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/lit/ - Literature

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10777105 No.10777105 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any interesting novels about the death of a civilization?

>> No.10777128

world history

>> No.10777148

Only 3 years until the next census, how exciting!

>> No.10777149 [DELETED] 
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just let it happen wh*Toid

>> No.10777151

the fourth turning

>> No.10777154 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10777167 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10777171 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10777177 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10777185

Definitely read Ernst Jünger’s "On The Marble Cliffs".
Then Julien Gracq’s "Les terres du couchant" (if available in a language that you know), which is heavily influenced by the former, only more drawn out and more hopeless.
Then move on to Gracq’s other works, which are similar, as far as I know. (Have yet to read them.)
If you can tolerate a book less about "the civilized against the barbaric" and more about the inevitable downfall of civilized humanity overall, read the wonderful "A Canticle for Leibowitz". If you like that, try "The Book of the New Sun" as well.

>> No.10777280

Unironically Infinite Jest

>> No.10777306

Thanks for the recs m8

>> No.10777412 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 620x432, edl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>based demographics btfo /pol/ again

This picture is why /pol/ will always lose.

Just look at the two of them. A beautiful confident articulate woman, stylishly dressed and easy in her own skin. She's totally at home in the modern globalised and multicultural world.
On the other side a unkempt graceless buffoon, ill-educated, unattractive, with nothing intelligent to say. He can't fit in, he can't adapt, he is literally useless to modern society.

Which side do you choose /pol/? I'm choosing to embrace the future

>> No.10777419 [DELETED] 

to post on this board you need to have read at least one book.

>> No.10777430 [DELETED] 

who is this qt

>> No.10777469 [DELETED] 

Damn, you´ve converted me.

>> No.10777477 [DELETED] 

me too. can't believe people actually care about "culture" uggggggh so 19th century

>> No.10777492


>> No.10777514 [DELETED] 

Yea and on the other hand the higher ups of the Nazi party were generally well educated and had high IQs
See I can cherry pick too.

>> No.10777535 [DELETED] 

I hope this is bait. This girl represents literally 1% of muslim immigrants into Europe, the rest arrive and integrate in the West like oil in water.

>> No.10777543 [DELETED] 


Fake statistics, Manchester is 79% "white British" according to 2011 census. Fuck off back to /pol/, this isn't a shitposting board.


>> No.10777550 [DELETED] 

There will always be culture. But culture must change, and that it what is happening in Europe.
'Integration' is a racist buzzword. The nature of Europe is changing and Muslims are a part of the new paradigm. They *are* European and Muslim culture is part of European culture. It's just that European culture is a little more diverse than you had previously thought

>> No.10777557 [DELETED] 

Oh it was just bait, never mind.

>> No.10777569 [DELETED] 

wtf does "white british" mean? What's your source? sage and report for low effort bait

>> No.10777574 [DELETED] 


His source is the 2011 census but even the numbers from that are outright fabricated.

>> No.10777582 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10777614 [DELETED] 

Very true. In some boroughs only 70% of people returned their forms, especially in the larger cities.

>> No.10777622 [DELETED] 


That's greater Manchester, which is pretty much all of the surrounding rural towns and villages. Manchester (City) is different than Greater Manchester (Region).

>> No.10777645 [DELETED] 
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Greater Manchester =/= Manchester

>> No.10777675 [DELETED] 


I'm neither of these people but to >>10777543
I'm curious now that you've been shown the severity of the problem, have you woken up yet?
Do you still plan on voting for Corbyn?

>> No.10777684 [DELETED] 

*seven nation army becomes audible in the distance*

>> No.10777687
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>> No.10777688 [DELETED] 

Why? Are brown people so scary?

>> No.10777699

Reading this at the minute lad, great stuff.

I really wish I had started writing a novel about this a few years ago, I fear the current one I'm writing about the issue will be judged as too far behind the times.

>> No.10777709 [DELETED] 


A group of strangers move into your house, sit on the settee, switch on the TV at a channel only they want, turn up the volume.

You object.

"What's the matter, do you find strangers scary?"

Burn in hell.

>> No.10777714

Strong book. I wonder if this book can reach many people.

>> No.10777717 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 304x235, boom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fertility rates consistently high among non-white immigrants
>White British women having fewer children than ever

Are you excited about the Baby Boom guys?

>> No.10777725 [DELETED] 

Look, if you had plans for tomorrow or the foreseeable future, cancel them. Cancel everything you have and just kill yourself immediately. Make the world a better place.

>> No.10777737

I can see the tide turning. Once-anorak ideas are becoming mainstream. The Right Wing in Britain will soon gain so much support that even Corbyn and his fellow cucks will realize being pro-immigration is bad for votes. Either they'll change their tune or just pander to the non-whites and hope they keep coming.

Things are going downhill fast, and everyone can see it. Crime, house prices, over-crowding, segregation, terrorism, fertility rates, white males dropping out, suicide rates etc. Hopefully there'll be an economic crash (I doubt it though) so the anger can be unleashed.

>> No.10777741 [DELETED] 

>pictured: Tracey ( centre- age 15) introduces Slimboi (left- a.k.a Uycumboi Robinson age 17) her latest bull to her boyfriend Stanley (right- age 16)

>> No.10777791 [DELETED] 

Brown people are the flab of Western civilization, obesity of the social organism, a disease of the rich. They're what happens when you eat too many cheeseburgers and don't worry about the consequences. Unattractive excess resource that theoretically could be used for energy, but probably will just continue to uselessly swell until we finally develop diabetes and hypertension and heart disease and die

>> No.10777795 [DELETED] 

I read that as "brownsequences"

>> No.10777802 [DELETED] 

>Hopefully there'll be an economic crash (I doubt it though) so the anger can be unleashed.
People would just blame brexit

>> No.10777810 [DELETED] 

True I guess.

Still. This can't go on for much longer. White people aren't made to live in squalor without sorting their shit out. I think the release of the 2010 census will cause a massive tide-turning in British culture and society, with even papers like The Guardian tentatively testing the idea that they were wrong. I expect full nationalism to kick in by 2023. The only alternative is annihilation, realistically speaking.

>> No.10777822 [DELETED] 

>The only alternative is annihilation, realistically speaking.

This is why nobody cares about your opinion irl

>> No.10777831 [DELETED] 

God why are anglos so putrid

>> No.10777839 [DELETED] 

Demographically he's* right


>> No.10777840 [DELETED] 

Unironically, London has always been shit

>> No.10777843 [DELETED] 

Inbreeding and caste culture
They deserve to be swarmed with Pakistanis

>> No.10777848 [DELETED] 

Fuck you op! keep your /pol/ garbage thread at /pol/.

>> No.10777872 [DELETED] 

I mean yeah the parents dont intergrate or work but their kids surely will! And if they dont then their kids kids! It will payoff just watch!

>> No.10777876 [DELETED] 

>implying it's your house
>implying your life is even affected
Nobody is stopping you drinking your shitty pleb lager in the flat roofed pub on your ghastly estate.
You don't own Britain. This is democracy and thankfully your views are in the minority. The British electorate have consistently voted for pro immigration parties.

>> No.10777950 [DELETED] 
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>implying your life is even affected
You are profoundly ignorant of what most natives actually think about the 90 IQ rapist slave labor you're importing. Support for unfiltered mass immigration by sullen mystery meat is very obviously and rapidly dwindling, as evidenced by virtually all major polls on immigration and the recent elections

But what's the Napoleon quote? "Never interfere with your enemy when he is making a mistake"? Keep the pedophiles and parasites coming, retard. I think we're going to need retards like you front and center if we want to wake people up and come out of this alive

>> No.10777960
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>gr8 stuff

>> No.10777961 [DELETED] 
File: 287 KB, 1145x614, AC4CB3C9-C28C-4557-AD0B-CB4DDC0DF969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> boo hoo there aren’t as many white people now
Cry more about it

>> No.10777963 [DELETED] 

uh, why did like 50 posts get deleted?

>> No.10777969 [DELETED] 

>boo hoo my town doesnt have enough brown people

Cry more about it

>> No.10777975 [DELETED] 

4chan janitors are helping the CIA and other American heroes fight Russian bots and KKK trolls, thus preventing us from learning about uh-oh thoughts. Thank you for you service, noble sirs!

>> No.10777984 [DELETED] 

>uhhh yeaaa I looove getting poz loads in my gaping twink asshole from neoliberal cabals who just want to destroy all possibilities for political mobilization. take that whitey!

>> No.10777992 [DELETED] 

OP’s pic was a chart about the dwindling presence of whites in the UK

>> No.10777997 [DELETED] 

and this post was in response to a question about post deletion.

>> No.10778007 [DELETED] 

Why did the mod delete things?
This was about literature
Would he have deleted it if someone was asking for Leftist/Commie literature?

>> No.10778009 [DELETED] 
File: 129 KB, 1300x1065, dog-shit-islolated-white-background-72949498[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clean it up, you little faggot. Don't pretend you don't enjoy it. You VOLUNTEERED to do this.

>> No.10778010 [DELETED] 

Ofc not. Should just nuke this whole thread tbqh. Hes prob just fucking around though.

>> No.10778011 [DELETED] 

Based mod

>> No.10778017 [DELETED] 

I can only assume he was pruning inflammatory posts that looked like /pol/ bait. Probably trying to do us a favor.

>> No.10778022 [DELETED] 

xe literally wasn't though. it was like a batch of 30 posts in a row (i bet this will be deleted too)

>> No.10778025

>Either they'll change their tune or just pander to the non-whites and hope they keep coming.

I think we all know the answer to this one

>> No.10778030

U avvin a giggle m8?

>> No.10778071

are the mods pulling some burroughs-esque cut-up technique experiment in this thread? a commentary on the impotency of fearful white males railing against the powers that be; phobic little notes flying around like broken-winged sparrows in a roaring storm, crashing into each other at random without ever being able to materialize into a coherent account

>> No.10778074 [DELETED] 

>xe does it for free

>> No.10778119 [DELETED] 

mod has deleted:
-OP’s pic about declining white presence in the UK
-other posts questioning mod deletion
-right wing posts

Just delete the thread, faggot

>> No.10778138


>> No.10778161
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>> No.10778162 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 321x475, 1007293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a book OP