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File: 31 KB, 304x500, All Quiet on the Western Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1079334 No.1079334 [Reply] [Original]

1. Look up favourite book on Amazon
2. Post 1 star reviews

All Quiet On The Western Front:
this book was given as a mandatory reading assigment in 8th grade. It was the most boring, hard to grasp and understand book Ive ever read. The plot was not bad, but the way it was written, and the switching back and forth between characters, made it hard to grasp and annoying to read. If this is a book that you are thinking about reading, take my advice, and although Im a kid, I'm at an adult reading level and love to read, and hated this book. Do not put this book in a book club readeing assingnment or read it for enjoyment- you will most likey regret it.

>> No.1079350
File: 30 KB, 288x475, slaughterhouse-five.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book had a lot of crudity and perversion and I really resent that it was required reading for my 16 year old son.

>> No.1079352

6 of 71 people found the following review helpful:
All about sex and violence and drunkeness, really boring, March 17, 2000
By A Customer

This review is from: The Brothers Karamazov (Bantam Classics) (Mass Market Paperback)
This book is all about some badly behaved brothers and their mean father and how they do nothing but shout and drink and threaten one another and are lewd and then, one of them anyway, goes to England, or at least he wants to. You call that a story?

>> No.1079362
File: 28 KB, 289x475, 01dune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"We're going to test you to see if you're a human or an animal, Paul," says the nun.
"Because man relied too much on machines."

Wait. What?
Oh, I'm paraphrasing, all right... but that's exactly the way it looks. So begins Dune, a disjointed, pretentious, poorly written piece of dreck.

I am not certain why or how this book has attained the status it has, so let's look at the pluses and go from there. Is the world of Dune fascinating? Yes. Are you going to find something quite like it anywhere else? No. The planet Arrakis is really cool. The way people live, obviously well thought out and interesting. The sandworms and spice, very unique and attractive. I also happen to love stories dealing with special children with amazing destinies -- I wanted to know about Paul's rise to importance. I'm sure most people find these elements fascinating; likewise, I wanted to read and like this story... badly.

Unfortunately, the way this story is written absolutely kills it. I felt like I was reading a first draft half of the time; the rest of the time I was reading and re-reading parts to see what the heck Herbert was trying to imply.

I read the first chapter three times, trying to see how an "animal" was like a "machine" and how this had anything to do with breeding perfect humans or relying overmuch on machines. This part never made sense and I finally decided to go on, hoping he would clarify later (he doesn't). It also started to make me hate Paul, who was a little brat who seemed to have all the answers. Oh, I am fine with above-average characters... but generally, only the ones with hearts. Think Ender from Ender's Game for the ideal. (cutting it off here, the review went on for twice as long)

>> No.1079366
File: 13 KB, 300x300, 89ee228348a04382d3eb5110.L._AA300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After reading the great reviews, I was really excited to obtain a copy, but was quickly disappointed. The story was dated pretentious nonsense from the sixties and hasn't aged well. Read it if you like to torture youself ala community college Contemporary American Lit., or better, just keep it on the shelf to impress your friends. When they ask you about it, make something up. They'll never read it anyway.

>> No.1079439
File: 35 KB, 430x320, Duke_Nukem_Forever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is actually true. Anybody who likes Crying of Lot 49 is just too lazy to read any of his other works and are happy to be reading shit paraded as a "post-modern masterpiece"

>> No.1079449

how bout I read V, Gravity's Rainbow, Slow Learner, HATED vineland and I am a fifth through Against the Day and STILL Crying of Lot 49 is my favorite, DUKE. there goes your little pissy pants theory

>> No.1079450
File: 42 KB, 294x417, JackLondoncallwild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"This book was really dumb. I mean think about it, a 115 lb dog KILLING a bear. Come on! Even a 215 lb man, without a gun, couldn't kill a bear. It was unrealistic and it was sick! Why would anyone want to hurt a dog? And for what cause? To go deliver mail across Canada? Which, the author didn't really explain well. The author put in all of these characters that don't really need to be put into the story at all. The author didn't really make the story interesting. Maybe it was because I read it for school instead of on my own, but it was a really really boring book and I don't recomend it to anyone at all!"
"I hated this book! I was forced to read this awful, terrible, abysmal, horrible, tedious, soporific, stolid, just bad book. I mean, the main character was a dog. You can just imagine how, clever, witty, expressive, and interesting the diaglouge was. NOT!!! The book simply lacked. It was painful to read and I don't think that anyone could torture me into reading it again. I would give this book half of a star if I could. And I would only give it a half of a star because Jack London went to the trouble to bother write it. I don't understand how it is a classic or why people like it so much."

>> No.1079452

And the Icing on the cake...
"My daughters teacher made them read this book for school.My daughter was unable to finish the book . Half way through reading it she dropped the book and broke down and cried.The main dog Buck is awfully mistreated by his numerous owners.I ,being a concerned parent,picked up the book and began to read it.When i reached the part my daughter had I realized why she was crying.I cannot expreess how Malignant this book is. The amount of dogs that die in this book is two numerous to place in this review.Spme dogs are ripped apart and eaten by other dogs.Another dogs has both his legs broken and the dogs eat him as well. One dog is worked too hard and when he is too tired to go on his owner cuts of his head with a knife.....Must I go on further?Many other dogs die in this book. This is just the tip of the iceberg.My family is vegiterian we dont eat meat because we think it is wrong to kill animals, so in a "GREAT" book that all eighth graders have to read we should find this much gore? This book is more graphic than horror movies or very graphic video games. Many people die in this book.This book was composed on values of murder and animal creulty.It should have never been published.I believe that the story could have been told with out all of this horrible filth.the basic outline of the story is Buck is kidnapped and forced to become a sled dog.Many dogs and owners die and he is abused. I believe that Jack London was an alright author.Some of this book seems as if it was written by a seven year old or a small child who is obseesed with gore and nothing else.All these parts of the story in which dogs die are not pertinent at all.So basically this book is about the murder and abuse of Dogs.If you like this you should DEFINATELY read this book.If not my advice to you is to STAY AS FAR AWAY FROM THIS BOOK AS POSSIBLE!!!"

>> No.1079457

I love his other works. I just especially like Lot because I can read it in a day.

>> No.1079460
File: 16 KB, 500x295, duke_nukem_foreveroo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Then you obviously have bad taste. Seriously, your favorite? It's the worst book written by a good author since A Fable by Faulkner (imo).

>> No.1079468

Really now? Mason Dixon is his worst even if its authentically written.

The Crying of Lot 49 just seems to be for those idiots who didn't like the second half of Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.1079474

>two numerous

>> No.1079476

I think I will use the "taste is subjective and so are opinions on taste and therefore neither you or I are authorities on this but regardless I will defend our right to express such opinions until the end of time"


>> No.1079483
File: 57 KB, 500x500, brunoooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favorite book doesn't have any one-star reviews. or two-star reviews. or three-star reviews. or four-star reviews, for that matter.

>> No.1079481

>Lolita grossed me out - proper. There is nothing remotely beautiful about an adult man lusting after such a young girl. It's not love, but a sick disease Humbert Humbert suffers from, because Lo is not the first, or the only girl he has lusted after. He sees "nymphs" everywhere. There is nothing remotely beautiful in a story about a man who sits on park benches, orgasming as a young girl reaches for a ball under the bench. It's repulsive, and nauseating. It's all very well to put the blame on little "nymphets", saying that they are born seducers. It's all very well to find Humbert's frank confession witty and humorous. But stop and think. There ARE men like that around, eyeing your daughters, sisters, friends that way - men, sitting apparently harmlessly on a park bench, men in a bus, men walking down the road. It is no laughing matter. I would've thanked Nabokov for bringing this REAL issue to light, had he not tried to make this a beautiful, funny piece of writing. We are talking about mentally deranged men here, child abusers, not men in love. I do not understand how people can read Lolita, and return to re-read the book unscathed.

Meh. Was expected.

>> No.1079491
File: 10 KB, 266x199, BackToSchool170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd much rather read Mason & Dixon thrice-over than have to read Crying of Lot 49 one more time. CL49 hasn't held up over time and the original review was right: it's so hopelessly dated it doesn't stand up (because no great books are ever "dated") and everything he tries to do in 120-odd pages in that book he does infinitely better and more convincing in GR.

>> No.1079494

It only has 9 reviews...

>> No.1079510


yes - it's wonderful though. if you haven't read it, read it.

>> No.1079543
File: 38 KB, 285x428, 0413book2-thumb-285x428-32223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overton Window is gripping and well written political thriller that even a Beck hater might find it a lot easier to put down than to lay down.

The reader will miss a lot by stopping at the end of the story and not continuing to read Becks comments concerning his book. Love him, hate him, or something in between, Beck is an interesting guy whose views are sometimes hard to refute and harder to ignore.

The most lasting impact of the book may be in its title in the sense that it brought from public obscurity and into public discourse a useful way of viewing and causing or preventing change in government policy; and could be applied to any situation controlled largely by the views of others.

Note: Beck didn't invent the Overton Window idea or name. The Overton Window was assigned by his colleagues at the Mackinac Publice Policy Institue to a theory of change developed by the late Joseph Overton in the early nineties and before he died in a 1993 plane crash.

WARNING: Part of the Overton Window idea is the sinister sounding 'Overton's Revenge.' To learn enough about the the Overton Window to protect you and yours from 'Overton's Revenge' go to [...]

A good read and a good new idea to follow up on. What more can you ask from a book?

>> No.1079551

It looks interesting.
I'm going to have to read it now.

>> No.1079552

I'm NOT a big fan of extra reading (since I am finishing off a double major (Business and IT degrees) so I get buy anything of interest, I always go with audio to avoid wearing my eyes out reading. Let me say, I started out listening to this one night about an hour before I went to bed, The next thing I knew the Sun was up and my alarm clock went off. I had to stop, go eat, use the restroom and right back to The Overton Window.
This book is not a "Conservative, Republican, Right-Wing" book; but rather a gripping FICTION that anyone with any intellect and knowledge of current events can really sink their teeth into. And just as the SAW movies were FICTION, this one will scare the hell out of you as well.
Again I say, THIS IS FICTION, and it is FUN.
5 Stars all the way!

>> No.1079567
File: 46 KB, 402x599, 402px-Wind-up_Bird_Chronicle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing the wealth of praise for Murakami, and having had my creative writing teacher recommend this to me, I decided to give it a go.

600 arduous pages later, I want to know how this garbage got published. The prose is slow and tedious, like wading through set jelly. The plot keeps drawing coincidences and odd connections together, leading you to expect an explanation ... but it goes nowhere!!! Imagine watching Donnie Darko twenty times and that's how it feels: endless, self-indulgent surrealism that is strange for its own sake. i couldn't believe it threw in so much stuff about the war and lucid dreams, yet without any of it making sense!!

Absolute nonsense. Won't go near this author's work ever again.

(The other's were just complaints that it was different from his other works)

>> No.1079572

This book must be popular with people who enjoy Hollywood blockbusters, because the plot is entirely predictable and the characters are cardboard cutouts.

I kept reading it to see what would happen next, but was disappointed that so much of the story sounds like a grade-B horror/adventure flick from the 1950s.

The writing is sloppy, too. For example, the lead character is Alex, a 15-year-old high school boy who's been wearing glasses since he was 10. Early in the book, he steps on his glasses and smashes them to smithereens. You'd think this would hinder him somehow, but the author has him go about his business as if nothing was wrong.

Later, Alex finds himself inside a dark cave. The author writes, "Alex knew very little about minerals, but he recognized opals, topazes, agates, formations of quartz and alabaster, jade, and tourmaline." Excuse me, he knows a lot about minerals! And he's recognizing these gemstones without the aid of his glasses!

Sloppy writing! Stereotypical plot! Cardboard characters! And a cornball ending where the survivors trade lame jokes around the campfire!

Buy something else, like the original "Frankenstein" or "Dracula"!

Point taken... not my favorite book by the way.

>> No.1079580



Maybe they accidentally hit one star instead of five?

>> No.1079583

>Reading this novel, I constantly felt I was engaging a powerful, phenomenally imaginative mind. This guy has like 300 footnotes. The footnotes have footnotes. One footnote to a footnote consists of a 17-page small-print filmography of a (deceased) character. Phew.

>About 200 pages in, the disparate themes and plot threads started to coalesce, and around page 800 I could feel that it would come to a remarkable, cohesive conclusion around page 1100.

>Unfortunately, the book is only 1000 pages long.

>It just plain STOPS. All the main characters are on the brink of major resolutions, all are coming together for the final conflagration (or whatever). And it literally stops, seemingly at a completely random point.

>Now maybe this is an infinite jest, dragging you through 1000 difficult pages then dropping you, but I didn't get it. I just felt like the author got tired and quit, or the editor said, "it's time to print this baby," or the printer forgot to print the last 100 pages.

>Damn shame, this.

methinks he may have missed the point.

>> No.1079589

My favourite book as a child, the Wind Singer.

Reading this book is like watching the Brady Bunch, 1984 and the Planet of the Apes all at once. Familiar elements that fit together with all the harmony of claws on a blackboard.


This book is placed in an interesting context, and actually has a fairly interesting plotline. Unfortunately, the author ruins it. The book has bits that are completely random and unrelated to the story, and a number of other parts that are so contrived, they are obviously plot devices and nothing else. The author never explains what the sand ships were doing in the middle of the dessert, or where the old children came from, or why the random wolves were willing to help the children, or anything else. I kept feeling like there was some political message the author was trying to convey with these random events, but I couldn't figure out what it was. The swear words (at least, I think that's what they are) are ridiculous--it's like the author wanted to avoid using real swear words, which I'm fine with, but then he substituted random utterances from a group of toddlers whenever he needed something. Some examples are pongo, pompaprune, bangaplop, and sagahog. The ending is probably the worst ending to a book I've ever read. It was a happy ending, which I generally like--however, this was a sickeningly happy ending. All problems magically disappear and all is forgiven and everyone's heart becomes good, and all that was required was a little metal piece. It's so contrived it's almost funny. I very strongly do NOT recommend this book... unless you want a good laugh... or are a struggling author who needs encouragement that if stuff like this is getting published and even awarded, you definitely have a chance.

Just goes to show that some people have no imagination and are complete and total morons. Ah well

>> No.1079594

Huxley's Brave New World is a story about the future world and how bad things our in their 'civilization'. Everything deals with how to get as many clones as they can, sex, and artificial happiness.

The beginning of the book was very slow, but then so was the whole book. I never could understand what Huxley was trying to portray with all the recreational sex and artificial happiness, which was achieved by taking a pill supplement. By writing about the future, as he characterizes it, he is telling us about how dark and disgusting the world might be in the future. Something must be wrong with him if he thinks this is how the world will turn out.

I give this book 1.1 stars out of 5.

>the title of the review is Huxley: Nostradumbass

>> No.1079605
File: 42 KB, 402x357, Where-The-Wild-Things-Are_476x357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot believe this book is a best seller. Max, the protagonist, is a wild, rude, annoying, little snot-nosed monster. The last thing I want is for my child to model her behavior after him! My daughter received this as a gift and it is now in the trash because I could not bring myself to give it away to another child.

>> No.1079615

Oh God, I'm sorry, I'm still lol'ing.

>> No.1079619

Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison

>Why is it that people are so caught up in praising others that they dont even realize that what they are praising as epic is nothing but a long winded speech about nothing. That is what this book is. A very long boring winded speech about nothing. I purchased this thinking that it would be not just an entertaining read but also a life altering experience. Many might say that "life altering" would be a little reaching, but from what i've heard from previous reviews, i couldnt expect anything else. What i got was confusion and headaches instead. There is such a thing as overwriting, and this is a good example of that. Toni Morrison tends to do the same thing in some of her novels. Over explaining, too much dialog, too many descriptions, so much so that the author has to describe his descriptions. CONFUSING. I got nothing from this book. Its supposed to be a classic, but i dont see what is so classical about it. I saw no relationships form, no life changes, just a man realizing what everyone else probably knew at that period, and taking a couple hundred pages to describe how he came to that realization. Ellison could have just taken one hundred pages to do this. I would not reccomend this book. It is not a classic, nor resembles anything classical. If you must read it out of curiousity, borrow it from the library.

>> No.1079632
File: 23 KB, 305x500, the_trial.large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book made no sense what so ever. It was boring and I suggest not wasting your time with it.

>> No.1079640

I'm still surprised by the fact that I don't really understand how utterly stupid some people can be. I'd almost like to be that stupid just for a day, to understand what their world must be like. You know, the same people that are baffled when John Travolta shows up in Pulp Fiction after being shot (bbbbut...he's dead! what the fuck!?! what kind of confusing bullshit is this? is he a zombie? fucking director thinks he's so clever, being confusing just for the hell of it, let's go honey).

>> No.1079644


What a stupid looking cover. I mean, uh... it's so artistic... so edgy.

>> No.1079653
File: 24 KB, 323x500, metamorphasis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually like the cover, and the one for Metamorphosis, but I agree, they aren't really relevent.

>> No.1079660

Our of curiosity I decided to check out the last book I've read

Satan: his psychotherapy and cure by the unfortunate doctor Kassler JSPS
>Between This book was woefully disappointing. I was unable to see much that was funny. I have an extraordinarily sick sense of humor and appreciate irony, but I found almost nothing funny, so the newspaper reviewers' comments on the paperback version seem ludicrous. I feel like I must have missed something.
In its defense, one of two reasons I don't give this book only 1 star is the fact that it worked. I allowed it to work. I let myself empathize with Kassler's spiral into oblivion. But based upon the reviews I've seen, I get the feeling that I wasn't supposed to be so empathetic, and so I feel somewhat duped. Even so, this effectiveness is a plus because it affected me emotionally. The other reason this book escapes 1 star is the *attempt* at philosophy, weak though it is.

But a functional book does not necessarily imply an enjoyable one. The only enjoyment I derived from this story was the anticipation that it would by the end culminate in some profound -- or at least amusing -- observation on life, an expectation that was deepened by said friend's insistence that I stick with the book because "it has a great payoff." That I found the conclusion philosophically and comically vacuous makes this book a resounding disappointment, and in my eyes, a failure.

And I have to say, that is exactly how I feel about the book. If anything, this guy was being too nice about it.

>> No.1079669
File: 69 KB, 500x774, grendel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I thought this book would be kinda cool to read since I'm a big fan of Beowulf and have read it several times. Man was I wrong. The writing is terrible. Grendel isn't a monster, he's a cry baby. A story from the "other perspective" has so much potential, but this author didn't use any of it. After reading this book, I wondered if John Gardner read Beowulf at all.

as a bonus, the book cover is mon visage quand I read that review.

>> No.1079672

Kafka sucks so much big dick, nothing he writes even makes sense, its hipster trash.

>> No.1079693
File: 229 KB, 500x500, redpanda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1079878


just ignoring everything else because its probably mostly opinion and im lazy, but theres only ONE narrator in AQOTWF, that man is seriously retarded

captcha: eatiary caesars.

>> No.1079905
File: 506 KB, 763x1170, the_satanic_verses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book is a total sell out, this is what we were taught at college. Poorly written and dated. Their cocky attitude made them the butt of many jock jokes. So here is a cult that had sold out. The death metal genre is tired- most of these people are on Welfare. There is no such thing as the middle class anymore- you're either a millionare or you're broke. This is a very cheesey book about a tired subject.


>> No.1079917

Crime and Punishment
[*][ ][ ][ ][ ] Demented,Demented, Demented, 28 Feb 1998
By A Customer
Okay, Okay, anyone who has read this book knows I have to admitt it is excellently written. So that I won't even try to deny. I mean, after he killed the two ladies I felt guilty!! As well written as this book is, it is demented, and the things that he says and feels(especially the things that are true)should tourcher any sane person down to their very soul. There are people like this man in the world, of that I have no doubt, but through their pains, sufferings, and guilty consience, things will not be alright, and this is something that should not even be suggested to the weak and fickle minds of today. (Post Scriptum, sorry for any spelling mistakes, I can read well, but spelling, that's a different subject.)

>> No.1079933
File: 5 KB, 107x160, acidhouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this book as a Christmas gift for my 13 year old son, who is an avid reader. I guess I didn't pay enough attention to the info available, because this book is NOT appropriate for a young teen. Thankfully, I decided to 'peruse' the book prior to allowing my son to read it. It was so graphic in language and content that I didn't even want to read it. I managed to skim through two stories before I decided it was just too explicit for me.

>> No.1079948
File: 32 KB, 283x372, TropicOfCancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I hated this book, hated it, hated it, hated it. I hated every stupid thing about it. Now, that does not sound like very constructive criticism, I know, so I'll give some reasons.

If you want to be shocked then this will do it. Not that I have a problem with shocking books, but this one is fit to be in your local XXX porn shop next to the usual assortment of bottom feeding trash. The book's sole function seems to be to get to one sex scene to another, with Millers rambling incoherent thoughts filling the void between. It was like Miller took a big tablet of LSD and began writing. Art or trash? How about trashy art?

The biggest problem of the novel lies not within the shocking content of the novel, but rather the narrator who tells it. Miller is racist, sexist, egotistical, crude, obnoxious, mean spirited, and degrading. Do you really want to sit and read 300 pages of something like that? I felt like I was on an amusement park gone haywire and they couldn't make it stop. Eventually, some hours later it does, thank God, and the first thing you feel like doing when you get off is to vomit uncontrollably."

>> No.1080403

>Blood Meridian

If you want some clue regarding the alleged "brilliance" of McCarthy's prose style, read the first page, and then take my word for it: it doesn't get any better later in the book. The self-consciously literary subject-verb inversions, the endless streams of dependent clauses, the literary diction ("The mother dead these fourteen years did incubate in her bosom the creature who would carry her off.") and the simply incomprehensible ("The Dipper stove." (?)) go on and on for 300+ pages. The crude comic-book violence is relieved only by the pseudo-intellectual philosophical maunderings of the bad guy, who says, basically, that war and violence are the only real things in life and that everything else is just window dressing. Tell it to your mama, Cormac.

I bought this gobbler after reading Harold Bloom's giddy review, which, as it turns out, is far better written than the book itself, if equally misguided. If you want dark and gloomy, highly philosophical, and readable, try Moby Dick or As I Lay Dying. Leave this overwrought, pretentious attempt at fashionable nihilism to the obscurity it surely deserves.

>> No.1080424

I read that when I was like 14.
The tranny sex scene was horrible.

>> No.1080426
File: 42 KB, 664x520, happy dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look for The Three Musketeers
>nothing below a 3 star
>my face

>> No.1080431

>anon's favorite book
>I read it in the 4th grade

>> No.1080436
File: 1.27 MB, 296x160, hah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ender's Game

>it is a kids' book but it is no harry potter. with all the bullying at schools are going on. why do we need more books like this one? i would not even recommend this to children!

>> No.1080450
File: 16 KB, 200x310, kokoro-natsume-soseki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

title: wooooow gay

i had to read this book for a world civilizations class. this book is a pathetic attempt and should not be used for any class. the first half shouldn't have been written and the second been cut down dramatically. foreshadowing is fine and all, but half a book of it is just pointless. the character "K" also has a few problems himself. why would any man go to the same swimming spot as another, and try to see him again and again. this is just obsurd and the rest of it is aswell. no man would ever kill himself so his friend would not feel guilty being with a girl that they both liked. i know this was not present day or anything, but one would get her and the other would find their own woman. i dont' really know why i'm writting this, i guess just because i'm pissed i had to read this boring book. i'm sorry for anyone else that is in the same situation as me. this book and its themes should have been in a essay or a short story. nothing would have been lost and everyones time would not have been lost either. blah blah blah hope this helps everyone decide to not buy this book and to stare at a wall instead. that definitely would be a better time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.1080480
File: 65 KB, 500x755, The-Color-Purple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all, i really give this book 0 stars, but that option wasn't available. I thought this book was the most retarded book I have ever and will ever read. Most of all, the sex scenes could have been edited. The incest, rape, molestation, lesbianism, whoredom etc. were all perverted and disgusting! Also, the story was so choppy and rambling that it was pointless. Yes, I understand Celie was oppressed by Mr.____, but lesbianism is not the answer to her liberation. I think the book was poorly written and not well thought out. I'm sorry, but it takes a sick mind to think up stuff like this. I never would have read it if I had known what I was getting in to.

>> No.1080481
File: 4 KB, 74x120, war of the worlds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It made no sence at all

I am not the best reader in the world , and I hardly ever pick up a book , read , and relax , but it doesn't take a scientist to figure out Wells was on medication when he wrote this. I'm even a big science fiction fan , but this book was to odd to like. I am even one of the biggest fans of the hit T.V. show "The X-Files". To even understand a little of this book , I had to go over everything just I already red. It was the worst book I've ever laid eyes apon.


this book was okay but extended too long so it got boring at times. it should have been in the U.S. It should have considered making it in NewYork. Then it could have been more exiting. Then we could have understood it much better because most of the words were in british. It would have been a lot better. they should make a remake of it in a english background. they should also update the book.


how cool... NOT!!!!!

My 6th grade "advanced" class read this. EVERY SINGLE PERSON HATED IT!! do not read it. in some parts, it is soooo long because of unnesscery details, and then he doesn't gives enough detail in other parts. the book was like a very long sentence. hg wells may be one of the best writers in history, but not in my book! martians invade, martians take over, somehow, the martians are not defeated by fighting, they are defeated by a bacteria! HEY! DING DONG THE MARTIANS ARE DEAD! THEY'VE GONE WHERE THE GOBLINS GO! BELOW! BELOW! BELOW! NOT! do not read this book. maybe the martians could have beamed down here and taken hg wells!!