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/lit/ - Literature

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10789794 No.10789794 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/ lads, in my short life I've read but a few books I've enjoyed, with them being
>The Great Gatsby
>All Quiet on the Western Front
>Life of Pi
>Fight Club
>The Catcher in the Rye
>The Hobbit
Could you recommend me something please based on my tastes, inb4 pleb, I was thinking of reading The Five People You Meet in Heaven too.

>> No.10789842

Read more Fitzgerald, he will help you into Modernism. This Side of Paradise then Tender is the Night, then look at the opposite style from the same period with Hemingway, then start with James Joyce, Modernism is the easiest way to get into reading novels. Once, you read Dubliners and Portrait from Joyce you can work back to start understanding or move into the Postmodernists (but I'd recommend stopping by Camus on your way as well)
I should also point out once you finish Portrait, Ulysses will be calling to you, do not give in until you read more.

>> No.10789876

here's something for you to read: the sticky

or just lurk for a while whatever