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File: 72 KB, 329x499, gfhgfhgfhgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10776367 No.10776367[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you read it?

I marathoned the first two chapters last night and I'm loving it so far. He names the XXX too.

>> No.10776369

go back

>> No.10776371

>marathoned the first two chapters last night
What, like forty pages? How is that a marathon?

>> No.10776382
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>2 chapters

>> No.10776410

He names the jew? I don't think so, not in any important sense anyway. If he did the book wouldn't have been published.

>> No.10776428

>makes retarded claim designed to incite a genocide and military coup unfailingly and without exception
>why is this not allowed?
rw’s are solipsists

>> No.10776433

everyone is a solipsist
don't lie

>> No.10776436

He names the Jew?
If I recall correctly he calls out Soros as an individual and that's it.

>> No.10776442
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>> No.10776472

>throwing in The Prince and Meditations with Sargon and Joe Rogan
I know you THINK these are related because your only channel of communication is 4chan, but they're not.

>> No.10776506
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He also attacks Will Self (Jew) for saying on TV that anybody who opposes mass immigration is a small-minded racist who hates brown people.

>> No.10776514 [DELETED] 

This is a false flag.

>> No.10776537

Neither Hitler nor Mussolini came to power through military coups, and opinions differ about what was called genocide.

Of course, banning discussion is a perfectly rational response to ridiculous ideas. They're just so silly and uncompelling that we can't allow anyone to ever hear them, otherwise they might die of laughter, and that would be just dreadful.

The quote nauseates me.

>> No.10776540

He names A Jew not THE Jews.

>> No.10776542

Why sweetie are you racist by any chance :)

>> No.10776553

>"When one looks at the kind of people responsible for the quixotic ideal of turning Europe into a multi-ethnic paradise, a certain pattern begins to emerge. It is no coincidence, that the term "Melting Pot" was itself coined by Israel Zangwill, a Jewish-American writer. The influence of Zangwill and those belonging to his ethno-religious group on Europe's destiny is not inconsiderate. In fact, it is rather obvious that Jews are vastly over-represented in the relatively small group of influential figures who have changed the course of European society for good."

>> No.10776598

There really aren't enough thoughts, reflections, and interpretations of this subject out there. It's exceedingly helpful to have another brilliant, unbiased dissection of this whole situation. It is so rare these days one finds an individual bold enough to be critical of European policy. Truly a lone piece of dialogue in a vacuum, this tome must be.

>> No.10776623

Yes, but these are very entry-level observations in terms of the jewish problem. Not saying it doesn't have its place though, white folks who are still under the impression that jews are just like them and are not a human disease of a people who destroy everything they touch have to start somewhere, and this book is a good place.

>> No.10776637
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>> No.10776640
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>Turkey included in the pic

>> No.10776643

Did you know Fish and Chips was introduced to the UK by Jews?

That the Mini car was designed by a Jew?

That Marks & Spencer and Tesco were founded by Jews?

Judaism is literally about as British as you can get.

>> No.10776662

Get off this site. Jews were removed from Britain because they are foreign saboteurs and were mistakenly allowed back in. They don't belong on the European continent and will be removed again for being the main promoters of the current invasion.

>> No.10776667

An interesting question is: What would it feel like if the villain won? Being a tyrant would simply get you overthrown. It would only be in their benefit to control culture to steer society.

Ponder on it.

>> No.10776668

Jews are one of the strongest anciliary components of European culture.

>> No.10776669

Jews are alien semites who destroy other people's societies.

>> No.10776672

Is this fucking football or capeshit?
Jesus fucking christ americans are the biggest plague on the planet.

>> No.10776673

Explain their positive several centuries existence in Greater Germany and Central Europe then...

>> No.10776677

>Is this fucking football or capeshit?

Why on earth would you think I was talking about superheros in a conversation about the path of Europe and its influencers?

>> No.10776680

Bankers, post-Armistice Germany, currency... I'm not who you're replying to but it's a long story.

>> No.10776686

Positive? Are you jewish or just retarded? Jews destroyed Germany and have been removed from nearly everywhere on the continent.

>> No.10776687


>> No.10776692

>implying there is such thing as black and white in politics
The influencer of europe and the world is fucking capital, not jews.
And yeah, jews are a wealthy group that own a lot of shit and historically is the case of them being sneaky fuckers, I can't say no. Say we ki them all. Would it make a difference if there was a white group st the power? No it wouldn't because these are the rules of capital. We could have a nice conversation about the influences of sionism in politics and immigration too if it didn't inevitably end up in cospiracy theories. White genocide and grst replacement are such, conspiracies. Saying that neoliberal governments do welcome refugees because they are cheap labour is not.

>> No.10776698

Germans destroyed Germany. Who was responsible for the first world war? The Junkers. Who initiated the surrender and laid the blame at the feet of the civilian govt, formenting a deadly revanchism, a ruthless kindling of the next catastrophic European implosion? The Junkers. Muh shitty Munich revolution is nothing compared to this shit.

>> No.10776716

Such a stupid perspective. People control and influence these things in their interests, it's not about abstract shit even if that's an easy target for you to blame. Learn yourself on the JQ.

No, jews were destroying Germany from within then just like they are in America now. Jews are and have always been the root of the problem.

>> No.10777861

Ne, he certainly doesn't name "The Jews", you stupid retard, as he's fiercely pro-Israel and fiercely opposed to antisemitism of any kind.

>> No.10777867

Will Self is a self-hating Jew who even renounced his Jewish heritage because he wasn't okay with Israel fighting Hizbollah in 2006.

>> No.10777878

stuff like this makes me wish that the holocaust actually happened

>> No.10777887

Hi newfags

>> No.10777898

(you)re the new faggot
No one cares about your new meme pasta. Bet you've been here for, what, two months?? ahHHAHAHAHA

>> No.10777914

>replies to bait
>calls others newfags
baka desu senpai

>> No.10777979

I don't understand why he refuses to have an Europe who strongly protect her borders, there is absolutely no alternative if you don't want to have Eufrica and he even say so himself. Either you kill the african economies so that africans can't have the mean to migrate anymore, you genocide the entire continent or you throw everyone of them out with violence if necessary. Don't do any of the above and Europe will disappear

>> No.10778328

The latter is going to happen within 30 years. Once muslims start getting a bigger group the race riots start. More and more people are becoming more and more conservative and right wing.

>> No.10778355

Because he's a homosexual anglo neo-con. European countries can go whatever way they want, but the economical prospects, like missing out cheap labour, and humanitarian faux-concerns are holding their elites back.

>> No.10778367

>Either you kill the african economies so that africans can't have the mean to migrate anymore
Are you literally retarded?

>> No.10778379


>> No.10778401

Has this situation ever occurred in history before? a people who aren't having children willingly letting millions of 20 year old men into their countries and even subsidizing their continued existence?

>> No.10778463

They have to pay the smugglers, so it's not the poorest of the poor Africans who are fleeing for Europe.

If they were too poor to be profitable for the smugglers the smuggling business would shut down.

>> No.10778474

Pretty much the later years of the Western Roman Empire. More and more barbarians were trying to cross because even more aggressive barbarians were forcing them westwards, and after a certain point the Empire decided to let them in exchange for military service and whatnot.

>> No.10778481
File: 204 KB, 937x1200, 1491852749886[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture is why /pol/ will always lose.

Just look at the two of them. A beautiful confident articulate woman, stylishly dressed and easy in her own skin. She's totally at home in the modern globalised and multicultural world.
On the other side a unkempt graceless buffoon, ill-educated, unattractive, with nothing intelligent to say. He can't fit in, he can't adapt, he is literally useless to modern society.

Which side do you choose /lit/? I'm choosing to embrace the future.

>> No.10778490

>the modern globalised and multicultural world.
You don't seem to understand that this only exists in White countries. If England becomes Muslim it will be just another KSA or Egypt or whatever and that chick will have to wear a head scarf.

>> No.10778491

shes pretty id buy her coffees and bust out my knowledge of foucault

>> No.10778496

Once the white middle class gets uncomfortable you'll see polished agitators on the extreme right. Native proles are the only ones getting pushed out right now.

>> No.10778500

This image/pasta perfectly illustrates the contempt the 'left' now has for the working classes. I for one stand by the working man

>> No.10778501

I'm a reverse solipsist

>> No.10778517
File: 113 KB, 960x617, Bright future White future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying the worthwhile part of /pol/ is a bunch of filthy Anglo untermenchs.

The girl is very pretty cute though.

>> No.10778523 [DELETED] 

wrong video.

>> No.10778531

>white supremacist video
>nigger music
>trap video aesthetics

>> No.10778532

meant to post this.

>> No.10778540

Not white supremacy. (Well I'd bet a few of them are to be fair) but rather white survivalists.

>> No.10778545

Read the book, he is saying that africans are migrating to Europe once they have the means to do so. Only the poorest of the poor stay in Africa while those who have it better dream of Europe. That means migration will increase as more and more africans get less poor

>> No.10778561

Is there something better than the art of war on the topic it goes over?

>> No.10778579

And? I know how migration works. I'm saying that thinking you can "kill an economy" is retarded. You aren't very bright are you guys?
It's still disgusting.

>> No.10778595

The white middle class is either intermarrying with the newcomers or accepts them. An upwardly mobile working class girl, perhaps the first in her family to go to university, has far more chance of finding a suitable partner among the educated ethnic minority groups in the city where she works than among the working class youths in her hometown. All middle class people, regardless if they intermarry, have far more in common with their fellow middle class people (from whatever country) than they do with working class people, no matter what their skin colour. Our hypothetical high achieving girl will owe her loyalties to her new class not the skin colour of her home town.
White working class culture is dying. The old ways of heavy drinking and smoking, bingo, eschewing education, dogs, supporting the local football team are withering away. It's being replaced by the various different ethnic cultures (consider how quickly curries and kebabs have been assimilated), and the intelligent working class will be drawn into the global multicultural middle class.
Not even saying this is a good or bad thing, but it's a fact. And it cannot be stopped.

>> No.10778601

you have stats?

>> No.10778618

Well english is not my first language, please excuse me if I can't formulate coherent thoughts. What i mean by "killing off economies" is something along the line of just economically starving them, stop sending funds for development or humanitarian reasons, put huge tariffs on their meagre exports, cut all economical ties to them like with Venezuela... things like that

>> No.10778648

It's not a fact, it's just plainly untrue. I don't know where you come from so that might be different for you but here (France) the white middle class is separating itself further and further from the ethnic minorities and it goes both way. It's not the government that put africans to "ghettoes", they themselves go where their families are while the white flee faster and faster as the place gets browner. The same thing goes with school, once a certain point of ethnic minorities is reached white people take their kids away, even the preachy leftists do that.
Also the most common interracial couple is berber woman/black man

>> No.10778653

The spectacle of Detroit should have made very clear to everyone what the future holds for 'multiculturalism'.

>> No.10778722

Whats Detroit have to do with it?

>> No.10778731

I'm trying to imagine a way in which you can not understand how Detroit is relevant here but I am coming up blank

>> No.10778754

Outsourcing of automobile manufacturing to Asia was a mistake? Because Detroit isn't and never has been multicultural in the European sense. The only really multicultural place in USA is New York, and I guess in the southern parts where there are lots of Mexicans

>> No.10778759

white people fleeing black violence. you being dense on purpose or something

>> No.10778784
File: 20 KB, 500x470, c9f[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>americans believing they are white
Dude you mutts shoot each other all the time. What this has to do with the intersection of class and ethnicity in modern European cities is beyond me

>> No.10778789

the high rates of gun violence in America is literally just black people. If you only look at whites it's basically another European country

>> No.10778794

the mutt part is true the nonwhite part is not

>> No.10778796
File: 276 KB, 600x600, 1508943029142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now an amerimutt thread


Let's get down tl business!
To defeat, the mutts!
Did they send me brownskins,
When I asked for whites?

You're the darkest bunch I ever met,
But you can bet before we're through
Mister I'll, force a meme,
About you!

Ancestry from the jungle,
With same hue of skin!
Claim to be part german,
And you're sure to win!

You're a deluded, dark pathetic mutt
and you haven't got a clue
Somehow, I'll make a meme, out of you

Mutt 1: I'm never finna pay my debt
Mutt 2: My own momma gone and sued me
Mutt 3: Surely vidya must count as going to gym
Yuro: This mutt just got shot to death
Mutt 4: I don't really understand how to meeeme

Reach adulthood with a broken liver
Eat peanut butter and miracle whip with a spoon!
With all the salt of a two-star diner
With skincolor as the dark side of the moon!

Time is racing toward us
'til the Mutts arrive.
Close your every border
And you might survive.
You're unsuited for this board of our
You hit to close to home, you're through
How could I force a meme
About you?

Go see nolan-kino with girlfriend and get shot
Get shot in mart and get shot in high school
With healthcare costs like an apple brand-store
And skin color as the dark side of the moon

We must be swift as a mobile scooter
With leadership of a corporate orange
With hygiene like a stagnant mire
And skincolor as the dark side of the moon

>> No.10778824
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>you only look at whites
Dude there are no whites in America. 'White' in America is just a word for light skin niggas

>> No.10778831

choose one and only one, shitskin

>> No.10778836

Stop hurting my feelings and remove Joseph Campbell from this chart immediately.

>> No.10780761

>opionions differ about what was called genocide

LOL. yeah opinions diverge so wildly on that. maybe among HS dropouts.

get off this bored, go back to /pol/ where your lack of comprehension about history is a virtue.

How is this process any different from what we've seen before historically, where immigrants left eastern and southern Europe for America? People who want a better life for themselves are gonna move around until they find it, nothing new there. Why does this issue get framed as a race war or as some kind of invasion? Don't you people know nay better or am I talking to a bunc of 13 year olds?

>> No.10780769

America is as far away from Europe as you are from an intelligent, thinking person.

>> No.10780778

same thing for education outcomes, and also blacks drag down a lot of health metrics too

>> No.10780802

that book was kinda weak, some decent anecdata and stats for trollfights on the internet, but it's not really going to convince anyone against immigration

>> No.10781264

Because you fucking idiot, we have to live with it. What the fuck does the fact that "it happened before elsewhere" (to a lesser scale by the way) change anything to us? I wasn't even talking about a race war anyway

>> No.10781351

I bet that guy works a 44hr week, pays his taxes, and expects nothing from his government but respect. I know people like him. They are good people that want to be led.

The girl probably was born to upper middle class parents, the top 0.0001% of her country, and will work in some HR department drafting diversity quotas.