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10787222 No.10787222 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of Chomskys office?

>> No.10787226

Spiritless and full of redundant material like the man himself

>> No.10787228

looks like a normal office for someone with a job related to books

>> No.10787234

I meant to say related to writing

>> No.10787238
File: 332 KB, 1600x1200, chomsky-office-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more than a few years later

>> No.10787239
File: 321 KB, 1200x1600, chomsky-office-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noam dogsky

>> No.10787242

don't trip over your fedora

>> No.10787248

>and that's how the cats are dominating Americas foreign policy decisions

>> No.10787249
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Sup leftypol

>> No.10787255
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>> No.10787311

>CIA doing their job really well

Not seeing any problem here, hope Trump gives them more funding

>> No.10787315

>doing their job really well
but what was the job?
was it a job that should be done?

>> No.10787320

Fuck yeah, resentful injun reds need to be kept down


>> No.10787325
File: 109 KB, 513x791, merika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10787342

Memes aside I unironically believe the USA is the greatest superpower that has ever or could ever have existed on this planet and if the CIA being dastardly badasses is necessary for ensuring that position then I'm all for it

>> No.10787345

good lord, what the fuck is the point? all that reading and business and all he can churn out is quintessentially middlebrow propaganda about bullshit like Human Nature and how mass media is le devil.

>> No.10787357

It looks like he needs to, dare I say it, clean his room.

>> No.10787365
File: 553 KB, 733x1024, contra diction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the greatest superpower that has ever or could ever have existed on this planet and if the CIA being dastardly badasses is necessary for ensuring that position then I'm all for it

>> No.10787371
File: 77 KB, 600x448, william-f.-buckley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a challenger appears

>> No.10787378

yeah... about that challenge

>> No.10787386

he's also quite the linguist, i hear

>> No.10787463

>middlebrow propaganda


>> No.10787501

>Memes aside I unironically
Oh the irony.

>> No.10787585

Seems about right that Chomsky would adopt a weak feminine dog like that. A real man would have a hunting dog

>> No.10787778

"I have aids but I'm happy" what the fuck kinda book is that

>> No.10787789

It's a book about being happy despite having AIDS.

>> No.10787794

Is he trying to hint something?

>> No.10787799

Do you think the dog might have AIDS? Can the dog even read

>> No.10787819

It's Chomsky's dog of course it can fucking read.

>> No.10787842

old people get small dogs

>> No.10787847

reddit spotted

>> No.10787856

Old kikes maybe, my Irish Grampa had a German Shepherd the size of a bear when he died

>> No.10787863

so this is the power of Hillary....

>> No.10787875

>my Irish Grampa had a German Shepherd
i'm happy for you

>> No.10787887

They're both dead now :)

>> No.10787907

Does the dog browse reddit?

>> No.10788022

>bullshit like Human Nature
I see lysenkoism is still going strong.