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10793464 No.10793464 [Reply] [Original]

Are they ever going to look back upon 21st century philosophers? I can't really name more than a couple and those couple might make you laugh. Is the only point of getting an higher education in philosophy not to derive and build but to write papers and reminisce?

Is the growth of philosophy finished?

>> No.10793468

Its paradoxically too concerned with hot topics but unwilling to make actual waves.

>> No.10793474

"Philosophy" as we know it is a distinctly Eurocentric phenomena and so it will disappear from the world stage together with cultures that produced it.

>> No.10793480
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new branches of philosophy are born but nobody told poor little op

>> No.10793556

Don't think about posterity.

Who is "they"? History is not just a collection of things that happen. Each time and place chooses its own predecessors and its own influence. And it chooses to forget and disregard certain things as well and consider things in a given way and not others.

Not only that but within each time and place there are groups of people that recall some things and not others, there are invisible influences that shape our culture that we don't recognize. Just like people may not know anything about Plato or Aristotle, but a scholar does and see their influence in everything we do. Who knew about them in the 13th century? or 19th? and how were their known?

Think of how /pol/fags and sjwfags would talk about history even today, the same history. If we ever get to a renewed medieval christiantiy time we would call what we are living the dark ages of technology and capitalism and we would look up to christian thinkers of the feudalist past. You don't know shit about daoist thinkers, sufi thinkers or native american cosmology.

Some people have this impression that humanity is one thing and that we are all producing together and some people are mediocre and have some fame but fade and others who are great will be remembered for a longer time. But it's not like that at all. Greatness is rediscovered and invented, it is forgotten and dislocated. We have different goals altogether and the cultures overlap each other, economically, religiously, transforming themselves with technology and so on.

There is absolutely no business in saying "who or what will be remembered in 100 years", you'll just be talking about what you wish were to stay longer in people's mind, but not what will actually happen. Thousands of people are producing intelligent work today with a hot take on some subject you are not even interested.

>> No.10793560

I think we may be at a sort of low watermark, but even then we still have many influential philosophers who will be remembered. Problem is it can be hard to sort that out when their still alive. People like Nagle, Singer, Berlin, Gettier, Nussbaum, Habermas, Kripke, Putnam, Searle, Zizek; only time will tell how influential they will really become.

>> No.10793564

No. Fuck off.

>> No.10793736

Do you know about Sean Goonan, the world's greatest philosopher?

>> No.10793763

You know nothing of philosophy. Off yourself you Platonist

>> No.10795589

It's only been like 18 years. Calm down.

>> No.10795617

oh look, another retarded Spinozist.

>> No.10795627

Stop outing yourself as a Cartesian mongoloid.

>> No.10797013


>What is Eastern philosophy

>> No.10797017

Eastern "philosophy" is entirely different from our philosophy derived from Plato and Aristotle. That anon is right.

>> No.10797031

philosophy finished with Socrates faggot

>> No.10797039

No, it's not dead you idiot. There is still plenty of vitality in the western tradition of philosophy, even grand speculative metaphysics like that of Whitehead. It's more likely that eliminative materialism will be a brief footnote in the history of philosophy.

>> No.10797098
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"Philosophy" as we know it is a distinctly Grecocentric phenomenon and so it will disappear from the world stage together with the culture that produced it.

>> No.10797516

>s the only point of getting an higher education in philosophy not to derive and build but to write papers and reminisce?
Retarded continental. I bet you can't even derive the predicate of necessity from the predicate of possibility.