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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 75 KB, 318x475, waiting for godot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10769782 No.10769782 [Reply] [Original]

Even the most pretentious, postmodern plays are fairly accessible, easy to understand, and can be finished in a single day.

Why doesn't /lit/ read more contemporary plays?

>> No.10769815

Same reason I don't read much contemporary fiction, consume much contemporary art, watch much television, or go to the movies.
99% of everything is complete shit

>> No.10769826

Why would I read something just because it's short? To come closer to my goodreads goal?
>doesn't recommend any plays
Is it just to say I read a lot?
Any good ones worth reading?

>> No.10769836

Because plays often aren't published in a form intended for reading and I get annoyed working with actor's editions.

OP's pic is good

>> No.10769864

But Godot is the go to modern play.
anyone who has interest in the subject will have read it unless they have just started reading.
It would be like asking for fantasy novel recommendations and being told to read Lord of the Rings.

>> No.10769868
File: 3 KB, 125x112, 1499982861901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fairly accessible, easy to understand
>says this while posting Godot

>> No.10769899

>LOL Godot is God theyre waiting for GOD LIOOOOOOL :))))

>> No.10769902

It's literally
>le edgy there is no meaning and life is so absurd but we gotta go on anyway!!!111oneone

>> No.10769909

i've seen enough contemporary plays to know they're complete, irredeemable trash

>> No.10769915
File: 191 KB, 297x450, waiting for god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the superior waiting core

>> No.10769951
File: 11 KB, 145x243, arcadia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Why would I read something just because it's short?

How many people on /lit/ have actually finished Infinite Jest? How many people spend months asking /lit/ for the best translation of War and Peace only to give up part way through and use "shitty'" translation as an excuse to not continue reading it?

>> No.10769957

you're a brainlet who thinks simple language implies lack of depth

>> No.10769958

I would hardly call it accessible just because it's bleak and morose. I found Waiting For Godot to be the most obtuse play I've ever read. I still don't understand who Godot is supposed to be.

>> No.10769965

It's Absurdism. Godot is no one in particular.

>> No.10770025

Plays are better seen than read in most cases, especially with Godot.

The Last Days of Judas Iscariot is a pretty good contemporary play.

>> No.10770334
File: 53 KB, 768x554, HaroldPinter-58febe763df78ca159656585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is better than Beckett and criminally underrated

>> No.10770345

It doesn't matter what Godot is
Godot isn't anything
The waiting is the thing

>> No.10770346

only pseuds write them or watch them

>> No.10770354

>criminally underrated
>won the nobel prize

>> No.10770380

Because, like poetry, theater is dead. Why bother?

>> No.10770390

Which authors?

>> No.10770394

Imagine actually being this retarded.

>> No.10770399

Betrayal was GOAT
I hope you die from cancer

>> No.10770400

>I still don't understand who Godot is supposed to be.
It doesn't matter who LE GODOT is because NOTHING LE MATTERS

BUT WE GOTTA KEEP GOIN ON ANYWAY :^) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [spoiler[In all honesty, I think Beckett was a genius, but he got kinda unrelatable and corny the more he wrote. I liked Molloy and Watt the most, and preferred Watt. [/spoiler]

>> No.10770418

I am sorry, anon, I really am. And to be 100% I read two or three contemporary plays in the last 4 months, so I'm not totally out of the loop. But I'm speaking truthfully: theater is practically dead. It has practically no cultural value anymore, it's nothing but a living carcass. I wish it wasn't dead, I wish it still carried a lot of weight. It's time to let go. At some point we'll look at plays as we look at tapestry: boring old shit people from the past used to do.

>> No.10770465

They had a big tapestry at my local art museum a couple months back, it was really fucking interesting.

Theater museums when?

>> No.10770492

Relax with the posturing friendo. Theatre is definitely hitting a slump, but I think that's only because there's more money in cinema and TV. Wait until the screen industry stagnates and becomes formulaic and they find a better way to monetise the stage while also giving writers more creative freedom.

As for poetry, I agree with you though. The best we'll get is really good, literary songwriting

>> No.10770493

Theatre is for degenerates, I don't want to be anywhere near this shit. Anything that is built to set humans in motion is anti-ethical.

>> No.10770528

Dude won a fucking Noble prize… Stoppard is better, anyway.

>> No.10770584

Professional actor here. You shouldn't read plays, you should watch them.

>> No.10770836

you are insufferable I hope you know that.

>> No.10770866


I see that actors don't get a cut of the profits from print sales.

>> No.10772360

Why that cynicism?

(btw Beckett is generally seen as 'post-existentialist' rather than existentialist; i.e. a more Adorno view of the 'absurd';- imho not really right)

>> No.10772479

Please elaborate
Or just rec some books to come to this conclusion. I want to be a filmmaker, but I have also felt this a lot of times, although I couldn't actually explain the thought. Until this is resolved, I doubt I could make anything of merit.

>> No.10772495

me and beckett contemporaries now

>> No.10772542

Is it odd that I prefer to read plays because watching people act mentally disgusts me?
I can't look at 75% of actors in role, it makes me uncomfortable. Much rather just imagine the characters thank you very much.