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/lit/ - Literature

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10775401 No.10775401 [Reply] [Original]

>Ascetics who are good at abstaining from sex get wiped out of the gene pool. We're just gonna get hornier as time goes by, and spirituality will get harder and harder.

>> No.10775435


>> No.10775508

I can't fucking take this place anymore. I can't take it. I want transcendence so badly it hurts physically now. It used to hurt only a little bit but it's gotten much much worse. Holy fuck I can't take the pain of being here anymore with no possibility of coincidentia oppositorum or anything worthwhile at all whatsoever. I don't think you're supposed to fiend for mystical union with God like a desperate junkie. That's basically what I'm doing. I would take any ticket off this FUCK planet at this point. I can't take it anymore. I hate this place

>> No.10775509

Do you think sage men of the past naturally had this proclivity for celibacy? This is not so; the patriarchs of the past did not have metal bones, but with a mind that seeks the Dao they practiced through cold and suffering, hunger and thirst. Even if the men of the future find abstaining more difficult, how much better it will be to be drawn towards the way of the past sages and patriarchs. The men will know even more the sufferings of this dewlike existence, and search more frantically for the Dao with a mind open to seek the way.

>> No.10775525

Try fasting and prayer.

>> No.10775530

If we could define 3D space off of a plane where one of the axis curves in our current 3D space we could do some wacky shit

>> No.10775544
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I know this feel

>> No.10775586

You could always try spreading the word of God in an entertaining way that'll keep you busy till you die. It's a sin to do nothing anyway.

>> No.10775594

if you have a mind that seeks the way, dive into world of seekers wholeheartedly, thinking not of storing provisions or expensive clothing, or of what earthly minded laymen might think. Cast aside the self and think only of the religious path. At any point a myriad things might cast us out of this dreamlike existence, only now in this human life are we presented an opportunity for enlightenment. Find worthy instruction in a true teacher of the path and think nothing else, not even of achieving this enlightenment. This is what it means to truly have a non-discriminating mind and to seek the way.

>> No.10775614

>America so stupid and fucked up. I wonder what Freud would write about Americans and their stupidity.

>> No.10775628

There's actually an Indian story of a wife and husband who became ascetics but then were nagged by the ghosts of their parents until they had a baby using psychic powers.

>> No.10775638

>fiending for coincidentia oppositorum
Just take acid then, 2 tabs and there is no more duality you're just a container of thoughts lost in space

>> No.10775652

>not wondering what Jung would say
"Just as the coloured man lives in your cities and even within your houses, so also he lives under your skin, subconsciously. Naturally it works both ways. Just as every Jew has a Christ complex, so every Negro has a white complex and every American a Negro complex

>> No.10775655

>I'm pretty sure I have the flu, but it also could be HIV. Have to wait until Monday before i can get a test. I'm no good at what I do. Fuck that, I'm brilliant, I have no peers. Better beat off again so I don't have to clean up any come. I miss Amy.

>> No.10775670

If you replace HIV with mouth cancer and Amy with Chloe we're basically the same people

>> No.10775672

Beyond the Pleasure Principle by Freud
The Seminar of Jacques Lacan: Book 2 by Lacan

>> No.10775696

I never think in the shower, it's a weird meditative experience.The only time I've ever felt real motivation was in the shower. Once, for all of four minutes.

Absolutely nothing came of it because it wasn't attached to anything, but it felt great to be so alive in the cold water.

>> No.10775697

Why should I do anything, not knowing the many possible consequences of my actions? How do I know which religion is true, or if the true religion is even known by anyone? Yahweh might be good, or he might be evil, trying to harvest my essence through my worshiping him. How do I maximize my chances of being happy in the afterlife (if it exists)?

>> No.10775705

the shower is for jerking off. Aimless thinking happens in bed, while driving, or while smoking a cigarette

>> No.10775717


>and when you're done following path A, flip over to B to find out everything you worked so hard to know is a lie
>and when you've reached the end of B side, and know all of A & B, cast them both aside and take the middle path, as all eventually do

>> No.10775718
File: 20 KB, 300x221, 300px-Long_arm_doubles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hang tight brother. >>10775655 And shit, I just realized my OP got dubs.

Check 'em!

>> No.10775726

thanks for making me cringe hard enough not to return to this shithole for the rest of the evening. Now I can get some reading done.

>> No.10775727

Fucking is a spiritual act and when men and women come together they harness the power of god and create life.

>> No.10775733

On the verge of spiraling, I just feel that lately I have no control over anything in my life. drugs and alcohol only serve as distractions and quick escapes for the misery that I feel.

>> No.10775737

You're welcome!

>> No.10775741

this would not happen if you cast aside the self and were devoted solely to the chosen path. To pick and chose what is right simply from your own preference is a grave arrogance, and is a tell tale sign of a mind that does not truly seek the way. One should think of their path and nothing more; to believe they truly understand what the texts and teacher do not is foolish. It shows discrimination and an arrogant attachment to the self. Like walking through the fog and gradually getting wet, live within the path and near a worthy teacher, and you will become open to the way and naturally virtuous.

>> No.10775743

Good night and]

>> No.10775770
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Wow so helpful, I'm sure glad we have wise little Chinese men to tell us "just cast the self aside bro"

>> No.10775800

try some transcendental meditation actually

>> No.10776004

Heh, interesting. Anyone have some recs for books on mass psychology and social pathology? I have read most of Freud already, although it was abridged.

>> No.10777291

>our spirit already resides w/ god
read some simone weil

>> No.10777336

Why do shower thoughts only happen in shower? Is there a way to unlock that process outside the shower?

>> No.10778899

I usually think about that one chick in work who I think is into me but im not certain. Then I jerk off and wonder when I'll reach my goal of being the greatest literary writer/greatest doom metal frontman.

>> No.10778919

Get off 4chan and find ways to explore your thoughts, comfortably unobstructed and privately. Tending to a garden, going for walks, tonglen meditation, whatever does it

>> No.10778942

You can have it anon
pawning off other people’s words for recognition is most certainly nothing to do with the Dao
both debased and evil practices
shut the fuck up you disgusting fucking hippy faggot
>god is hidden inside phalluses and gametes
do what im about to do, go walk in the fucking forest

>> No.10778963

Yes. Kill yourself. Become One

>> No.10778983

>humans are defined by their genes and not by their choices
>abstinence is good
OH MY GOD! This is a left-wing board Fuck off to /pol/ right now virgin piece of shit

>> No.10778988

isn't that essentially what they wish to do, but from the perspective of less isolationist / cynical worldview?

>> No.10779018

I hate it when people insult humanity, like how humans are helpless or human nature is evil, like your fucking human too. We literally created civilization and got to the moon, and you’re saying we’re helpless. And what defines evil? Like some religions straight up damn babies at birth and they say self preservation is evil. Evil is subjective, and what about other animals? Are bears evil because they eat their kids when starving?

>> No.10779020

>i think ghosts are probably real and if ghosts are real does that mean that christianity is right and more specifically catholicism? and if exorcisms are really real, which i feel like they probably are because it seems like a real waste of time on the part of the vatican if they were just doing a bit, why is it such a big secret? and are psychics more informed than priests or the other way around?

i am fully prepared to be called a troglodyte, i'm riotously high and have spent the last hour on /x/

>> No.10779176

The thing keeping me from suicide isn't an affirmation of life, an ethical reservation, or even fear of pain or dying. What's keeping me from killing myself is the concern that it might inconvenience the people around me.

>> No.10779239

But your death will be mourned whether you kill yourself or die naturally. There are other reasons why you haven't killed yourself yet. Surely you don't wanna die knowing how much knowledge you have to gain?

>> No.10779323

/lit/ hasn't been all that bad in the last week or so

>> No.10779366

Is it just me, or is there a lot of depressed/suicidal people coming on here? This site in general

>> No.10779376

You're likely correct. I've been in a rut lately so any "learning" has felt like feeding a hollow hunger so that it can place the hard work of others and drain it of color and nuance.

I just got saw Annihilation recently and I could recognize having felt like all the characters affected by the Shimmer, but it was corrupting, destructive force of the shimmer itself that I identified with the most, only without the allure. Rather than a victim to the world, I am an ineffective would-be menace.

I've been through moods like this before so I know they pass. At the same time, people sometimes fall asleep without ever waking up.

>> No.10779540

You don't see the dangers of sleep until you've fully awakened.

>> No.10779680

>I'm slowly beginning to realize that one can find meaning and purpose in this life without studying the greatest thinkers humanity has to offer and without resorting to religion. Millions of people experience this shared humanity every day and it their souls well up with fulfillment. Purpose and meaning can be found inside the hearts of our fellow man, one must simply reach out and connect. This purpose ever so closely dangles before my eyes but I fear that I lack the humanity required to partake. That I must forever stand at the edge of the well, gazing on into the abyss. I fear that my thirst will never be quenched.

>> No.10779782 [DELETED] 
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I think only a certain type of incarnation can handle the extreme mental requirements of the celibate and ascetic life. You shouldn't be forcing this upon yourself if you know that you're only going to be failing at it again and again. You will feel miserable and life will become empty and cruel by extension.

What you should try for is a really healthy and productive monogamous relationship and simply being a good man to those around you; be patient and mediating toward the different dramas that others throw at you, and give them guidance if you can. If you keep forcing the ascetic life onto yourself when you know it isn't happening then you'll be of no good to anyone.

>> No.10779790

I know that feel.
>wanna hang my self
someone in my family would stumble upon me and have to cut my corpse down. Too traumatizing.
>slit wrists in the tub
someone is gonna have to wash it all off
>jump in front of train
I'm gonna ruin the train operator's day and traumatize the fuck outta him
>kill myself in some remote location
Family might have some false hope that I'm still alive till the end of their days. Or they might think I abandoned them, got kidnapped, etc. Their imaginations could run wild and really fuck with them.

Suicide is just too messy. If I could just cease to exist that'd be nice.

>> No.10779802


>thinking you can attain it based on anger, before conquering lust

Oh my

>> No.10779867

>Suicide is just too messy. If I could just cease to exist that'd be nice.
you get me. I was working on and then abandoned a short story about that same fantasy. It would start with my name and people's memories of me and move on to my presence, weight and the causality of my being. That Radiohead song kept playing in my head over and over again during that period.

>> No.10780026

There's obvious solutions to those problems. Make it look like an accident, hire someone to kill you, skydive without pulling the parachute, try to assassinate the elite, infiltrate ISIS and bomb yourself at a meeting.
You could actually honor your family if you did something they respected. But, as I said here>>10779239, you probably have other reasons why you won't do it, which is a good thing. It's possible you'll get over this and regret these thoughts, so continuing life isn't that bad of a risk.

>> No.10780045

>infiltrate ISIS
hold on. brb

>> No.10780152

There is no solution that will prevent the emotional devastation your death will have on those closest to you. This extends past suicide but if you die in any fashion it's gonna fuck people up, having someone else kill you, making it look like an accident, trying to kill an elite or infiltrating some terrorist organization is needlessly convoluted and does not get to the core of the problem. Once you enter this world there is no clean way out.

>> No.10780391

There is still no difference between dying now and dying 40 years later. Your family and friends will be sad. If you truly valued death over life, you would die soon, knowing that the people around you would suffer anyway. Unless you want to get on their bad side right before you die, causing them not to suffer as much due to their disgust for you.

>> No.10780461

In 40 years everyone I care about will be dead and I'll be free to off myself.

>> No.10781915

What if Sauron had won and led Middle earth to a space age

>> No.10781977

read a passage from the desert fathers where they said that, in the future,