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10778880 No.10778880 [Reply] [Original]


Become AntiFragile today!

>> No.10778885

oh nice, I was just thinking I had to expand my collection of Arab thinkers

>> No.10778920
File: 17 KB, 575x199, arabists at it again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10779741

But lebanese are arab?

>> No.10779795
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>You will never be Taleb's Calabrese barber

>> No.10779805
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>> No.10779874
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>> No.10779995

Sry i dont support terrorist

>> No.10780011


>> No.10780019


Fun discussion on this book.

>> No.10780439

it's like i'm actually in lebanon

>> No.10780453


>> No.10780475

>two big brained semites thinkfuck the west calm after prolonged period of aryan hysteria
thanks jews!

>> No.10780540
File: 1.05 MB, 1147x860, taleb haplochart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off arabist

>> No.10780569

>Arabs BTFO

>> No.10780595

Y-haploautists are the ultimate pseuds of pop genetics

>> No.10780598
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>> No.10780608
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fuck off fragilista, I bet you're some r1a nigger.

>> No.10780644

looks like a magazine cover
le edgy elephant..

>> No.10782035

A disappointment. It's shit. And I'm a fan of his previous stuff.

Here's a good review:

>> No.10782044
File: 29 KB, 589x194, Taleb J2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and don't you forget it

>> No.10782063


>le skin in le game intellectual


>le poodle enligtenment nao xD intellectual


>le I'm not a mutt >:((((((

I pray every day for the end of the american cancer, for Russian hegemony. Fuck, I'll take soulless sino-capitalism over this, at least they're not deluding themselves.

>> No.10782078

>t. IYI

>> No.10782192


>> No.10782213
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based african writer

>> No.10782220
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is it really bad? i have read nothing by him but was thinking about getting this one book for memetic reasons

>> No.10782224
File: 65 KB, 673x789, hablogroupj2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let me tell you about my hablogroup and which hablogroups are superior

>> No.10782356


>> No.10782365
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>> No.10782407

This review is just prattling on about a distinction without a difference. Taleb's point is that the stakes were life and death, not that one kind of death counted more or less.

>> No.10782459


>> No.10782593

>tfw e1b

Would Taleb kill me if he met me?

>> No.10782599

it would be extremely painful

>> No.10782784


That review is utter nit picking bullshit.

I acquired the book from libgen. It's great stuff and even more Taleby than his previous books (I doubt you'll like it if you disliked his other stuff) but he kind of blew his load in his free medium posts and the book is not as substantial as Antifragile. It is not made redundant by Antifragile and it is also extremely timely, as the media screams that it should be the centralised arbiter of everything.

I have to say that I loved the medium posts. They are a through rebuke of link wristed leftist humanitiesfags and cuckwervatives and the shit that passes for intellectualism by the standards of the mainstream media and publishers

>> No.10782862

Yeah, it's sloppy, uneven and not well argued at all.

It was tepid and insubstantial. It's also not as forceful as I had hoped.
Where was the hard-line drive against the pear-shaped war-monger etc? Instead he just somewhat pathetically ranted and raved about Pinker.

Better wait for Murray's book in my view.

Everything Murray writes is lucid, well-argued and is extremely forceful.
Funny how Murray's demeanor is the opposite of Taleb.

>> No.10782869
File: 58 KB, 533x794, gemayel_bashir02 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will pay for your slander of the Phoenician people foul swine!

>> No.10782939

i just watched the video linked by this anon >>10780019 and the parts about

- minority rule
- mountain society vs plain society

all that stuff was breddy illuminating, looking forward to reading the book if there's more of that stuff

>> No.10782947

>jew keeps trying to b8 taleb into saying he's anti-islamic when taleb has made it very clear in the past that he's not, just anti-saudi sandnigger shit

Typical shit, trying to stir up conflict between Christians and Muslims. He made interesting points on both Christ and Trump though.

He says that Trump was more authentic than anyone else at the republican debates and that was enhanced by people pointing out his failures, because it meant that Trump actually took risks with his own money. On Christ, he posits that we keep the god/man thing around despite all of the theological trouble it has caused because God, being almighty, cannot suffer, but it's hard to identify with something that can't experience this fundamentally human sensation. All of the Greek gods had their moments of trouble and pain, and Christ represents that for the Christian God, he's God's skin in the game so to speak, something that shows he is sincere. He gave us his son to show us the right way.

I also like how he very simply spells out he difference between Islam and Christianity, Islam is law, Christianity is not. Islam is to Confucianism as Christianity is to Buddhism in a sense.

>> No.10782967


>I am a professional book reviewer, and rarely write over 2000 words on a book. Anyone who writes a 5000-word review for free is obsessed: Taleb probably failed to autograph this guy's copy of The Black Swan.


>> No.10783176

Isn't he a kike?

>> No.10783383

t. smelly arab mongrel

>> No.10783537

christian phoenician