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10763076 No.10763076 [Reply] [Original]

how do I get off this site and actually read?
I was about to have a shower but ended up laying on the living room floor shitposting for literally two hours
I don't even realise how much time is passing
I think I'm slowly castrating myself intellectually because I do this every day

>> No.10763092

Get yourself banned and go cold turkey

>> No.10763116

Buy a pit-bull and train it to bite you when it hears the sound of the keyboard.

>> No.10763155

Not him but I tried that. Didn't work because I didn't actually end my desire for constant new info, I just cut myself from getting it (or sometimes even just got it from other sources).

I'm trying a gradual approach now where I give myself a budget of time to spend satiating that urge every day. If I go over budget one day I have to take it out of next day's budget. Over time I will gradually lower the budget until it's near zero.

>> No.10763172

At least you're here instead of /e/

>> No.10763558

You either desperately want to socialise or your attention span is fucked by the pace of most of the boards here.

>> No.10763564

he just wants dopamine drip and to feel like he's socializing. socializing is nothing like this at all, not even with """""smart"""" people

>> No.10763589



inb4 reddit

>> No.10763649
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spend more time outside the house, take your books and laptop to a public library or something. Make yourself busy with other things, and act as if there is someone on visit.

>> No.10763687

you're addicted. stop internet for some time. then re-start more balanced.

>> No.10763718

That's honestly a great idea if you have a clever dog.

These. Also avoid automatically turning on your computer without a reason. Maybe only use it in the evenings.