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/lit/ - Literature

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10795859 No.10795859[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If the people of /lit are so smart why aren't they happy?

>> No.10795868

because emotional maturity has little to do with being smarts

and lit is not smart anyway

>> No.10795873


>> No.10795898
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Who is happy?

>> No.10795909

people who look for happiness internally rather than externally

>> No.10795916
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>> No.10795922
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>> No.10795929
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I'ts transitory anon, I'm convinced. Maybe I'm depressed, but I cant sustain that emotion for more than a few moments, and, based on how others act:They can't either

>> No.10795940

wtf are you talking about i'm high as fuck

>> No.10795943

Because lit heavily values logic over any other human tool for engaging with reality. They value logic because it can be broken down and made tangible for anyone and does not require use of intuition to understand it. Intuition is necessary to understand how to love oneself and be content. Lit's inclination towards logic and heavy absence of spirituality is evidence that they are more logically inclined than intuitively. Therefore, they have a hard time being content in life. They understand things more akin to the way robots do than men.

>inb4 lit is catholic so it's spiritual

Catholicism has probably the most spiritually bankrupt history of any Abrahamic religion. They worship paintings.

>> No.10795960


>> No.10795981

bro have u listened to alan watts??
Mad deep bro

>> No.10795988

I don't say this very often, but back to /reddit you piece of shit

>> No.10796022

INT --\-> happiness
WIS ---> happiness
/lit/ dumped most of its points into the former. And I mean that sincerely, /lit/ really is one of the smartest boards on the site (/sci/ is one of the dumbest).

>> No.10796040

/lit/ is definitely wise, not 'intelligent'. I mean we ARE intelligent, but if you gave me the choice between 'wise' and 'intelligent' I would honestly say wise.

Whereas other boards like /sci/ or /pol/ obsess over IQ, it's honestly not very rare to see IQ threads get sagebombed in /lit/. I would say we are 'wise' because you see ancient literature discussed on the daily basis. You see people discussing thousand year-old texts, and debating the very existence of God, which is a very wise thing to do.

Overall, /lit/ and /his/ are my favorite boards. But /sci/ DOES have some appreciation for ancient mathematics these days. And I can always go there to discuss calculus and advanced economics whenever as well.

The best boards are

1. /lit/
2. /sci/
3. /his/

Everything else is trash

>> No.10796041

Fuck off hajji. Your god is a lie.

>> No.10796056

christianity is anti-spiritual

>> No.10796064

this is the kind of thing a dumb person would say to sound smart

>> No.10796074

Because the pursuit of knowledge is a battle that we will lose, the amount of information in the world cannot be consumed in a lifetime

>> No.10796080

Every once in a while I drop by /sci/ to see if there's anything worthwhile. As a STEMfag from the womb it should be my natural habitat, but I can never find anything to convince me the board is worth saving. 99% of it is just basic calculus threads. Maybe the rest has some value, but I can't bring myself to stick around long enough to find out.
/lit/ probably has higher WIS than the average board, maybe the most of any board here, but a gathering of naive young boys on the internet is never going to be very wise.

>> No.10796103

i'm happy as fuck tho.... i must be dumb

>> No.10796105

No its a fact, Judeo-Christianity is a farse compared to Indian and Greek spirituality. Its the debased evil, low, unspirited form of faith to ever crawl out of the dark parts of the Earth. The Vedic and Olympian-Orphic religions are in every way superior, even the Chinese Daoism and Tibetan Buddhism are more spiritual faiths. Its pure materiality, its obsession is with morality and sin. The body is a tomb, the world is nothing but a soul trap. Humans are condemned from the first and they have no where to go but hell if they don’t beg for mercy from Christ the blood zombie inversion of Dionysus. Judaism is even worse, but i probably don’t have to argue about that with a Christfag since sacrifice is forbidden and that’s the basis of the old Yahweh cult.

>> No.10796137

You should contribute more often

>> No.10796198
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stopped reading
get thee gone, brainlet

>> No.10796279

But wouldn't it be the most 'wise' to realize the reasons why many things in literature will never work or be proven one way or the other? There is nothing particularly wise about ruminating over nonsense, that would be called being learned.

>Because lit heavily values logic over any other human tool for engaging with reality
No it really doesn't. /lit/ hasn't the slightest idea of what math is and why it's significant (and why it can fail). Yes, I said math. Please don't give me some pseudo-nonsense why this "logic" is different from formal math and why it doesn't need to treated in the same manner.

>> No.10796293

but I am

>> No.10796306

Because they try too hard. They have to write poetry and if they don't include a reference to Athena queefing, they haven't done enough.

>> No.10796307

Look at these gay imbeciles fellating each other. Ow we're so smart anon! So smart and wise!
Pathetic and disgusting.

>> No.10796317

>The body is a tomb, the world is nothing but a soul trap.
Good job describing Gnosticism, pseud.
Christianity is all about the redemption of matter, with God himself condescending to inhabit it, and that everlastingly in the Resurrection.