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10782796 No.10782796 [Reply] [Original]

Any books on the death of globalism?

>> No.10782818

Globalism is only bad because the people behind it are using it for nefarious purposes. If you removed and changed those people for someone who had vision and wanted to change the world for the better, globalism wouldn't be bad

>> No.10782857

>Implying globalism is dead

>> No.10782878

Modern globalism is essentially a tool of the bourgeoisie to extort and profit off the people of other nations rather than bringing international communities together like it should.

>> No.10782895

drumpf's steel tariffs will rock the boat hard enough
a full-blown collapse is imminent within the next 5 years

>> No.10782897

exactly, its a tool, much like a gun, which can be used to kill other more effectively, can also be used to defend others more effectively. Globalism is only as good as the people running it

>> No.10782931


Check the fantasy section.

>> No.10783024

>Dude it's not real communism

>> No.10783030

>Trump actually followed through on one of his campaign promises

>> No.10783057

Lol globalism is far from dead, you fucking moron. Stop dropping buzzwords you hear and acting like you fully comprehend them.

>> No.10783100

try post-capitalism by paul mason, which explores the lighter side of evil

>> No.10783102

the united states of america has benefited from globalism more than any other country in the world

you are a fucking idiot and so are all of the 'anti globalists' trump supporters lmao

>> No.10783109

Globalism isn't a set of ideals. It describes a state of civilization.

>> No.10783155

For example.
Rome was striving for globalization, Carthage and Greeks before, Cyrus and his descendants, the Mongols, Charles V, British Empire, Nazi Germany, Soviet, EU and UN, Nato.

>> No.10783179

Just watch infowars bruh its all you need

>> No.10783247

Explain how globalism can "die" now that we've had the internet and independent outsourcing for decades and the world economy has adjusted to its use?

>> No.10783271

le daddy drumpfs is going to kill it

>> No.10783291

nuclear war

>> No.10783386

It kills cultures and languages, either way. It kills diversity and nuance in general.

>> No.10783392

>killing other cultures and languages

>> No.10783418

Rules of nature, etc.

>> No.10783719


>> No.10783736

>It kills culture
That's history in general.

>> No.10783759

Das Kapital.

Globalism is yet another thing that proves the right wing are brainlets who don't even understand the systems they support. Globalism is a neoliberal idea and is mostly about transnational corporations and "unification of culture" (American imperialism, basically).

>> No.10783820

>what if we just created a different economic system that is easily outcompeted by any neoliberal state and also has never worked
china has done a better job at challenging the status quo and they did it with hyper-capitalism and extreme authoritarianism

>> No.10783844

You mean a Clinton presidency is imminent within the next 5 years.

>> No.10784176


kill yourself

>> No.10784193

le dae maga hat drupdfd

>> No.10784196

free trade and an export oriented economy is good, as seen with denmark.

mass migration and outsourcing is obviously not ideal.

>> No.10785671

As if communism any different in that respect.

>> No.10785674
File: 35 KB, 328x499, clash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's far from right, but his thesis is relevant.

>> No.10785706


Hang all bourgies and end capitalism.

>> No.10785717

The American economy and power is based entirely on globalism. Killing globalism will ruin America.

Name a single successful isolationist country.

>> No.10785900

>Name a single successful isolationist country.

The US...

Built up its economy, built everything itself, owned everything itself. Then when the world was in ruins, it expanded to fill the vaccum. WW1 started it. WW2 cemented it.

Now there's hardly a country on the planet that is allowed to do what the US did. US has a finger in every pie.

>> No.10785914


His thesis is horseshit, and only relevent in that he knows it's horseshit and does it to distract from legitimate issues.

>> No.10785931

no it didn’t

>> No.10785932


>> No.10785960

you’re fucking stupid and what you said is absurd fuck you

>> No.10785968

>US was an isolationist country
Stop perpetuating this meme. Read about the Spanish-American war and the panama canal. US isolationism only refers to the US keeping out of both world wars.

>> No.10785979

>the system can collapse, any time now! I am not paranoid trust me!
>if you disagree you are retarded checkmate
>business cycle? wtf is that ? sounds like some 1% rich white male shit! hah pwnd

>> No.10785996

the 'business cycle' is clearly the result of somebody doing something extremely corrupt.

>> No.10786397
File: 79 KB, 332x499, 61rG-qXZ9cL._SX330_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pic related.

>> No.10786467

why does the donald trigger redditors so?

>> No.10786504

>implying globalism can be stopped at this point

>> No.10787081

pre-WW US

>> No.10788207

No, the U.S. traded extensively with Europe. That's how they built up industry and became the foremost power.

>> No.10788227

Is this book really worth it? Seems to be the worst of Sloterdijk's by what I've seen.

You could always start a nuclear war.

>> No.10788251

an isolationist stance and trade aren't mutually exclusive, brainlet

>> No.10788298

>and does it to distract from legitimate issues.
Who cares if it comes close to describing actual occurrences when they're the result of that gosh darned false consciousness?

>> No.10788469
