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File: 75 KB, 750x750, 1491177874735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10786143 No.10786143 [Reply] [Original]

Write your thoughts on life in this thread.

>> No.10786165

life's ok

>> No.10786166
File: 614 KB, 1000x1600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really need a relationship, as I feel like I'm becoming more unstable

>> No.10786175
File: 41 KB, 376x567, a511378729386f267f141b2d310a6a91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is mans experience of the five stages of grief, when faced with death.

>> No.10786187

I think it's important to learn about yourself and how to take care of yourself so that you can function in the way you want to. Up until a year ago I spent most of my life feeling like shit, physically and mentally. When I finally learned to live in a way that allows me to thrive it was obviously a life changing breakthrough. I don't know if other people also have had this struggle, but I hope everyone learns to live in a way that allows them to feel good and be happy.

>> No.10786189

What I've thought about recently is that there are actually a lot of people with potential to be successful and absolutely triumph and whatever they do, but they end up resigning to be mediocre. Their lives are just series of sad compromises into wageslavery. The decision to be great or to exert yourself fully at something seems to be made really young, when you are maybe 13 or 14.

>> No.10786193

Every time I accomplish something I've always wanted, I no longer want it. Also I just finished The Maze Runner, no words can describe my disgust

>> No.10786198
File: 172 KB, 1280x720, reversetrap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is... is this a trap? reverse trap? pls.

>> No.10786200

virtue is just aesthetics applied to the moral plane

>> No.10786202

I agree for the most part and it ties in quite well with my view>>10786187 , but I think the decision to be great can happen at any age once a realization has been made. It is probably just harder to do it when you're older.

>> No.10786203
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>> No.10786217

yes... it is way harder. you can be at peace/have a realization that makes you happy at any age... but the window for the choice of greatness seems to be short and come early

>> No.10786221

I can't think I'm a retard and I want to die. I'm struggling and don't know when to stop.

>> No.10786227

The three evils: intention, complicity, observation

>> No.10786282

every time I think about the fact that someday I'm going to die, it makes my life less insufferable than it is

>> No.10786284

Please read the bible

>> No.10786286

im thinkin i wanna fuck his boipucci

>> No.10786295

Life is merely the journey we take to reaching the afterlife where we'll either be stuck in the astral plane on Earth or transcend to heaven. Life is simply a huge joke put on by God and you either get it or you don't.

>> No.10786311

Ciara a shit.

>> No.10786325
File: 147 KB, 1200x675, JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still in love with her tobehonest
i read a whole lot of book btw still an emotionally stunted pathetic excuse for existence

>> No.10786333

More pics?

>> No.10786338

Everyone has a purpose in life.
Not every one fulfills their purpose.
Every one deserves to love their life.
Not everyone lives with love in their life.

Love is one of the main purposes of living.
Life comes from the idea of love.

>> No.10786346

i feel ya bro
sometimes we need some escape no matter how pathetic it is

>> No.10786354

The most important thing that a person can have is drive. Drive, passion, desire, determination, these are all the things that motivate people to try harder, and give meaning to life. Without it, you won't succeed. Without it, life has no meaning. Sometimes, giving your life meaning is impossible.

>> No.10786375

trips confirm: more pics.

who is this fruity qt. her calm eyes are phoenician or some shit, or out of an illuminated manuscript.

>> No.10786383

The only girls I love happen to be lesbians. Historically saying, this is impossible. Kim Possible was a lesbian, too, but I never loved the bitch.

>> No.10786399


>> No.10786405

already there bro, thanks

>> No.10786419

While we are on the subject, what happened to Agatha?

>> No.10786496


>> No.10786512

I really, really, really want a girlfriend

>> No.10786515

I really, really like women.

>> No.10786517

if that were true then u would have one

>> No.10786523

I really, really like tits

>> No.10786528

I hate myself more than I like women. I'm comfortable hating myself

>> No.10786536

Fucking assholes need to stop throwing stufd at my head

>> No.10786580

I'm quite unhappy with my life and wouldn't much mind at all if it ended. What gets me the most is that the world is just welling with opportunities and beautiful human experiences but I will never get to partake in them. I do feel as if I've been railroaded into a 60 year long cycle of depressive tedium and monotony. I can not really see a future for myself at all. The person who I am today would greatly disappoint my younger self and the future me will probably do the same. Life is just a never ending stream of failure and unhappiness.

1/10 would not recommend. Hope to be reincarnated as a rock or some shit next time around.

>> No.10786583

>but I will never get to partake in them
Why do you say this?

>> No.10786602

read A Painful Case

>> No.10786611
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>tfw spent the night looking up jewish qts on okcupid knowing i'll never meet them

>> No.10786630
File: 150 KB, 650x450, muujee_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some.

>> No.10786640

If that's all there is to life then what the hell is there to grieve?

>> No.10786659

Your definition of greatness sounds like it's arbitrary and based on the opinions of others. Any life can become a great tragic story. Even if the first 40 years of your life were just a shitty prologue. Read some Nietzsche.

>> No.10786663

Such things haven't been made available to me and unfortunately I'm not the type of person who is capable of seeking them out and attaining them on my own. Change is possible but I don't think it is very likely in my case.
Sounds juicy. Will do.

>> No.10786668

Can one gain a work ethic at 19 if I've had shitty habits most of my life?

I have the other ingredients. I definitely have passion, desire, and intellect. I'm also going to a good college, so the possibilities are theoretically endless, but if I'm going to get anywhere in life I have to somehow fix my work ethic. I'm terrified I will never achieve what I want out of nothing more than laziness. Is it too late for me?

>> No.10786704

I have an illness that keeps me from most activities a normal life consist of.
I try to fight it's restrictions daily in pursuit of something better in life.
While I understand that everyone has their own problems, I can't help but be annoyed by whiny faggots talking about how hard life is.
I realize these feelings are just me throwing a mini pity party, and trying to validate my own suffering.
It's pretty appealing to think you have it harder than everyone else. Pretty sure most people on 4chan feel like they do.
That's not a very good reason to give up trying for something better though.
Keep at it anons, and I will too.

>> No.10786717

To me, it seems like the key to satisfaction throughout life is to create a well defined set of morals and values before you leave your parent's house. Once you do, it becomes a game of taking risks and constantly pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. That way you can get a job, a spouse, friends, etc. that you went on a journey for and feel really happy with having. No idea what comes after that desu

>> No.10786765
File: 140 KB, 960x960, Jeez thats me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is a lonely piece of shit... Plot twist: That's also me

>> No.10786777

Yes, at least I managed to improve. Find a job, something you don’t hate. Make money. Realize work pays off.
My problem was that I needed gratification for the time and work I put in. I knew that studying will eventually pay off, but I also knew that the reward was years away, it was hard to motivate myself. When I started working, I got my gratification each week. I rewarded myself for studying with the money I made. Problem solved.

>> No.10786778

The only goal in life is to experience it.

>> No.10786813

I was born too late to devote myself to God without feeling like im deluding myself.

I wonder why I dont commit suicide.

>> No.10786862

i don't quite understand people who think you have to "work hard," "have drive" etc in order to enjoy life (and seem to think everyone else should feel the same as them, otherwise they "fail at life" etc etc); in fact i think things like work, family, friends etc are generally at best a distraction, a crutch to divert from the emptiness you would otherwise undoubtedly feel
you probably haven't truly learned to enjoy life until you learn to be content with nothing or very little - not that hard when the whole world seems to be trying its hardest to make you feel detached from it anyway

>> No.10786939

Shit's weird man. You never expect people want to hurt you, or help you, how they'll do either of those things, even that you may have already, or might eventually, do those things in the eyes of someone else. In the end I just end up avoiding one in favor of the other and life seems alright.

>> No.10786945

>"work hard," "have drive" etc in order to enjoy life

You work hard to have a life

>> No.10786971
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>> No.10787005

I was blue balled tonight. I’m really, really horny.

>> No.10787016

I tried to be a decent man

>> No.10787029
File: 26 KB, 540x354, DXWpoX6VoAACuq9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same bro

>> No.10787618

Now that I'm alive I guess I have to live my life

>> No.10787625

Well all get what we deserve, and we all deserve death.

>> No.10787627


>> No.10787629


>> No.10787643

Love makes the tedium of life bearable, but it should not be that way. It should not take love to make the sun beautiful.

>> No.10787652

If the entire world were predicated on how to make you happy, it'd spend the majority of time convincing you were wrong.
Aka the majority of our misery would be alleviated through changes in perspective that enable happier thoughts and better attitudes to how to act, thus better actions.

>> No.10787749

Life: You may end up suffering and not suffering. If you suffer you may either endure until natural death or kill yourself and go to hell if god exists or not go to hell if god doesn't exist.

>> No.10787809

She’d make a real pretty boy :)

>> No.10787961
File: 7 KB, 250x241, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who is this fruity qt. her calm eyes are phoenician or some shit, or out of an illuminated manuscript.
why do white women get praise at this level?

>> No.10787973

woman of color detected.

>> No.10787982

>Change is possible but I don't think it is very likely in my case.
you poor young man
what happened to hope? Even people in the farthest reaches of the planet with no phones or internet have hope, what happened to yours? I advise spending more time with yourself in silence preferably so you can really think about what it is you want and what you're willing to do to get it.

>> No.10788047

She turned 18, got too much negative or questionable attention, and couldn't take it anymore.

>> No.10788557

Critique my poem pls:

You can't quit until you try
You can't live until you die
You can't learn to tell the truth until you learn to lie
Can't breathe until you choke
You gotta laugh when you're the joke
There's nothing like a funeral to make you feel alive
Just open your eyes
Just open your eyes and see that life is beautiful.
Will you swear on your life,
That no one will cry at my funeral?

>> No.10788565

could really use a wife...

>> No.10788573

black, bleak dark like my sould

nothing here but scorched sand and dirt

and yet despite all my rage I am little more than a rat in the cage


>> No.10788770

I'm having a hard time feeling like things which have the potential to make me happy are meaningful. I have been going to the gym recently and feel better already for example - the happy chemicals are flowing more freely I suppose - but there is still a void at the bottom of my life. Any kind of career or love or other sort of worldly phenomenon seems to be fundamentally separate from my need for a transcendent meaning which I can't seem to grasp at all. It's just all very tame and pointless.

>> No.10788782

I would like to accept Christianity - the idea that God himself created man in his image, and sent his only son in the shape of man to show us that our flesh does infact reflect something absolute and eternal - but it just seems like such a cop out. I'm so desperate for a transcendent dimension that I've come up with a belief that seems much more realistic to me: our universe was designed to give birth to ever more increasingly complex conscious systems, and that God's endgame is a mix of Hegel and Land where an AI that assimilates all information in the universe into its hardware becomes an "absolute consciousness", knowing everything objectively and totally without subject-object distinction. I don't know what the meaning is behind increasingly the complexity of consciousness, but I can at least convince myself to believe that our universe was designed in order to produce that. Life is still absolutely worthless, but at least I can inhabit a universe where I can observe meaning being created.

>> No.10788825
File: 32 KB, 633x758, don't open dead inside.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cynicism and nihilism are what everyone turns to at one point or another. Sooner or later, you'll become a nihilist and a cynic, no matter how idealistic you are, no matter how many delusions and fake trappings you use to convince yourself that life isn't terrible. Worse still, once you become a nihilist and a cynic, you can never go back to being anything else. You may feel for a few moments like you can change your mindset, that life IS going to get better, but those are just brief lapses in suffering, you'll turn around soon enough. if you don't believe me, just look at the elderly. Why are they always so bitter and miserable? because they already went through that process.

>> No.10788852

It could be worse, but it could also be better

>> No.10788862

Some years ago, in a different century than this. Boys filled onto boats in a orderly manner. Then brought to larger boats were they tried to sleep but couldn't. Some hours later they again filled onto smaller boats, again in a orderly fashion.
As they approached the beach they could see plumes of acrid smoke rise into the air like a vengeful deamon & hear the snap of machine gun & rifle fire.
When they landed on the beach that's when they experienced the meaning of the word explosion.
Artillery rained down upon them like and ungodly tempest.
Later that day those who survived were numb to everything except that sulphuric smell combined with rotten flesh.
They tasted that diabolic odor before they'd ever tasted the sweet ambrosia that is pussy.
Those lucky enough to survive but unlucky enough to lose & arm or leg or testacle would, due to their disfiguring, only ever taste the lips of a paid whore, never knowing the gentle embrace of a woman in love.
Whatever you do in life, no matter how hard or unfair this game called life seems, remember those boys who were studs of the highest order, and what they went through. Do this & you will be granted proper perspective.

>> No.10788871


>> No.10788899

Life is enjoyable but not always. For every high point there is an equal and opposite low point. But if you can content yourself with something, a goal, a purpose, a reason, it is more good than bad. And its beautiful. Beauty can be found in small and strange places. Its constantly surprising. And it can bend and break you at times. It can get unbelievably hard but things can always get better is a thought to hold near.
And pizza. Pizza is an aspect of my life that I never fail to appreciate.

>> No.10788969

Life is the absense of void

>> No.10788972

life is the void

>> No.10789223

This, brown girls are a true patrician's choice

>> No.10789355

Life's a bitch and then you die.

>> No.10789392

her eyes are similar to mine, but i'm a boy (male)

>> No.10789404

Why observation you massive pseud

>> No.10789409

That's why I puff lye.

>> No.10789420
File: 60 KB, 429x639, bob-dylan-montreal-1975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is sad, life is a bust
All you can do is do what you must
You do what you must do and you do it well
I'll do it for you, honey baby, can't you tell?

>> No.10789466

damn i used to listen to her while editing at night
never commented or anything, just enjoyed the comfiness

>> No.10789477

Alright if they were song lyrics but an uninspiring poem, bit childish. I'd suggest tying to write in an existing form for practice, sonnets wouldn't be a bad place to start

>> No.10790654


>> No.10790657

you must love yourself to love another person

>> No.10790710

I am so tired of living and I want to die someone please help me I can't take much more of my depression. I can't see any point in going on much longer

>> No.10790774

Start by eating healthy and working out. Worked for me

>> No.10790779

everyone should do this.

>> No.10790974

t. someone who has never read the nihilists nor the cynics.

>> No.10790981

I hate myself less than I did yesterday, so I guess I'm winning?

>> No.10790990

Thank you, thank you, thank you

>> No.10791034

What is troubling you? I want to hear about it

>> No.10791038

I feel like I've hit a wall in my development. I have decided that practically every person I've met has some good traits whether those be intelligence, physical beauty, charm, or compassion. When I look at myself, however, I don't see much bad but I also see a total absence of good. So the question for me now is, is it possible to change? Is it possible to gain intelligence or people skills or whatever once childhood is over? I hope it's not too late for me.

>> No.10791054

you sound like a thoughtful person. hope is a positive attribute itself and has many benefits for those around you who can sense it from you

>> No.10791072

Thanks anon, that means a lot.

>> No.10791088

>I feel like I've hit a wall
>I have decided that
>Is it possible to change?
>I hope it's not too late for me

Stop. Introspection is a double edged sword. Do more. Fail more. Correct. Improve. You can become better today than you were yesterday, but you must act.

>> No.10791097

I have chronic depression that just can be event triggered or can just trigger randomly that leaves me gripping my head face first in my bed for hours. I don't eat well and don't exercise like the other anon suggested which probably contributes to this, and I don't really speak closely with anyone other than my childhood best friend and this girl on the internet who is now more of a source of depression and stress rather than a person I look forward to speaking to and have nice conversations with. When I am depressed I dissociate immensely and it feels as if everything is a waste a time, or some sort of joke or lie and that all of this is a waste of time. I can't stop thinking about how humanity will be gone one day and that everything that I am doing currently won't really matter in that frame of context and therefore it doesn't really matter what I do at all. I'm basically just very lonely and get random outbursts of depression, and now that online friend is making my depression much worse with all the stupid shit she is involving herself with on a daily basis (drugs, involving herself with bad people, attempting to kill herself, ect.) I just want to be a fucking good person jesus christ

>> No.10791106

Accurate and helpful, thanks. I have been a lot less active lately in a lot of ways.

>> No.10791161

I think my life is fuckng lame hahaaaaaaaaaaa
I wanna drop out so fucking bad bro but I know that staying in college is objectively the best and easiest thing I could do right now
I'm setting myself up to take a semester off but my roommate decided that I was going to choose an apartment for next year (kind of a dick move on his part honestly) and I haven't told him. Sucks because normally he's a great friend and I feel like I'm being a total dick
Gonna try and see a therapist this summer

>> No.10791227

There's this girl I know who I think only talks to me when she's reading a book
We used to work together which is how we know each other. She knew I read a lot cause during my lunch breaks I would usually read. We lost contact for a few months. The type of people she kept around as friends aren't the reading type. She then started talking to me again about two months ago, and since we last talked she started reading a bit. Most of our talking the past few weeks has been about books, when we started talking again she was in the middle of a book, then she finished it. When she finished it, she stopped talking to me for a few days. Then she suggested we read a book together, so we started a book and we were talking a lot. She just finished a book a few days ago, and has not talked to me since. I have a feeling when she gets really into reading she likes to talk to me, because I'm probably the only person she knows who reads

>> No.10791307

I honestly don't understand how depression leads to wanting to end your life. To be suicidal you must have some serious wiring problems in your brain. For me, the more depressed I feel, the tighter I grip onto this experience. My metaphysical knuckles pale white as I squeeze. I am horrified of losing my subjectivity. Recently I have felt really good because my clean diet and exercise every day work for me. The better I feel the less I worry about letting go of my self, strangely. Maybe I am just distracted by my overwhelmingly positive chemical feed I am receiving. Devotion to cultivating a healthy body is the best decision I've ever made.

>> No.10791312

I agree with this post. Very helpful for me.

>> No.10791351
File: 79 KB, 600x900, MvIt5Iv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is mind which percieves manifold forms of life. There is heart, a love undifferentated. Each particular form of life needs its good in order to exist, privation demands it. To give sustenance is to provide life with its good, it is love. To give sustenance is to provide life with its good, it is love. To give sustenance is to provide life with its good, it is love. Life demands love from without, life cannot exist without love from the eternal without.

Mind peers into the without and percieves manifold forms, the heart peers and sees existence supported by the one, by it self.

A perfect one is without movement, love demands a giver and a reciever.

The one becomes almost perfect and in love with itself before seperating and becoming perfect life. The movement now is toward perfect life.

What will the perfect being, the manifold one, find at the pinnacle? Love from top to bottom, past to present. -only the deepest moment of lifes perfection, the greatest embodiment of good, the purest acquiescence to love.

>> No.10791360

The strangeness of it all is what really astonishes me. I'm almost stupefied by our current circumstance. I often look down at my hands and wonder how I ended up here. What a magical coincidence. I'm grateful for everything. I love that I got to experience perception for the minuscule time my subjectivity can sustain itself in this physical realm. This perceived strangeness, I believe, is part of my realization that our perceptive abilities are very finite. We, as humans, have an infantile understanding of causality. An infinite number of variables affecting causality could exist just outside our scope of perception. The causality behind how this subjective experience came to be is simply unknowable, but I am thankful it somehow happened and these glimpses into the world of the strange are very insightful.

>> No.10791377

>muh love is all you need

>> No.10791825

she's a girl, she told me herself, but a slut

>> No.10791827

Ripe was the drowsy hour;
The blissful cloud of summer-indolence
Benumb’d my eyes; my pulse grew less and less;
Pain had no sting, and pleasure’s wreath no flower:
O, why did ye not melt, and leave my sense
Unhaunted quite of all but—nothingness?

Each one the face a moment whiles to me;
Then faded, and to follow them I burn’d
And ached for wings, because I knew the three;
The first was a fair Maid, and Love her name;
The second was Ambition, pale of cheek,
And ever watchful with fatiguèd eye;
The last, whom I love more, the more of blame
Is heap’d upon her, maiden most unmeek,—
I knew to be my demon Poesy.

>> No.10791828

I'm trying, but so much work goes into being able to justify loving yourself

>> No.10792192
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I haven't cried in over a decade and I feel like part of me is missing. The only emotion that I feel strongly anymore is hatred.
I hate how selfish I am. I hate everybody else and I hate myself the most. I'm so tired of it all and I want out.

>> No.10793141
File: 632 KB, 715x540, EvaBathtub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men aren't supposed to cry anyways you fairy. The first step towards love is forgiveness and stop thinking like an anime girl.

>> No.10793164

The only reason I haven't ended my life is because of family. I've thought long and hard about life for multiple years, and I still haven't found any other decent excuse to keep living. A life of mediocrity is worse than death.

>> No.10793171

>A life of mediocrity is worse than death
what foolishness this is

>> No.10793419
File: 8 KB, 299x168, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i havent cried when my father died at 55. feels like im broken
>The only emotion that I feel strongly anymore is hatred.
pic related

>> No.10793430

when snowflakism goes wrong

>> No.10793652

You will never get a relationship if you are unstable.
Trust me.
Fix yourself off before you want to be with someone.

>> No.10793954

Life describes the perceived interacting processes inside and outside the human pattern solving machines. Its direction, subject to pleasure and suffering yet governed by chance, is headed towards nothing at all, the reality of which cannot be grasped at all.
Thus we create obfuscating patterns and distract ourselves succesfully with the actualities of consciousness until we realize the finality of it.

>> No.10794570
File: 78 KB, 470x313, 1301519210_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read some Cioran maybe? It might make things even worse but it might also be a very enjoyable catharthis. I turn to Cioran when I'm feeling my absolute worst.

>> No.10794576

>that Olivia Tremor Control reference

>> No.10794595

>Men aren't supposed to cry anyways you fairy
End this stale meme

>> No.10794602
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This board is awkard

>> No.10794722

What do you want to cry about?

>> No.10794765

if you're a man and frequently cry, in private or in public, then you really need to assess what kind of a person you are. its not just a meme: male sensitivity is a genuine weakness.

>> No.10794779

I don't cry. That's the problem.

I don't know, just strong emotions.

>> No.10794787

i wasn't talking about you though

>> No.10794814

Get out of my head

>> No.10794947

>I don't know, just strong emotions.
How is water coming out of your eyes tied to strong emotions. Crying is so strange.

>> No.10795029
File: 104 KB, 750x888, E06F9427-A77F-411B-915C-8E17D65FC492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something about the contrast in color when you fuck a brown girl gets me hard. Like, it just makes the connection that much more dramatic in a way when you penetrate them. There’s this feeling of foreignness you get from copulating with something so different from yourself, like you’re not supposed to but you are, and the cognitive dissonance that comes with it is exhilarating.

That’s the best way I can explain it you know? Also white women tend to be downright insufferable most of the time. I much prefer latinas, or this one petite half-polynesian chick I banged.

>> No.10795061
File: 25 KB, 290x281, 20101218_xjc736.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> If you don't believe me, just look at the elderly
What the fuck are you talking about elderly people are, on average, one of the happiest age groups.

>> No.10795101

Are you a Martian?

>> No.10795188

It doesn't take a martian to realize the strangeness of the circumstance we have found ourselves in.

>> No.10795202

Fuck, tf no south asian gf
Going to uni in BC is suffering, way too many qt indian grills

>> No.10795545

I smoked DMT and realized the absolute futility of human existence. It was not the usual anti-natalist gimmick. I saw human beings as an alien culture would view us: fragile, vain, totally devoid of a rigid framework of nobility, only the desire to either dominate or keep your head to the ground so that you can wait a while for a deal to be cut for you. I am amazed at how people laugh this off. You may call them a waste of life, a pretentious nobody, a megalomaniac, but it all washes off like a rain coat on a tap. But when you call them a pseud you will be astonished as to how they shrink back, how injured they are, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."

>> No.10795564
File: 82 KB, 640x659, 39c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never would have thought a mere 4 words could be so eye-opening

>> No.10795619

this >>10786166
You're putting the cart in front of the horse there bud. Only you can fix yourself. No one outside you can.

>> No.10795708

This is top tier delusion. You didn't see anything from the perspective of an alien, you only experienced your own perception devolving into self-fulfilling cynicism and nonsensical assumptions. Ingesting DMT ought to be a humbling experience.

>> No.10796876
File: 44 KB, 552x339, A020FF3C-924A-4BA7-A53A-B663099DE247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, tell me about it
>that Hawaiian girl who I hooked up with and caught mutual feelings for before the summer ended

She was petite, only a little under 5 feet tall, and in amazing rock hard shape, but she still had a very attractive amount of body fat on her. She had these massive thick hips and a pear shaped body with the perkiest little a-cups, thick jet-black Okinawan hair, white facial features with these massive beautiful golden eyes, and she had the cutest little freckles and a pixie cut. One day she came to work wearing a choker and a sundress while sucking on a lollipop and I had to do my best not to get a raging hardon. She just absolutely glowed. We jived perfectly and I’d have wifed the fuck out of her if we each hadn’t had to move 4,000 miles away. She looked like a shorter curvier version of Casca from Berserk it was surreal.

Best sex of my life. She was an absolute beast in bed. I haven’t been able to look at white women the same ever since, it’s crazy.

>> No.10796904

Need pics of her desu.

>> No.10796996

When you're not starving life is just the mechanics of eating,when there's no risk of death ,life's just the logistics of breath

>> No.10797004

You're in class, why don't you try following the curriculum?

>> No.10797010

Do what I can to relieve suffering without causing more suffering.

>> No.10797016


This is Sixx:A.M. song

>> No.10797030

I fell in love a couple of days ago
I've seen her just once
She's from Ukraine
I feel like living again although I'm certain I won't even be able to talk to her once let alone wife her

>> No.10797084
File: 117 KB, 400x300, Eva_kills_leliel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday I was told by my landlord that I am supposed to leave my room because he’d rather rent the house to undergraduates. Before finding this room, I have had a terrible university experience in general. This year was the first were I finally seemed to have found some form of peace, and now I have to leave again.
I would have taken this personally, five years ago. I would have thought, with the mind of youth, that there was some meaning to this, that something must have happened somewhere, that some karmic mechanism was revolting against me - and not, as it actually is, that the landlord is simply choosing the better deal, because undergraduates stay longer and come in groups.
This made me think. I have had the capacity, at a certain point in my life, between my teens and my early twenty, to put every event in a frame of meaning. Everything was a sign from something. Everything, somehow, seemed to be speaking to me of a direction my life was supposed to take. Now I do not have this anymore. This makes me way sadder than just lose my room… It’s like I have lost the capacity of seeing things that happen to me as meaningful in a larger picture. Nothing happens to counterbalance anything else, at least not in a perceivable way. Either some hidden mechanism is still working, or I have completely lost a capacity for illusion that was essential to see life as meaningful.
I thought the “bad phase” of university finished. It’s not like that. It’s more like I have incorporated it and somehow assumed it on me. I am not living any differently. Only, now I don’t see things from the same perspective anymore. Which is not necessarily bad, I am not in pain. The sad thing, though, is that I cannot put myself into that mindset anymore. I can imagine it and remember it, but I cannot follow it in my thought: I don’t “believe it” anymore.
Something irreplaceable has been lost. It means I won’t be able to live experiences with the same intensity. It means good things and bad things will happen out of chance. It means there are no rewards at the end of any effort, because everything you do might still be useless despite the fact that you do it well. It means the next time I fall in love, I won’t believe my daemon is pushing me toward her, or that a god is speaking to me through her, through the way she moves, through the words she says by chance, through her mistakes in speech.

>> No.10797388

>Yesterday I was told by my landlord that I am supposed to leave my room because he’d rather rent the house to undergraduates. Before finding this room, I have had a terrible university experience in general. This year was the first were I finally seemed to have found some form of peace, and now I have to leave again.
Fuck. Good luck anon. My year has started bad and has only turning worse every day.
Each day is slowly being less bearable than the last.

>> No.10797512
File: 103 KB, 640x614, 640px-Geologic_Clock_with_events_and_periods.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is beautiful; full of wonder and sensation. No one seems to realize just how much of an anomaly that planet Earth is. You could live a thousand lifetimes at a thousand different points in our meager history and never fully comprehend or appreciate just how incredible life truly is. Anyone who says they hate living is a fag.

Check out my pic and see if you can possibly understand or even quantify how blessed the human race is to even exist.

>> No.10797790

Nah man, that’s just creepy.

>> No.10797858

Great song.

>> No.10798032

>You could live a thousand lifetimes at a thousand different points in our meager history
But you can't and you gotta deal with the meager hand you're dealt.

>> No.10798373

>missing his point this much

>> No.10798387

i think it's pretty neat

>> No.10798553

Treading onto death with death.

>> No.10798562

Observation of the thing being done, what are you so upset about?

>> No.10798597

It's anarchic.

>> No.10798674

it's a spiral of course

>> No.10798705
File: 63 KB, 480x608, 4pgpNcN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That consciousness is not the engine of behavior but rather it deludes itself in being so and that our current conscious states are not formed from within the self but through a conglomeration of true randomness and external variables impeding influence on a biological apartus may lead to worry about whether morality is a cogent concept since things like blame can no longer be sensibly assigned, but fear not, for as limited as consciousness is, it does provide us with sufficient metaawareness as to correct our behavior in ways rationally consistent with one's ideals which can be got at through experience and introspection; just do not fret over the fact that our thoughts are the result of things outside ourselves and place faith that the apartus awarded to us by evolution is sufficient to converge on morally normative behavior.

>> No.10798779

Anon I haven't gotten laid in months let alone to a brown grill I'm gonna have to ask you to fucking delete this

>> No.10798949

>not being the man who overcomes insurmountable odds who goes on to rise higher than anyone he knows
>not using that stain, sadness, and triumph as concentrated energy to motivate the duck out of yourself and to become exceptional

Weak shit anon.

>> No.10798984


Thank you. I hope your year gets better.

>> No.10798998
File: 7 KB, 326x173, F18B7142-6876-4048-8305-5E74D981D514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From /co/, with love


>> No.10799009

Nigga not a lick of that made any sense. You're not stupid, but you're not yet at the point where you can make profundity a flippant mannerism.

>> No.10799046

>missing my point this much
>implying implications

You can't just praise life and ignore the elephant in the room.
>how blessed the human race
Bless yourself! What is the human race to me? It's a small bit of justice that we exist, true gratitude will be withheld for true accomplishments.

I love, love, love living. I just need more of it. In this I am greedy, I am envious and petty and I like it just this way.

>> No.10799091

All of my qualities have dwindled, under the times at which I've begun writing, as has my physical appearance. My exertions have become irrelevant

>> No.10799141

I have great potential, and I'm very glad about that, it's an anchor in my life.

However, if I think in the context of 'now,' it does not seem nearly that good. I'm sad and angry that I can't get off my ass and do the things I need to do. I'm horrified for the future, it's a constant source of dread, of a life that threatens to go the worst possible way, and knowing it's all up to me, and yet I don't do it. The worst part is that this year is the year that matters the most in my entire life.

I don't know if I'll triumph or fail, but I do know that to triumph, I need to make a switch in myself, something I have wanted for five years, but not been able to accomplish. I'm scared that I'll just fall into the darkness if I don't get my shit together, and I'm scared that I might not.

>> No.10799156

When you make a hole in the net ,the net has less holes

>> No.10799176

Now is the envy of all of the dead.

>> No.10799179

Absolutely no one cares about you, stop posting this kind of garbage. I can't stand the early-twenties American guys that browse this place with the intention of unironically saying dumb shit about their flacid sex lives. Just imagine unironically saying the words "dude I banged this awesome chick." Its beyond belief.

>> No.10799200

If I was 'dead' I'd be horrified by the prospect of others becoming dead.

I want to become a therapist, I want to help others rise above

>> No.10799379

Something something the culture industry

>> No.10799448

I must stop jerking off to her nudes, it's not right.

>> No.10799540

who is she?

>> No.10801294

I was not ;^)

>> No.10801753


>> No.10802136

>Consciousness is an illusion, but we should just pretend it's real lol

>> No.10802177

Life feels like Groundhog Day, except even when I live the whole day flawlessly, I wake up to a slightly shittier version of today for the 3,750th time.

>> No.10802205

That's codependency. Just like the message while travelling by air, put on your own breathing mask first before helping others :)

>> No.10802214

Agree, this is why we need universal basic income; to give people a chance to express their potential and drive creativity

>> No.10802228

Life isn't terrible but society's insanity makes it seem so

>> No.10802246

Where you perceive an imbalance of meaning, create your own :)

>> No.10802272

If we gassed the jews, it would be awesome

>> No.10802485

Hey now, this is a thread about writing your thoughts. I just happen to think with my cock is all.

>> No.10802508

I'm just so bored. Life is boring. Yet I live it and much prefer it to not living. Atleast I can be bored.

>> No.10802510

Don't eat for one day and you won't be bored.

>> No.10802516

Done that. At some point the hunger is gone and I just feel dizzy and lethargic, certainly not entertained.

>> No.10802517

Yes well unfortunately civilisation has stolen my right to live (yet i would not be able to not live in civilization). In Arachaic times people would live on day at a time - each day is a new life. The struggle to survive is our purpose to live and now we have everything and there is no real struggle - so we create these plans for the future - get a degree/get a job. All of these are tasks which require vast amount of time so we are constantly using the present to make the conditions of survival in the future. We have been robbed of the present and been enslaved by the non-existant master of the future. That's why it's boring - shit takes too fucking long

>> No.10802596

I am an eighteen year-old in college. I guess that I am growing up and developing like I should be. This week, I'll be going on my first date (ever). I couldn't have pulled off scheduling a date before, so I guess I should be happy that I'm finally developing and growing up or whatever.

Yet, something is missing. My friends are so focused on getting jobs, moving into an appartment for the first time, going out to eat for dinner etc. These should all be normal things. These should be things that I focus on, and during the daytime, I'm convinced that I am focused on them. But when I fall asleep, so many of my dreams are about high school. I still dream about sneaking out to go smoke and drink; I still dream about talking to my first crush late at night about the idea of running away, and the naive plans we thought up for just going to somewhere else; I still dream about laughing at prank calls. Now, I forced myself to enjoy the things everyone else does. I've sat through hour-long conversations with friends that were just about paying for an appartment. Sure, there are parties in college, and those are exciting in their own way... but, I don't know. Something is gone. I wish I was a stupid high schooler who had his stupid high school friends again.

>> No.10802615

“What if I don’t want it to keep turning? We live our lives by the blood of others! And those others become forgotten. What good is it if everything we know will fade? Great deeds or great tragedies, neither means anything! They will become legends, then those legends will be forgotten, then it will all start over again!”
>The access key began to glow in his hands. The clouds above seemed to grow darker.
>Rand’s anger beat in rhythm with his heart, demanding to be set free.
“What if he is right?” Rand bellowed. “What if it’s better for this all to end? What if the Light was a lie all along, and this is all just a punishment? We live again and again, growing feeble, dying, trapped forever. We are to be tortured for all time!”
>Rand al'Thor, Wheel of Time, TGS

>> No.10802640

Unironically look into Islam. It is not as Christianity - there is constant focus in the Quran on the intellect, and seeking truth. Blind faith (deluding oneself) is criticized heavily.

>> No.10802657

Then you'll need to sort yourself out long before that, mate.

>> No.10802661


I have to concentrate and stave off the delusions. I don't have to solve every hangup of my being, I just need to solve one of them. Focus all of my pathetic life energy into solving a single problem in my life.

Yes, that will be enough for a man like me. In a year from now, I might still be poor, lonely, thirsty and hungry, but if all of my minuscule willpower manifested can bring onto the world the undoing of just one of these conditions, I will be fine, I will be better than fine.

>> No.10802718

It all comes down to chance. Whether you'll be rich or poor, successful or a total loser, happy or miserable, depends on the place and time you'll be born, on your parents and their background, on the education you'll receive, on the people you meet, all of them subject to the same one and only and true law of the universe. That of pure chance.
All the tales of success, so loved by people still under the illusion that someday they'll make it, are, at the end of an absolute honest and impartial analysis, nothing but hymns glorifying random chance, a lucky cast of dice.

>> No.10802726

Good point

>> No.10802733

I think some people ought be beaten to death with hammers.

>> No.10802755

*highfives you back*
Pshh, nothin’ personnel kid

>> No.10802761

It is evident, then, that your family is worth living for, lest you would be necessarily dead by now. Open your eyes to your situation. Understand what compels you to do and say what you do and say. It's obvious that you haven't put any real thought into it and have been too shrouded by your depression, otherwise you would've understood the delusion of your explanation of your own circumstances.

>> No.10802802
File: 536 KB, 2509x1673, 1450549382936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What ought to be cannot be deduced from what is. Reason cannot provide values.

I don't know where to go from here. Everything just seems so arbitrary. Like, why? Why continue, why put up with this shit? Why do I keep waking up everyday? I've become a nihilist par excellence, but you know what, it seems so reasonable: I don't know how to lie to myself. I cant keep doing it, I cant live like this. But what do you do?

Help me 4chan

>> No.10802814

Is this supposed to be your excuse anon?

>> No.10802825
File: 691 KB, 1600x2560, Homo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only our genes get passed on. We're just a temporary side effect.

>> No.10802909

life is silly and true happiness lies in the good company of others.

>> No.10803128

How is the first paragraph even relevant to the second

>> No.10803136

I love Ciara.

>> No.10803139

I fucking hate roasties

>> No.10803204

what do you think are the consequences of living with no values? Do you think people can go on living a carefree, cheerful life when they think nothing matters?

>> No.10803296
File: 343 KB, 2048x1364, D722B38A-819A-484B-A594-BAB1618C2C39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think ridiculous amounts of pain and a bit of selflessness are necessary to live a fulfilling and introspective life. Go outside more if you want to be a better writer. Nature is the most literary element in our lives.

>> No.10803311

dumb words can fall out of my mouth and they will never mean anything

>> No.10803325

Nothing in life is worth what it takes to get it in the first place

>> No.10803395
File: 384 KB, 1345x885, AIDS satans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all AIDS all the time

>> No.10803482

I'm also in the same place as you. I cannot wear the masks everybody seems so comfortable in wearing, and I know behind the masks there is absolutely nothing. But refusing to wear a mask is also a kind of mask.
Thinking about nothing is just another way of avoiding nothingness."Nothing matters" is also a dogma, just another faith.
Why continue? I honestly don't know. I realize this might not be too helpful, right now I'm just keeping busy with nonsense, with the occasional moment of beauty.

>> No.10804238

I struggle to find reasons not to scrape and save enough money to go hole myself up in a comfy house somewhere and live the rest of my life out as a ascetic recluse. I can't seem to understand society, and society doesn't seem to need me.

>> No.10804271

My lemons have rotted and I can't make lemonade.

>> No.10804283

This is me
Going of what this anon >>10803482 said, particularly
>right now I'm just keeping busy with nonsense, with the occasional moment of beauty.

I've been trying two things. First, I try to get into a frame of mind where I can see the beauty more often. I find that reading about people with similar feelings helps a lot, Van Gogh has been hugely inspirational to me in this regard (unrelated, but it's a travesty how he's been memed into "le crazy artist" by popular culture when he was really a incredibly sensitive, insightful man). Second, I try to capture beauty in art. I've mostly been doing poetry and fiction, but I'm planning on branching out into music and visual art soon too.

I'm still a real mess mind you, but this gives at least some sort of framework to develop values around. And that's the real danger of nihilism, once you realize that the implicit framework of society is completely meaningless it's so easy to sink into the quicksand of despair and madness.

>> No.10804521

Entropy is the defining characteristic of all existence.

>> No.10804587

Life is pain, and so is death.

>> No.10805031


You need ritalin/adderall my friend

>> No.10805167

this is a bad mentality to have
1. you will forever be dependent on someone else keeping you in check. rarely does someone ever get into a relationship like that
2. "needing" to be in a relationship is more likely to make the whole thing contrived in the first place, even more so than they usually are. this is an even better way to lessen your chances of finding someone to keep you stable.

if you keep this mentality, there's a 99% chance you only get more unstable and stay that way. work on yourself first

>> No.10805418

I believe we have a purpose. I don't know what it is, but I believe it.

>> No.10805725

Life sucks. Really it all comes down to luck. If you are unlucky with what you get, you can just kys and end it quickly.
I have almost no reason to live anymore. But I haven't got the guts to end it

>> No.10806270

>If you are unlucky with what you get, you can just kys and end it quickly.

t. coward, struggle is glorious

>> No.10806491

That was poetic anons

>> No.10806864
File: 55 KB, 400x600, 144280_stock-photo-swimming-pool---woman-relax-listen-to-music.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Music is the driving force of life. You do not exist without music.

>> No.10806866

life is but the farce we lead

>> No.10806882

jesus christ why don't I leave this fucking place and never come back

>> No.10806926

Wisdom is the greatest good from which other food things flow.

Nihilism is boring and cowardly.

>> No.10806927

>food things
How embarrassing.

>> No.10806997

"Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent."
"Music is love, love is music, music is life and I love my life"
"If music be the food of love."

>> No.10807008

Everyone lives in their own Matrix.

>> No.10807058

Meaningless banal slog. Some distractions are fun but not enough to make up for the fundamental way in which you are molded by the system to exist as part of the system.