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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 92 KB, 774x963, youngmelville.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10786231 No.10786231 [Reply] [Original]

Are you fucking kidding me? How am I suppose to respond to that? Punch him in the face?

>> No.10786236

>Talk not to me of blasphemy, man; I'd strike the sun if it insulted me

>> No.10786242

I account it high time to get to sea as soon as you can.

>> No.10786294


>> No.10786299

I had a professor cite Moby Dick as an example of "bloated, cluttered writing" and bring up the "paid by the line meme," which I'm not even sure applies to Melville.

>> No.10786334

the dude died a destitute loser.

>> No.10786637

I just read this line today for the first time and it stuck me well. I can see though that this type of language wouldn't register well with many, considering the general aversion to exuberant prose. And I'm not talking minimalism versus max either. There's something in these 19th century novels that's kind overwhelming but enjoyable while remaining centred and coherent, though long winded, as though a listener could stay with you paragraph to paragraph waiting for your purpose, enjoying themselves, taking pleasure in the solemness and dignity of the speaker; such that a minister after a sip of spirits has loosened his tongue begins to revel and tease the souls into their communion, and those present take no heed of his sin, for they are themselves in want of some vigour and awe to allow themselves be suspended.

Worse than moralists condemning heroes of the past for what was normal then are those that condemn the aesthetics of the past for what is not popular now. People like this are ridiculously ignorant sometimes.

>> No.10786643

Feels good having a patrician father. Unfortunate he got into drugs and became homeless, though.

>> No.10786652

Maybe ask him what makes him think so and have an actual discussion with him instead of running back to your room to post on the internet about it.

>> No.10786679

That's the price you pay for being patrish

>> No.10786684

Probably didn't mean it, just thought of a book most normies think of as bloated and long to convey the message clearly.

>> No.10786685

Some people refuse to discuss their declarations, if you ask them why they think that they say "I dunno, I just do lol"

>> No.10787220


>> No.10787399

>knows his father
>his father is still alive
>actually talks to his father

Get off my literary board, pleb

>> No.10787443
File: 187 KB, 557x313, Facepalm11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in Eastern Europe
>dad watches History Channel crap and fully buys into american propaganda
>thinks US overwhwlmingly won both world wars and is the best nation on Earth

>> No.10787448

kill his wife's son

>> No.10787453

this, normalfags should just leave

>> No.10787474

what a disgusting fucking painting

what kind of a soyboy makes something like that?

>> No.10787484

Moby Dick is my dad's favorite book.

>> No.10787503


>> No.10787512


Why is Moby Dick considered the great American novel when only 2 characters are American and 99% of the novel takes place on the ocean?

>> No.10787576

Because its written by an American you fucking idiot

>> No.10787624

Wow I can't believe you fell for the bait, just as Moby Dick (whale) did.

>> No.10787630


Doesn't make it an American book. That's like saying Lolita isn't an American book because it's written by a Russian.

>> No.10787641
File: 45 KB, 420x420, 1-20-17-jones-stone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't make it an American book.

>> No.10787647

>t. Russian propaganda buyer

>> No.10787654

This. Based Polski Dad getting redpilled while his faggot son worships Stalin

>> No.10787655

i mean literature does literally fall in and out of fashion: there are dozens books on how shakespeare fell in and out of favour in the 400 years since he was writing. In academia Spenser and the Faerie Queene was relatively unfashionable until he had a huge revival in the 80's and 90's; T. S. Eliot played a large part in re-popularising writers like Donne and Herbert but their contemporaries Carew and Herrick remain obscure. Walter Scott and The Pilgrim's Progress both used to be bestsellers and are borderline unread now.

Your old man could be right: it seems a lot of the writers of the "American Renaissance" - Emerson, Hawthorne, Thoreau - are perhaps not read as much as they used to be amongst younger people- except when they are forced in the classroom. Moby Dick isn't immune to trends.

>> No.10787665

>In academia Spenser and the Faerie Queene was relatively unfashionable until he had a huge revival in the 80's and 90's;

And promptly fell out of fashion again.
I belive Melville is actually in the middle of another renaissance if anything. OP's Dad would have been right about Melville 20 years ago when the rotthen Heminites had a tight grasp on modernist departments but now there is a growing return to the bold and romantic

>> No.10787680

yeah i wasn't actually sure whether Melville was or was not a big noise atm; - although i do remember there was a revised edition of Pierre printed a few years ago called "The Kraken edition" or something weird.
I reckon Spenser (and Sidney) are due for another comeback soon - especially when you consider just how popular sidney was at the start of last century, particularly if you think there's an ongoing return to romance

>> No.10787684

this -

By the way, leave us normies alone.

>> No.10787688


>> No.10787701

Kill yourself


>> No.10788593

>muh daddy issues
>op is bad

>> No.10788604

Your father is a true man, unlike mine.

>> No.10788622

So, the nationality of the characters affects the nationality of the novel? Hamlet is a Danish play? just kys please

>> No.10788638

My old man happens to be Mexican and despite owning thousands of books, knows jack shit about American lit. But you're right, reading trends come and go all the time.

>> No.10788820

My only daddy issue is him being
dead you faggot

O father why have you forsaken me

>> No.10788833
File: 233 KB, 374x372, mnslv1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Harpoon that literal motherfucker

>> No.10789143

Sounds like he's cheerfully consigned himself to perdition

>> No.10789180

Nobodies mentioned but thats a fantastic drawing of Melville

>> No.10789195

He did:

>> No.10789199

Ignore the one with no taste

>> No.10789224

why cant I grow a beard like that? I feel like an emasculated pos

>> No.10789245

Too much soy

>> No.10789271

>great hairline
>great beard genes
>blue eyes
>god Tier author

Why do some people have everything?

>> No.10789278

He was also a depressed alcoholic

>> No.10789279

He was also deeply depressed throughout his life and his son killed himself

>> No.10789294

bad genes
shut the fuck up you subhuman retard

>> No.10789302

Found the soyboy

>> No.10789304


>> No.10789322

You sound like a Trumptard, what are you even doing on /lit/?

>> No.10789493

Dropping important redpills on /pol/s intellectual wing

>> No.10789574

>calling people soyboy is "dropping redpills"


>> No.10789657

Memetic warfare, shift the rhizome. Praise kek

>> No.10791359

Clean your cave, neckbeard

>> No.10791366


>> No.10791372

>having a father than reads books
pleb. you don't know these levels of self advancement trustfags.

>> No.10791394

You were on the right track but you had to use a semi colon. A modern way out of structure and a band aid to run-on word vomit. Before I use a semicolon, I always ask myself if it would be better to just use a full stop and continue with a fresh sentence. Other than that it was a pleasure to read your meta-drivel.

>> No.10791400

why would you punch your father in the face for having a bad opinion?

>> No.10791412

>faggot shit u wrote
>not using correct grammar
You were on the right track but you had to use a semi colon; a modern way out of structure and a band aid to run-on word vomit; Before I use a semicolon, I always ask myself if it would be better to just use a full stop and continue with a fresh sentence; Other than that it was a pleasure to read your meta-drivel;

>> No.10791425

Not only are you stupid, you are also uncreative and lazy. A trait of the classic American field negroe.

>> No.10791435

cat:mouse dog:bone nigger:chicken anon:dick ;;;;;;;!

>> No.10791436

I don't get what you wrote.

>> No.10791438

Obviously I won't...

>> No.10791439
File: 28 KB, 512x534, smuglocke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw /lit/ is triggered by some dumb boomer's thoughtless comment
nice autism guys

>> No.10791442

it was a shitpost tbf

>> No.10792694

Fucking this. /lit/ is a dead fathers board only.

>> No.10792794

In the broad, it actually is..

>> No.10792808

Sounds to me that he's just trying to communicate, hold some kind of dialogue, and failing poor fellow. Otherwise I would just say that it doesn't need to be fashionable because it's perennial, not at all like the shit he himself is at least theoretically reading..

>> No.10792886

It is out of fashion just like 99% of books here. Most of them are long and boring as hell. Only contrarians like them.

>> No.10793014

Art needs suffering

>> No.10793035

I'll open up here. Am I the only one who reads shit like "Moby Dick" purely for its historical and cultural significance? It's so fucking boring along with most old books. Even 90 page Heart of Darkness is extremely boring.

>> No.10793050

>implying all suffering comes from not having a father figure

Holy shit, you sound like strippers with daddy issues. "I'm only special if I'm fatherless, want a bj for $10?"

>> No.10793469

pic related

>> No.10793497

Do you ever read fiction for enjoyment? Which books?

>> No.10793501

Bolaño, Cortazar, Borges.

>> No.10793502

ask him if he thinks the old man and the sea is out of fashion, and if yes, which of the two he considers better. (it's a bait question. you must test your father)

>> No.10793515

many greats do

>> No.10793533

So anything prior to the 40s is unenjoyable for you? That’s pretty odd

>> No.10793551

He likes Hemingway. But I have to ask him if he thinks MD is better.

>> No.10793555

What do you read for enjoyment published prior the 40s?

>> No.10793573

tijuana bibles

>> No.10793624

The Book of Margery Kempe

>> No.10793638

that's it, one book? not even an author?

>> No.10795661

patriarchal suffering is far more aesthetic than the nihilistic despair of not having a father figure.

>> No.10797212

That's what 4chan generally is. An amalgamation of men without a real father.

>> No.10797271

Bingo. Without a mentor, without guidance. I may be fucked up but I'm really glad that I somehow began reading books.

>> No.10797282

Same, probably wouldn't be alive without them.

>> No.10797825
File: 191 KB, 2538x3554, susan wise bauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the medieval equivalent of an illiterate woman's Livejournal
Excellent taste, my friend. I love how she forces her husband to take a vow of chastity, then three pages later, she informs us that she's pregnant with her sixth child.

>> No.10797852

This is why our culture worships self destruction. People like you are ruining everything.

>> No.10797861

Is English your first language? If not, I understand why you wouldn't like it.

>> No.10798113

>acknowledges that classics aren't fashionable anymore
>complains about YA trash being in vogue and classics declining in popularity

>> No.10799153

Yeah she's an irritating little attention seeker, friend. I unironically hate women.