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/lit/ - Literature

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10788929 No.10788929[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]



>> No.10788954


>> No.10788968
File: 64 KB, 507x540, hoodie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pewdiepie read more books than I

>> No.10788973

>Pewdiepie read more books than I
I bet this is where English grammar ends up in another few centuries

>> No.10788974

3, around 1100 pages total

>> No.10788981

Fuck I read slow

>> No.10788996

>this is the state of lit
when I was ten, I read the count of monte cristo. that was during a vacation to prague with a duration of 5 days.

>> No.10789006

I feel a deep sense of shame

>> No.10789007

Why don't you tell us what you read this month big boy?

>> No.10789008

You went on a vacation with your family, and all you did was read? Anon...

>> No.10789015

Should I have said me? I'm not English or American.

>> No.10789019

nothing. to my deepest regret, i have to admit that I don't read anymore
>long car drive
>annoying siblings
>the city gets boring after one day
what would you do?

>> No.10789026

And now he is bragging on an anonymous image board about it. Clearly things didn't go well.

>> No.10789028

2-3, I don't know, I don't keep track of the days anymore

>> No.10789030

im not watching the video just tell me how many books he read

>> No.10789032

Then get off /lit/ you pseud piece of shit.

>> No.10789035

yup. have been going through a self destructive phase for 2 years.
Btw, is there good suicide-related literature?

>> No.10789046

it was around five last month, I'm assuming it's at least that many again, given the length

>> No.10789051

It comes down to whether you view "than" as a preposition or a conjunction.
I think both ways ("than I [did]" and "than me") are correct, but not everyone agrees.

>> No.10789056

Is that supposed to be impressive? Was that the edition with illustrations every 25th page to keep you from having a fit?

>> No.10789059

He read a bunch of books, basically he btfo'd /lit/ forever and he will be a patrician in no time.

>> No.10789061

>this is the state of /lit/
>I don't read anymore
wtf man. YOU are the state of /lit/

>> No.10789072

One of the rare people who ascended from awkward unfunny faggot pleb to patrician literature aficionado. Now he is a Scandanavian god who has found la dolce vita thanks to his comfortable lifestyle and qt Italian gf

>> No.10789087

>reads beyond good and evil
>doesn't inderstand it
>"anyway guys, what i got is that i should think more about self improvement!"

>> No.10789092


It's better to admit that he doesn't understand it rather than try to pretend that he made sense out of it though.

>> No.10789093

actually same. not in prague but i think we went to italy or something like that. this is bizarre. i dont know if i was precisely ten though

>> No.10789098

>i should think more about self improvement!"
unironically a better reading of Nietzsche than every 20th century Leftist analysis combined

>> No.10789105

my diary desu

>> No.10789106

>the worst analysis of a nuanced genius is a good way to measure someone’s understanding of his work

>> No.10789108

Kill yourself unironically

>> No.10789110

I Am Legend
Kafka on the Shore
American Psycho
Life 3.0

>> No.10789112
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>> No.10789116
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>> No.10789118

Did he just pick up the entry level /lit/ chart?

>> No.10789128

i call it either bullshit or this is the result of that pre muslim swedish education that everybody talked about back in the day. Maybe they taught kids in school that method to read fast and understand everything

>> No.10789129

also beyond good and evil

>> No.10789132

They're just popular books

>> No.10789135

Most of what he read is easily digestible, so I don't think it's that hard to read those 6 books.

>> No.10789138

He wanted to get into reading more and asked for recommendations on his channel, particularly scifi.

>> No.10789139

The Metamorphasis and Other Stories
Twilight of the Idols
Ecce Homo

>> No.10789141

I Am Legend
Kafka on the Shore
American Psycho
Life 3.0

>> No.10789142

5 books this month

>> No.10789153

im reading the pillars of the earth, and in almost a month (barely reading at night after i come back from work/gym) i've read 70. Should i kill myself or it's okay if i don't have that much time to read?

>> No.10789155

I read 200 pages of The Recognitions, feels bad to be BTFO by pewds but I'm telling myself it's because he only has to work for like an hour a day

>> No.10789157

non-ironically Wallace

>> No.10789161

he read really stupid entry level shit for children that he didn’t understand

>> No.10789163
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and has other faggots that edit his videos. But he went on a trip to Japan for almost the enite month and still BTFO of us

>> No.10789166

How much of a brainlet do you have to be to think that you need special training to read 6 books in a month? The guy makes youtube videos for a living, he probably has quite a lot of free time too.

>> No.10789172

you should stop reading that shit for starters, also try becoming a millionaire with nothing to do all day, that might give you more free time

>> No.10789173


Have you ever run a blog? It's amazing how much shit you'll do when you feel like there's a purpose to it. Pewds is no different from your average blogspotter in terms of work ethic. He's gamified his life. Subscribers are his achievements. Comments his badges. He wears them both proudly as he dances through his mid-life crisis on screen to the whole world.

>> No.10789175

each book is like 1200 pages and i bet the does other stuff in his day. I can barely read a 1200+ pages book in two months

>> No.10789178
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fresh new meme for you guys

>> No.10789182
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look it's another "my tates are better than yours" episode

>> No.10789184
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I fucking hate this board now

>> No.10789186

I'm NEET and the only book I've finished from cover to cover this year has been Blood Meridian.
I can only read 6-15 pages an hour. I have no responsibilities what so ever.

>> No.10789189

you read 20 pages per day?

>> No.10789191

to be fair I probably wouldnt understand Nietzsche in english either

>> No.10789194


>> No.10789198

kind of, or 30

>> No.10789200

this snownigger outreading a whole board

>> No.10789203

>his biggest achievement was reading a book when he was ten

>> No.10789205

>each book is like 1200 pages
Except none of them are over 600.

>> No.10789211

>each book is like 1200
None of thpse books are that long.

>> No.10789212

I am legend is like 160 pages. What are you talking about. Kafka on the shore is about 400, and so is american psycho.

>> No.10789213

"I can relate a lot to Patrick Bateman" Is also memable.

>> No.10789222
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>If you're standing in a line in a grocery store, every other person becomes... a nuissance, sort of.
Is /ourguy/ quoting our /otherourguy/?

>> No.10789265
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>> No.10789285

he did NOT read all that in a month

>> No.10789290

>tfw only read five books so far this year

>> No.10789293

Playing vidya, reading books, and IRL shitposting on cam is basically his full time job. So not tha

>> No.10789333
File: 60 KB, 388x500, hdkbindingweb_sean_mcsorley[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In February I read:

A Single Man - Isherwood
The Time Machine - H. G. Wells
Norwegian Wood - Murakami
Heart of Darkness - Conrad
Ice - Anna Kavan

Not that impressive as they're mostly quite short. All good stuff though.

>> No.10789367

Picture of Dorian Grey
Brave New World

I'm currently reading Star Maker by Olaf.

>> No.10789369

How's Ice?

>> No.10789385

Ice is a strange one but I really liked it. I'll link you to a quick review I did for anon earlier today >>10787103

>> No.10789390


>> No.10789402

>archetypes and the collective unconcious

>> No.10789424

Only read Houellebecq- the extension of the domain of the struggle (or whatever). Only 160 pages. I’m a brainlet for pages read per month

... but I did have sex about 14 times.

Need to read more!

>> No.10789435
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Wait for his review of Culture of Critique.

>> No.10789438
File: 47 KB, 768x371, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are small time. I read 15 books last month

>> No.10789440

me too anon, me too (also, source of your gif?)

>> No.10789473

>keeping track of how many books and pages you read
leave this board, pseud

>> No.10789474

What does /lit/ think of audio books?

>> No.10789481

Not him, but it's from God Bless America. I wouldn't recommend watching it, it's a very shallow and dumb film.

>> No.10789482

>he talked a lot about race, about the german race and how complex it is
>he also talked a lot about the jews
>I didn't really understand what he was trying to say
suuuuuuuuuure pewdiepie

>> No.10789632

I don't remember the last time I read a book

>> No.10789662


>> No.10789760

based pewds
Seriously though it's nice that the biggest channel does encourage a bit of reading, even if it's entry level stuff.

>> No.10789767

More than the people that post on this board.