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10788984 No.10788984 [Reply] [Original]

What are some the of the most complex what the fuck are you saying hegel moments of phenomenology of spirit for you?

>> No.10788990

hi everyone im new!!!! holds up rhizome my name is nick but u can call me T3H B0dY W1tH0uT 0RgANs. as you can see im very deleuzian!!!! thats why i came here 2 meet deleuzian people like me _... I'm 50 years old (im young for my age tho!!) i like to read hp lovecraft w/ moldbug (im right wing if you dont like it deal w/it) he is our favorite author!! bcuz its SOOOO deleuzian. he is deleuzian 2 of course but i want 2 meet more deleuzian people =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!
ACCELERATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein deleuzian again _^ hehe…toodles!!!!!

love and rhizomes,

T3H B0dY W1tH0uT 0RgANs

>> No.10789050

*holds up spork

>> No.10790091

*calmly but confidently begins eating your ass*

>> No.10790222
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Death, as we may call that unreality, is the most terrible thing, and to keep and hold fast what is dead demands the greatest force of all. Beauty, powerless and helpless, hates understanding, because the latter exacts from it what it cannot perform. But the life of mind is not one that shuns death, and keeps clear of destruction; it endures death and in death maintains its being. It only wins to its truth when it finds itself utterly torn asunder. It is this mighty power, not by being a positive which turns away from the negative, as when we say of anything it is nothing or it is false, and, being then done with it, pass off to something else: on the contrary, mind is this power only by looking the negative in the face, and dwelling with it. This dwelling beside it is the magic power that converts the negative into being. That power is just what we spoke of above as subject, which by giving determinateness a place in its substance, cancels abstract immediacy, i.e. immediacy which merely is, and, by so doing, becomes the true substance, becomes being or immediacy that does not have mediation outside it, but is this mediation itself.
>t. still reading the preface

>> No.10791213

I've given up on reading this bloody thing for now and started with the baby logic instead.

This is way more workable and grounded and I'll probably return to the Phenomenology when I've gotten through more of this.