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/lit/ - Literature

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10774070 No.10774070[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>went to a house party in uni last night
>only knew one person, a guy from my course
>it was at some girl's house also from our course
>started the night as "that guy" who smiles but says nothing
>ended up getting somewhat drunk and confident
>riding a wave of confidence making people laugh
>all 5 housemates are girls
>they're all outgoing and extroverted
>except one
>she has dark brown hair and seemed embarrassed by any attention paid to her
>sat at the edge of sofa with her housemates being loud and pretty obnoxious sometimes
>people gathered on two sofas and some chairs to play a drinking game
>blonde girl beside obviously likes me
>kept patting my knee and pretending to be stupid
>tfw kept looking over at the quiet girl and we kept smiling at each other
>she seemed to realize I was uncomfortable with the blonde girl
>ended up playing spin the bottle
>two girls kissed and touched tongues even
>my turn came
>peak confident hits
>place the bottle down and turn it so it's pointing at the quiet girl
>people freak out
>the girl beside the quiet girl tells her to go sit by me
>blonde girl moved away and seemed annoyed (but she was very drunk)
>quiet girl seemed drunk too and I didn't want to be creepy
>kissed her knuckles area instead and she turned her face into my chest and hid her face
>people are saying we're a cute couple
>quiet girl says she heard I'm studying philosophy
>she's studying english lit
>we leave the group and go to her room
>people are cheering and when I try and seriously explain it's not like that they cheer even harder to mess with me
>quiet girl grabs my hand and leads me up to her room
>tfw she held my hand the whole way


>> No.10774103

>confidence literally drained completely by the time we reached her room
>it's at the back of the house and it's much quieter
>she tells me to wait outside a minute and rushes inside and then say "okay come in"
>I stand behind the door awkwardly
>she says to sit down and that she doesn't bite
>blurt out "I'm not going to try anything"
>clench my fists like a sperg
>realize it's a great chance to lose my v-card but oh well
>she shows me a book by writer called Gerard Mulrayne (iirc) and is really enthusiastic about the plot and his style
>she says sorry if she's being annoying because I didn't say anything
>she says "I don't always dress like a slut by the way"
>she was wearing a skin-coloured shortish dress and skin-coloured platformish shoes
>I was going to say "you look beautiful" but it seemed to forward so I tried to communicate that by smiling a little
>tfw she seemed to get me and just laughed
>tfw we talked about how much we hate parties
>she asks me to put some music on
>I choose the playlist for And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside-Out by YoLaTengo on youtube
>we end up lying down in darkness talking quietly
>her friend knocks the door but she says "Go away I'm sleeping!" and we both laughed
>tfw it got really hot and she said "oh this is going to sound weird but do you wanna get more comfortable?"
>both get down to our underwear (she puts on a baggy white tshirt)
>tfw our legs were intertwined and we talked more


>> No.10774130

>she shows me a book by writer called Gerard Mulrayne
*Murnane, based

>> No.10774143

I don't think anyone wants to read your sad fantasies

>> No.10774148
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>she shows me a book by writer called Gerard Mulrayne (iirc)