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10770831 No.10770831 [Reply] [Original]

>When your whole book is based on a logical fallacy.

>> No.10770842

"My magics doesn't care for your logics"
t. Evola, while riding a magically conjured tiger.

>> No.10770844

>when OPs entire life is based on an aesthetic fallacy

>> No.10770847

More like
>when your entire career is based on a fallacy, none of your contemporaries particularly like, future academics don’t even bother reading your work, but some neckbeards accidentally stumble on your work and like the idea of it but don’t actually bother reading it because that would require effort

>> No.10770863

This. I've never read Evola but the insistence that the world be logically consistent is both modern and revolting.

Fuck OP.

>> No.10770903

I started to read it and thought mhm not making sense, so I read Eros and Love, and The Hermetic Tradition. Then went back to this.

He does have a cool way of approaching tradition as a chain of history and perspectives, but not unique.

However, there is a reason, his name was hardly mentioned to the "dark enlightenment" movement. Because ultimately he was a pleb. A loser. And generated nothing new, unique, or moved the dialectic forward.

>> No.10770911

Everything is based on fallacies bro

>> No.10770917
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you ain't seen nothin yet kid

>> No.10770932
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>When your whole civilization falls apart due to an obsession with 'logical' knowledge and the consequent loss as a guide of the higher form of supra-rational knowledge

>> No.10770944

nice chair he has there, very fancy

>> No.10770945

You feel it too, don't you

>> No.10771103

>there is a reason, his name was hardly mentioned to the "dark enlightenment" movement.

First, "dark enlightenment" is absolutely not a movement since it completely rejects any sort of mass mobilization.

Secondly, the overlap isn't really there. Evola doesn't really speak to formalism, patchwork, or exit. It's not a matter of his rejection.

>> No.10771116

dark enlightenment is not a movement because it consists of a couple blogs and some forced memes, kys

>> No.10771140

just because staring at your wall isn't as interesting as you thought it would be doesn't mean things other than your wall are falling to pieces

>> No.10771156
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You are a brainlet I’m afraid

>> No.10771164

your opinion means nothing to me. the sole purpose of my reply to you was ridicule.

>> No.10771646

>this scares the Mussolini

>> No.10771658

I want a footjob from Kali is that too much to ask

>> No.10771675

>Evola's magic scared Mussolini
And they wonder why Italy was defeated.

>> No.10772004
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>he believes in "logic"

Absolutely modern, my man.

>> No.10772230
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Step up!

>> No.10772275

>he thinks magic is fake
lol go back to watching neil degrasse tyson own grieving christian mothers on twitter faggot

>> No.10772325

I'm reading this book right now and I'm really enjoying it

can you explain what the logical fallacy is

>> No.10772678

>logical fallacies
lol these don't exist

>> No.10772828

yeah but in this case it's sort of the point

>> No.10772832

here's betting OP can't even explain what A logical fallacy is

>> No.10772837

>ywn be a blue guy

>> No.10772840

wasn't the dark enlightenment a meme blog post by nick land that i have to read at some point? did some autists actually believe he was talking to them as individuals?

>> No.10772863

>Ywn see a history channel special of NDT going around and heckling to Christian greif group threapy
There is now a hole in my soul

>> No.10772870

Nick Land was quite serious about the whole DE thing. The guy plainly has some sort of mental disorder

As a movement it clearly isn't real it is just a mix of Darwin and anti-Progressivist reaction for the internet. The only reason it appears novel is because of how unbelievably censored and limited public discourse is.

We live in a world where it is highly controversial to say that evolution might be able to explain human behavior

>> No.10772872
File: 96 KB, 840x492, Gun Control Neil deGrasse Tyson tweet on home prayer works. Thoughts and Prayers. marchmatron.com (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based NdT posters

>> No.10772882

isn't nick land's whole thing that accelerationism/capitalism will just devour us all and rapes us from inside before discarding our meaningless flesh bodies? i'll check the text but i don't see how could he be interested in self-asserting individuals unless he believes that will accelerate even more the machine he so much loves

>> No.10772895
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Prayer has no empirical value.

>> No.10772901

It's true though. Sorry.

>> No.10772910

Nick Land's personal views have to be traced to his older philosophy which personally I actually find rather interesting.

DE though doesn't have much connection with his philosophy(except in Nick Land's mind of course). It Is mostly Mencius Moldbug with heavier emphasis on the HBD elements, and some speculation about technology.

I'd say the sort of core thing tying them all together is their rather autistic habit of looking at social hierarchies as being explained by a kind of Darwinian logic- more or less the Richard Dawkins 'meme' idea, where consensus should be highly suspect and only strict evidence-based science and rationality can be trusted.

hence their labeling academia a church, and trying to explain everything in entirely non-moral terms.

>> No.10772934
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>Because ultimately he was a pleb. A loser. And generated nothing new, unique, or moved the dialectic forward.
>or moved the dialectic forward

>> No.10772978

>moved the dialectic forward
he doesn't believe in dialectics and he doesn't believe in progress, so it doesn't matter at all whether he "moves the dialectic forward".

>> No.10772981

It's sort of morphed into Neoreaction which exists on the fringes of Twitter and sites such as Thermidormag and Social Matter.

>> No.10773115

interesting, i read a few articles from nick land on jacobite and got hooked on his autism. i'll probably read DE as well at some point, even though i have no interest in wearing a dark trenchcoat

>> No.10773236

Have you heard anything about placebo? I'm not sure what could be the issue you people have with religion.

>> No.10773247

placebo is a meme because people heal on their own

>> No.10773392


>> No.10773403

wasn't Moldbug a neorec previous to any Landian memeing?

>> No.10773410


pro-tip- you already are, atman=brahman

>> No.10773413

good one, anon

>> No.10773416

you are a brainlet though despite how dumb evola posters are
it does and this is more feels>reals from people who don’t ever cite evola’s works, discuss the mechanics of his ideas, show any mastery over the source material he drew from and are incurious as to previous authors from that sphere of that

have you ever realized that evola threads are a lot less involved than even just Crowley and Deleuze threads? weird isn’t it? anyways lifestylism is fun right?

>> No.10773479
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that's right, why can't people simply use REASON and LOGIC?

>> No.10773522

anarchists pls go

>> No.10773569

> when you haven't read the book but want to make a dumb bait thread

>> No.10773601

Appeal to tradition logical fallacy is more saying that objective truth can be proven by what has been done in the past, which is a very unfair representation of traditionalism

>> No.10773602

Does anybody believe otherwise?

>> No.10773623

just because it's true it doesn't make it any less autistic to use a school shooting to score points against le christian men

>> No.10773664

My schoolchildren haven't been shot. Those of my enemies have. Coincidence?

>> No.10773680

Yeah I'm trying to say NDT's post is pointless and only gets tipping points

>> No.10773691

Remember, this is the same guy who thinks that everyone except him believes national borders to be literal physical objects.

>> No.10773815

right here, say something about it.

>> No.10773823

I would like to see this so called "evidence".

>> No.10773903

>bait threads on /lit/, entire threads meant to discredit authors instead of discussing their ideas at an intelectual level
Why did this board fall in quality lately?
Why won't you redditors fuck off back to your soycore john green based literature?

Evola is way more relevant than all these soycore fiction novels you read

>> No.10774190
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>/pol/ hindu LARPers ITT

>> No.10774280

your bait is bad and you should feel bad

>> No.10774892


>when it triggers you that traditional religions are anti-egalitarian

>> No.10774935

It's cool if you don't like him, but it seems like you don't understand his intent at all.

>> No.10774956
File: 80 KB, 614x768, o9bf-Q_hZF7QTFhru1Aodnbqh8dbjhYKlw45Qpx8bq8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


where can i download a epub or mobi of revolt against the modern world?

i hate pdf files

>> No.10775182

it's just really gay larping as some religion that you read about online

>> No.10775217
File: 41 KB, 326x499, das kuckpital.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, it's still a good laugh tho.

>> No.10775460
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The demonic do things they should avoid and
avoid the things they should do. They have
no sense of uprightness, purity, or truth.

“There is no God,” they say, “no truth, no spiritual
law, no moral order. The basis of life is sex; what else
can it be?”

Holding such distorted views, possessing
scant discrimination, they become enemies of
the world, causing suffering and destruction.

Hypocritical, proud, and arrogant, living in
delusion and clinging to deluded ideas, insatiable
in their desires, they pursue their unclean ends.

Although burdened with fears that end only with
death, they still maintain with complete assurance,
“Gratification of lust is the highest that life can offer.”

Bound on all sides by scheming and anxiety, driven
by anger and greed, they amass by any means they can
a hoard of money for the satisfaction of their cravings.

-The Bhagavad Gita, section 16

>but-bu-bu eastern religions are actually liberal and progressive!

>> No.10775467


>> No.10775510

Maybe the people that wanted children to be shot prayed harder,

>> No.10775555
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>> No.10775556
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Wow usually Library Genesis is the best source for epub and mobi but they actually do not have this feeslbadman.

>> No.10775560
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I can find even straighter lines and perfect correlations :)

>> No.10775565

> Not being able to live rationally while recognizing the importance of higher truths that can only come from within
Evola and the anti-rationality wing attached to the alt-right disgust me.

>> No.10775699
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> Not being able to live rationally while recognizing the importance of higher truths that can only come from within

Claiming that higher truths can only come from within is incompatible with the view of higher truths coming from a divine source or existing as an independent metaphysical truth that is discerned such as the Sruti of the Hindus. Claiming that they can only come from an individual is essentially saying that higher truths are derived from the individuals logic or reason, making those truths not actually anything higher but just dressed-up rationality.

Civilizations do not proceed on the basis of qualified statements and subtle distinctions but head in one direction or another. You cannot have a traditional civilization guided by supra-rational knowledge which simultaneously denies the existence of that supra-rational knowledge by claiming that higher truths can only come from the individual.

>Evola and the anti-rationality wing attached to the alt-right disgust me.

It goes far beyond Evola and the 'alt-right'. Western civilization split off from the other centers of high civilization largely because of an obsession with rationality, which heavily ties into all of the ennui, tension, cultural malaise and spiritual degeneration found throughout the West today. Rationality for it's own sake is useless, believing that living rationally is the highest aim or the ultimate virtue completely misses out on the larger picture. You are only disgusted by that because during your education and upbringing the idea that logic is the end-all be-all of everything was inculcated in you.

>> No.10775719
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wouldn't be the first time

>> No.10775751

> Claiming that they can only come from an individual is essentially saying that higher truths are derived from the individuals logic or reason,
Does not logically follow.

> believing that living rationally is the highest aim or the ultimate virtue completely misses out on the larger picture
There's no reason why we can't hold rationality high in society and the physical realm while discovering enlightenment or higher truths in parallel. To deny rationality because of an unverified belief in the transcendant is a quite way to ruining peoples lives and justifying evil. Justification being in the realm of rationality isn't it?

> You are only disgusted by that because during your education and upbringing the idea that logic is the end-all be-all
> live rationally
> and recognize higher truths come from within
No one said the be all and end all.

>> No.10775932

neoreaction Land twitter is pretty good

>> No.10775963

Are you down with Z/ACC, U/ACC, L/ACC, or R/ACC?

>> No.10775999
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>tfw Kali will never chop your head off

>> No.10776130

There are two different Kalis. One a benevolent god, and the other an evil demon who rules in the Kali Yuga.

>> No.10776141

that’s what it is, you just wear a mask with your friends its not real. there is no solidity to your faith

>> No.10776409

>everything is fine!
>now leave me alone with my john green book, netfilx and my neighbourhood of immigrants

>> No.10776413

Im not an Evola-fan, it's just that the only people who complain about "lifestylism" are braindead anarchists

>> No.10776417

that’s interesting because lifestylism is what armchairs and tankies call anarchism so i don’t know what you’re even trying to prove here

im saying people read Evola and become esoteric hitlerists as a lifestyle choice, they adopt a world view to LARP with it has nothing to do with gnosis or logic

>> No.10776929

Just pray ranged faggots

>> No.10777202


Evola is just an edgier take on Guenonian Traditionalism, which is completely different than the Esoteric Hitlerism of Devi and Serrano.


>It's somehow larping when people decide they agree with ideas that people have held for thousands of years continually but not larping when people adopt ideologies developed within the past 200 years that have little to no precedent in history

>> No.10777332

>90% of the book is a genealogy
>Lol your book is based On a logical fallacy

Confirmed never read

>> No.10777455

I just got the book in the mail.

What can I expect?

>> No.10777524

You will start doing rites in your mom’s basement to tap into your ancestral daemon powers. And it will be nice.

>> No.10777563

if you don't have a religious community you participate in your a LARPer. Converts are pretty much all LARPers too no matter how earnestly they believe.

>> No.10777970

i am not sure what those mean, but NiceRx makes me laugh

>> No.10777998


This is a brainlet argument and shows how desperate you are to discredit the idea you are arguing against.

Someone who agrees with the principles of Traditionalism or certain eastern Traditions is not a 'larper' if they don't have a religious community. For many people living in the West they don't have regular access to that sort of thing where they live which is no fault of their own.

It's like saying studying Greek philosophy is larping because you aren't at a Platonic Academy or that studying French existentialism is larping because you aren't living in Paris.

The eastern texts largely teach practices that are meant to be practiced by the individual. You can study those texts and practice their teachings on your own without being a larper. The truth of non-dualism is held by it's adherents to be universally true in all times and places among all living beings, it's not as though it's only suddenly true when you join a Hindu community.

It's preferable to join a community but just because you don't happen to have access to one does not invalid the principals. Even Buddha acknowledged the existence of individuals who are capable of living and practicing the teachings completely by themselves in the wilderness.

>> No.10778016

how hard is it to google it ? literally the first link


>> No.10778042

if you arent living and practicing then you arent traditional ur just an internet wanker

>> No.10778061

this thread is not about tradition it's about Tradition

>> No.10778082

I never said that I wasn't practicing