliffs. Seeing Germany turning into a plebiscite state obsessed with a racial utopia he left Berlin in 1933 to live in the countryside. When the war broke out he led a tank in the rear of the blitz, which was followed by a stationing in Paris. In Paris he socialised with the conservative officers and the artists of the city, his fascination with war, pain and industries all but disappeared during this period.
Marble cliffs, The peace, and his war diaries can be said to encapsulate this period. In "The Peace" he envisioned a united Christian Europa living in peace without the barbaric ideology of the Nazis. (He read the bible a lot in Paris)

This morphed into the post-war period. After the war he was seen as a Nazi-collaborator who refused the denazification procedures by the allies occupying western Germany at the time. He was isolated from the postwar military and politics. He however found new friends in the artist-circles from Paris. This is where he rekindles his search for new experiences. Not in war, but in the beauty of nature and the exploration of the human mind through narcotics, meditation and the experience of travelling (he went to north Africa a lot). Heliopolis, The forest passage, The Glass Bees, Drogen und Rausch, and finally Eumeswil follows his journey of isolation and fascination with technology, narcotics, and nature. His individualism can best be described as a development of Stirners individualist-anarchism through the aesthetic and ethics of Jüngers own thinking.

My personal favourite is The forest passage (even if the anark is a more loosely defined here compared to later work, i prefer the essay form).
As other have said, The Glass Bees is a must to read. It is a beautiful short-story of technology and man.

If your interested in his periods of drug use then read Drogen und Rausch (Which surprisingly enough have a lot of good anecdotes of intoxicating adventures).

If you want to know more of his interwar war-romanticism, read The Adventurous Heart and his essay On Pain.

There you guys have a lot to read.

>> No.10799808

Read a bit of it, you see the disorganization of command and how the soldiers really didn't want to be there in contrast to >>10797317

>> No.10799826


>> No.10799842

*on Youtube

>> No.10799861


>no they’re destructive tendencies that ruin life


>> No.10800262
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>> No.10800268
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>> No.10800276
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>> No.10800315
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>> No.10800328
File: 74 KB, 632x441, Junger collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my english collection too, contains a few additional short essays and 86 books, theses and articles on Junger, many of which were behind academic paywalls.


>> No.10800718

i love you anon no homo

>> No.10800812

>In marxist view, a society can't be called "prosperous " if only a small fraction of given society enjoys prosperity. Only a "communist" society could be ever called "actually" prosperous.
How utterly ignorant. By that metric the Soviet Union was closer to prosperity than 1980s Japan where you had an incredible quality of life for even the countryside areas (and still do).

>> No.10800866

Hey anon, is there by any chance you have a pre-WWII translation of Storm of Steel? There have been revisions made to the original text post-WWII by Junger that watered down the raw voice at the time he originally wrote it.

>> No.10800934

Germany's actions in the two world wars are indefensible from any non-German perspective. They can be justified only by romantic self-interest. Any non-German defending Germany is a complete cuck and poseur apologist.

>> No.10800945

Junger would probably shot himself in head if he saw this adolescent nonsense.

>> No.10801018


>> No.10801067

I don't care kill yourself faggot, seriously fuck off call me a kike all you want you're still a resentful little worm

>> No.10801301

Thank you, anon, I shall add it to my collection.

>pre-wwii translations
The translations I have are from the penguin edition I think? Check between
but otherwise, I personally don't know of any pre-wwii translation of storm of steel.

>> No.10802047

Unfortunately not, I've never found any other translation

>> No.10802271

are you a spastic? its the joke that the french pussied out in the second world war. Im guessing that you arent british

>> No.10802275

its a common joke among those who like war history, to hate the french

>> No.10802708
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>t. Brainlet

>> No.10802976

>France's greatest war hero
>lost the most important battles and died in shame
hmmmm so this is the height of French power?

>> No.10803000

absolutely correct.

>> No.10803050

Good post, thanks