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10792743 No.10792743 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like the Eco?

>> No.10792749

What's the bet he supports democracy though.

>> No.10792757

He supports representative democracy i.e oligarchy. Overall Umberto Eco Rally sucks at politics. His definition of fascism is probably the worst I have ever read.

>> No.10792765

How to Travel with a Salmon was the worst book i read in 2017

>> No.10792793

Woah, people say dumb shit on social media, what a hot take.

>> No.10792800

Too critical of anti-semitism for me.
But did enjoy his portrayal of papist monks as a bunch of murderous faggots.
So while he was admittedly a willing pawn of the Jewish cabal, at least he was red-pilled on the Catholic problem.

>> No.10792861

wrong. they say the same old shit but now they have worldwide reach and noone to promptly btfo them

>> No.10792874

I've only read Name of the Rose but my initial opinion is that he's not nearly as smart as he thinks he is. That book, though a pretty fun murder mystery, had basically nothing of substance to say. It's pretty much pulp for smart people.

>> No.10792916

>Muh problems

>> No.10792941

Umberto Eco was a literal interracial cuckold fetishist that got excited about seeing black American soldiers picking up Italian girls during the so-called liberation of the country.

>> No.10792956

It's not that no one BTFO them, it's that you can't BTFO anyone anymore. It doesn't matter if you are violent and to the point or if you argue well, or whatever approach, you're just a comment on the guy's post. You may even have a lot of supporters, thousands of likes and people saying you indeed BTFO that guy, but you actually haven't. You get your crowd and the other gets his crowd, everyone is not only allowed but invited to just go on saying whatever.

>> No.10793006

oh god. i've just read the prague cemetery
i mean, it's beautifully written
but sweet baby jesus it's fucking boring overall
i guess i'm just not that into 19th century european political conspiracies

>> No.10793069


>> No.10793125

foucalts pendulum is cool
and so is On Ugliness, and On Beauty.

>> No.10793139

Hmmmm. Source on that?

>> No.10793148

I agree that Eco is not the best with politics, but I like his definition of fascist, what do you think is wrong?

Also, I've never read any of his novels as I was told he was not very good at them. But I read On Ugliness and On Beauty and it was fantastic.

>> No.10793223

>A few days later I saw the first American soldiers. They were African Americans. The first Yankee I met was a black man, Joseph, who introduced me to the marvels of Dick Tracy and Li’l Abner. His comic books were brightly colored and smelled good.

>One of the officers (Major or Captain Muddy) was a guest in the villa of a family whose two daughters were my schoolmates. I met him in their garden where some ladies, surrounding Captain Muddy, talked in tentative French. Captain Muddy knew some French, too. My first image of American liberators was thus—after so many palefaces in black shirts—that of a cultivated black man in a yellow-green uniform saying: “Oui, merci beaucoup, Madame, moi aussi j’aime le champagne…” Unfortunately there was no champagne, but Captain Muddy gave me my first piece of Wrigley’s Spearmint and I started chewing all day long. At night I put my wad in a water glass, so it would be fresh for the next day.


Read between the lines and you see the obvious sexual arousement that the cavorting of black American soldiers with white Italian ladies.

>> No.10793234

I read between the lines and I saw an allegory of Santa Claus as Ninja turtle

>> No.10793240

that was what i was trying to say. that's the eco's point of view.

>> No.10793256

>Everything I read is BLACKED.com
Fucking Americans.

>> No.10793270

Definition of ivory tower. No skin in the game.

>> No.10793286

BLACKED.com is the most sociopolitical important audiovisual work of the last hundred years.

>> No.10793287

Not surprising. Werent whatevet that Cambridge group was called all a bunch of faggots. Keynes certainly was. Homosexuals are as nepotistic in-group cultists as Jews are. In-group nepotism is probably the worst disease of last 200 years and nobody talks about it. You quickly notice that these people dont even have a creative goal, its just destructive passion against conventional society norms.

>> No.10793312

My first encounter with heavier literature, pleasant to return to. Amusing to see 4chan's fascist and esotericist cranks buttblasted whenever he's brought up.