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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 151 KB, 1050x700, james_joyce_1050x700[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10770783 No.10770783 [Reply] [Original]

>you will never be as smart and talented and perceptive as James Joyce
Kind of hurts 2bh

>> No.10770794

>you will be as smart and talented and perceptive as James Joyce
feels great desu

>> No.10770796

being able to make puns doesn't make you smart

>> No.10770803

but i am. speak for yourself brainlet

>> No.10770806

he was pretty cute too (◠◠) teeeheeeheeehee

>> No.10770817

Let's see your prose

>> No.10770835

"Shit!" the man said, "In a shit bucket." He continued, resigned: "I was gonna try but then I said, oh fuck it."

>> No.10770838

Joyce is one of the only people that keeps me (a little) humble.

Even though I know it isn't the best way to go through life, I pretty much think everyone is considerably dumber than me or, at most, as smart. I have never met anyone that I believe to be smarter.

Joyce, along with a few other great writers, sets the bar incredibly high. It keeps me grounded. I'm sure all the genius mathematicians are slightly smarter too but I don't engage with their abilities so I don't care.

>> No.10770843


>> No.10770849

No can do. I have a deep love of, and belief in, God.

>> No.10770857


>> No.10770865
File: 25 KB, 327x360, joycewoj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10770881

I am a cheetah and Christina my prey as we dance about the evening garden. A swarm of fruit flies awaiting rotten matter from the waste bin parts politely for us. It is the winter of summertime, and a familiar cloudy gloom has lately begun to descend upon our street in the infancy of each day.

>> No.10770887

you should write, and publish your own writing. set yourself in high horse within a vacuum, unchallenged, is really a Dunning-Kruger things to do.

you should allow yourself to accomplish the same standard as what these great writers had accomplished.

>> No.10770893
File: 1.50 MB, 218x218, jollygoodlad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perhaps not, but at least the stuff i write is readable, know'm sayin famalam?

>> No.10770896

Nah, I have degrees from two top schools in varied fields. Got them with, more or less, no effort. Now I make more money than almost any four or five other anons combined.

I know you are going to just make another remark like the last two but keep in mind that someone has to be at (or near) the top. An anonymous website just permits me to say it.

>> No.10770899


>> No.10770900

Rewrite that with normal grammar so I can respond without performing a great feat of interpretation.

>> No.10770901

see >>10770887

>> No.10770905

english is my second language, and my grammar is quite incompetent, just answer question tho

>> No.10770916

why don't you just set yourself in high horse within a vacuum

>> No.10770930

I wouldn't be surprised if James Joyce just simply rose from the dead desu, dude was onto some seriously mystical shit

>> No.10771703
File: 94 KB, 718x901, 718px-Sir_John_Watson_Gordon_-_James_Hogg,_1770_-_1835._Poet;_'The_Ettrick_Shepherd'_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

instead of wasting your time making a thread about it go open a book and try to get on his level then.

>> No.10771708

If you're so smart then why do you act so retarded?

>> No.10771709

You must be fairly average then because I look at Joyce and all I see is a tryhard pseud and 2nd rate writer.

>> No.10771797

cure ur autism bra

>> No.10771808

This desu ^_^

>> No.10771818



This is the smartest thing ever written. It is the sound of thunder accompanying the Fall of Adam and Eve. It is comprised of words for thunder in several different languages, showcasing Joyce's genius-level ability to look in dictionaries (I read that in a blog and/or the foreword and/or wikipedia).

>Ineluctable modality of the visible

This is another genius line. While it may be look like shitty prose lacking musicality to the untrained eye, it is actually an obscure reference to Aristotle. (I read that in a blog and/or the foreword and/or wikipedia). To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Joyce's references, etc. In this and many other ways, Joyce paved the way for such contemporary masters as Ernest Cline, who has also mastered the art of "tee-hee, what am I referencing now??" prose.

>Once upon a time and a very good time it was there was a moocow coming down along the road and this moocow that was coming down along the road met a nicens little boy named baby tuckoo

I will not even try to explain this line. It is beyond a shadow of a doubt the greatest thing ever put into symbols by mankind. The Sistine chapel and the Gothic cathedrals can suck a cock for all I care, this line, truly, it both humbles and emboldens me - humbles me in the sense that I realize I am but a poor specimen who can only dream of such heights, but emboldens me in the knowledge that a man, a human, was capable of such a feat.

>> No.10771823

>>Once upon a time and a very good time it was there was a moocow coming down along the road and this moocow that was coming down along the road met a nicens little boy named baby tuckoo
lul you just know he was fucking around with that one

>> No.10771893


Not really. It was just the nature of his consciousness as a small child. Just a few pages later the prose already begins to mature. It's just clever is all.

>> No.10771905

>portraying nature of consciousness of a child by writing in a simplistic staccato, growing more complex and coherent as the child itself matures
What a fucking hack. If it doesnt provide me with easily digestable truisms about my daily life or deep insights into the nature of being a dying space monkey in a meaningless void, its trash.

>> No.10772336

This has to be bait right ?

>> No.10772354


>> No.10772917

>I pretty much think everyone is considerably dumber than me or, at most, as smart
This is how pretty much everyone on this board, and most regular people, thinks about the world.

>> No.10773311


>> No.10773417
File: 65 KB, 960x912, 15977120_364406787254264_2713284376269767414_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this website is 18+

>> No.10773462


>> No.10773858

I actually quite liked it up until 'descend upon our street in the infancy of each day.'

>> No.10774316

I have nine dollars in my checking account. Find another anon with like ten. Congrats, you have $19.

>> No.10774321

I beg to differ.

>> No.10774322

Doesn't hurt me. I may not be the smartest, but I'm just smart enough to enjoy Joyce's work (enjoy not understand).

>> No.10774337
File: 152 KB, 1366x768, memento.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be as smart and creative and clever as Christopher Nolan
feels bad desu

>> No.10774502

Isnt this how we all think though?

>> No.10774510

I mean, cringey and seemingly dumb as it is to say considering the shit quality of this board, most people who browse /lit/ probably have higher-than-average IQ, because usually those with higher-than-average IQ are interested in literature in the first place. So, that said, you may be smarter than the average person, but it's still obvious (as all the posts in response to this have said) that you're pretty pretentious and probably not as smart as you think you are.

>> No.10774518


>> No.10774541

>usually those with higher-than-average IQ are interested in literature


>> No.10774548

Possibly the cringiest post I've ever read.

>> No.10774550

Not him but this is probably true, literature is rarely an immediately stimulating pastime.

>> No.10774554

See: >>10770838

>> No.10774557

How strange that someone on this board would believe that

>> No.10774563

What do you expect? Someone's who has never read any literature isn't exactly the best judge of this. Not saying everyone here's a genius.

>> No.10774570

That one isn't nearly as cringy.

>> No.10774572

And who would be a good judge about your intelligence? You?

>> No.10774582

Please point out the part where I commented on my intelligence. I'm talking about literature as a general pursuit, stop being so difficult.

>> No.10774585

sup /tv/

>> No.10774590

>saying that literature enthusiasts have higher-than-average IQ
>being a literature enthusiast


>> No.10774601

Yeah okay pal, whatever you say. There is literally no difference between the average fan of reality TV and Shakespeare, you're right.

>> No.10774610

>believing anyone on this board is comparable to Shakespeare

>> No.10774612

Not me.

>> No.10774614

Is this bait? I mean fan of Shakespeare kek

>> No.10774624

is real and affects your life every single day

>> No.10774784

That's because you wrote it.

>> No.10774811

Probably exaggerated a good bit but I believe you're smart probably

>> No.10775055
File: 29 KB, 700x401, low-quality-bait-700x401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gee, LARPing sure is fun!

>> No.10775080

IQ is a load of pseudoscience bullshit for insecure jabronies

>> No.10775105

IQ tests are, objectively speaking, the single most reliable psychometric tests ever devised by human beings. Personality tests, tests of internal biases, and questionnaires on how you depressed you fell, aren't much more than horoscopes when you compare them to IQ.
No, actually you don't know what reliable means in a scientific context, probably because your IQ is low. Let me repeat this so you understand perfectly well:


>> No.10775121

Sorry, I put that wrong -- usually those interested in literature are higher than average IQ.

>> No.10775168
File: 21 KB, 259x323, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are literally a shit-eating mouth-breathing Down-syndrome drooling pilled-out fetal-alcohol-syndrome fucking retard if you don't realize the basic fact that most people interested in literature and thus most people on this board, statistically speaking, probably have a higher IQ than average, whether it's even 105 or 110. Jesus Christ, how do you drooling fucking simpletons even put your pants on and eat breakfast in the morning? I can imagine you drooling and twitching pathetically, cross-eyed and shrieking and shitting your pants as you type out these absolute garbage excuses of posts with your erect penises.

Pic related, it's you. It's amazing such a fucking retard could even type out those relatively coherent sentences, good job.

>> No.10775171

Imagine being this autistic

>> No.10775176

Imagine being as autistic as the lady in the picture? It's fine, you don't need to, just look at your own life.

>> No.10775180

yes you could be you just need to work hard

>> No.10775188

the most genius thing about joyce is that he was able to convince even academics that he was smart.

>> No.10775209
File: 35 KB, 480x360, dfwmegalaff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>objectively speaking

>> No.10775248
File: 49 KB, 407x300, napoleon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So were horoscopes and readings of entrails, for a while.

>> No.10775265

You're born stupid if that's your lot and no amount of page flipping and eye scrolling is going to change that. At best it'll fool the morons but not even the pseuds because everyone's dumb but them.

>> No.10775267

That bit is out of place

>> No.10775296

The amount of repressed insecurity in this thread is painful

>> No.10775381

Imagine being this much of an insecure brainlet

>> No.10775385

>youre all retards!
>people on this board are smarter than average

Way to contradict yourself moron

>> No.10775402

7/10 made me laugh

>> No.10775406

damn, whos that genius you posted in the picture there...

>> No.10775693

Nah, I was just telling the truth.

Btw, this was my last post in the thread:
Just thought I'd clear that up since other anons were being confused with me.

>> No.10775943

why did he wear the eyepatch?
was it pink eye from all the face sitting?

>> No.10776485


>> No.10777705


>> No.10777891

vice-versa for me
I assume everyone is at the least as smart as me and generally more, stops me from getting complacent and if theres a misunderstanding I take it upon my self to try be more clear

>> No.10777957

He couldn't see very well and probably thought it looked cool

>> No.10777967

this gave me goosebumps

>> No.10777987

It's not bad. Except "winter of summertime".

>> No.10777993

You are not grounded in the slightest.

>> No.10777996

this gave me tinnitus

>> No.10777999

Jimmy looks fookin regal in this pic:o

>> No.10778013

Papi Peterson:)

>> No.10778052

It was all about novelty, dingus. What seems retardedly simple to you now took centuries for people to figure out/attempt.

>> No.10779469
File: 45 KB, 624x560, 1519075529386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure showed them anon. Nice work

>> No.10780407
File: 638 KB, 1037x1355, Arthur_Rimbaud_by_Carjat_-_Musée_Arthur_Rimbaud_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you all forgot about Rimbaud? This guy finished writing poems at 17 (or 19) and flipped over the whole europen poetry. He has also probably fucked Verlaine up in the ass and 'cucked' his wife.

>> No.10780526


>tfw he lived like 20 years without writing anymore

Just think what it could have been.

>> No.10780555

he stopped writing cuz he had nothing to say anymore

>> No.10780560

fuck that noise, lil Wayne is one of the best to ever do it

>> No.10780570


>> No.10780622

i laughed for a minute straight and then i stopped laughing and then a minute later i remember how you said "i dont care" and then i laughed for another whole minute

>> No.10780643

redeemed the entire thread

>> No.10780731


>> No.10781098

>tfw public-educated whitetrash monoglot

>> No.10781288

fucking CRYING

>> No.10781300

This is art

>> No.10781524

Unlike you, I think I'm average when it comes to intelligence, but that most people I met are dumber than me. Not because of their capabilities to memorize things (that's irrelevant), but because of what they're interested in (to most of them, it's all about alcohol and fucking) and how little they thought about the big topics, like free will, existence etc.
I don't consider myself arrogant, I also behave humble, even with people who I think are dumber than me (which isn't usually the case when someone thinks someone is dumber than him, because then he behaves condescendingly), and never insult anyone, but I know someone will call me arrogant.

>> No.10781712

You should just set yourself in high horse within a vacuum.

>> No.10781918


I won't call you arrogant. I will call you a resentful virgin.

>> No.10782212


>> No.10782368

>It was all about novelty, dingus.
Novelty is the most disgusting thing to have happened to literature since ugliness.

>> No.10782382
File: 780 KB, 623x733, hamada outo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading is intellectual
This isn't the middle ages anymore anon.
Any chimp can read.

>> No.10782483

>Nack nack! a grosso tosso of dee tasso jumped as Flulliguhn rose and red the prose instead. What periwinkling phalligocentric thot in the siside of the glubbdubdribb. From the racketsmacket I thy perish in ferig O Frodo, Pierrito muchachito! Oh Oh muh untermenschy stomacasche. Andthen Fluliguhn Flann Flemming Flaunted FliFloo Flom inFluenza.
And stop asking me about the Santayana references, you easyminded dilettantes. Whoever has eyes shall perceive it and whoever doesn't shall dwindle and sink