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/lit/ - Literature

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10762915 No.10762915 [Reply] [Original]

>finish a book
>can't remember shit
What the fuck?

>> No.10762926

stop smoking so much weed then

>> No.10762932

I don't do drugs. Not even drink.

>> No.10762935

Start meditating, order nootropics from iherb and start working on your memory using anki. Also, use internet less.

>> No.10762939

at least you read more than 6-15 pages an hour and don't unintentionally stare at the page for minutes at a time without even reading

>> No.10762940

What's anki? Also yeah, abusing Internet might be a problem.

>> No.10762951

Y-yeah. Also novel was fucking long, and filled with tons of different topics.

>> No.10762955

>read paragraph
>notice I didn't pay attention/was thinking of whatever in my mind as I read on autopilot
>read paragraph again
>notice I didn't pay attention/was thinking of whatever in my mind as I read on autopilot
>make an extremely concious effort to pay attention to what I'm reading
>start reading paragraph for the third time
>not 5 words in I catch myself thinking about thinking about reading the book or whatever shit my mind can think off

Am I a fucking retard?

>> No.10762956

>unintentionally stare at the page for minutes at a time without even reading
a classic

>> No.10762957

>currently reading 6 novels
>remember everything
maybe dont be a brainlet?

>> No.10762963

youre thinking of cock. or youre a poseur simp so you aint even entertained by the word processing, its just you staring at a "status device".

>> No.10762969

not everyone can concentrate on a given activity for enough time for it to be meaningful. this is what truly separates the brainless from actual people.

>> No.10762970

Fuck you, I'm trying.

>> No.10762981

to acquire valuable meaning out of an experience is better than overload of unengagement that ticks you indifference

>> No.10762983

>poseur simp
What if you have enjoyed novels in the past and want to unlock the incredible experiences of more novels but your attention span is fragmented and short to power through it at the normal flowing pace it deserves?

>> No.10762988

dont try. forcing stuff on yourself is dumb. maybe you:

-dont actually like reading
-are filled with chemicals that are disturbing your concentration skills
-have a complexion that makes concentration harder than usual ie. a fat fuck
-have an environment which hinders concentration
-are mentally retarded

>> No.10762991

Meditation helped my memory a lot. At the end of each day you should meditate and try to remember what happened throughout your day, chronologically and in as much detail as possible. For example, don't just think in terms of "took the bus", "watched a movie", try to remember the people that caught your attention, reconstruct exactly what happened in the film. Depending on what you've been doing all day that might take up a long time, but the longer it takes, the more bliss you feel once you hit the present.

>> No.10762994


>seeking validation on 4chan


>> No.10762998

He needs those headpats, don't spoil it.

>> No.10763001

Fuck off, bugman.

You literally set my teeth on edge. Shove your mindless consumer bullshit up your ass, cunt

>> No.10763003

You okay bro?

>> No.10763005

>t. hasn't opened their third eye yet

>> No.10763009


Pardon my ignorance I'm a genuine retard, but doesn't meditation imply a blank mind? At least the mainstream concept of it. How many kinds are there?

>> No.10763012
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>youre thinking of cock.

>> No.10763015
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Is reading for 6h/day too much?

>> No.10763030

there's different kinds of meditations but I don't consider myself an expert in it. to be fair I think of what I described more of a concentration exercice, once I hit the present in my mind I start the actual meditation.

>> No.10763035

meditation will make you relax and comfy.

blank mind isn't a bad analogy regards to the benefit of meditation. when your mind is crystal clear, it is much easier to read, and dives in into the material. to be, to live in the mind (i know this sounds cliche guys but its the truth)

>> No.10763039

Reread it.

>> No.10763070

Write notes in the margins

>> No.10763097

me in an art gallery desu

>> No.10763102

the same but without even being conscious you are staring

>> No.10763103

read it again

>> No.10763124

Those football players seem so friendly: all willing to look after her and make sure she has a fun and safe night of drinking.

>> No.10763131

what if you're depressed and have to force yourself to do the things you used to enjoy because the alternative is doing something you hate but requires no effort so you have no desire to do something else?
I have legitimately found myself watching buzzfeed list videos on autoplay
is the general population just unknowingly depressed or do they go out of their way to consciously watch that tripe?

>> No.10763184

>what if you're depressed
then clean your room, bucko. also you cant force a high brain activity like reading and even more, force yourself to enjoyment, yikes, thats some sort of torture. like tickling torture. pump your body on endorphins or engage in manual, body heavy work. that should stabilize your system first, then you can go back to reading.

>is the general population just unknowingly depressed
most are automatons. ive had people just stop for half an hour and think about themselves and their decisions. and they end up like "huh funny i never did that before, its like whoa, never knew this would feel so good". you stop them and make them think, and they discover themselves for the first time in decades.

>> No.10763199

Cant believe it took this long for someone to suggest taking notes. Doesnt have to be in the margins, if you dont want to wreck the book just keep a notepad handy and take notes in that

>> No.10763249

DUDE, what your describing sounds like a intersting excercise but it's NOT meditation.

>> No.10763252

Meditation itself is work and intense concentrarion. The side effects are comfy.

>> No.10763262

i know, see >>10763030

>> No.10763270

if you weren't a brainlet, you wouldn't be here, you'd be in STEM and invent fucking time machine

>> No.10763298

>unintentionally stare at the page for minutes at a time without even reading
delete this

>> No.10763300

unironically this

>> No.10763302

>don't unintentionally stare at the page for minutes at a time without even reading

Then what are you even doing

>> No.10763304

the worst thing is that this only happened to me as I got older. When I was a kid I could read for hours on end without spacing out.

>> No.10763337

the worst thing is that it's only gonna get worse my friend

>> No.10763342


>> No.10763354

It's the same with studying: don't do it when you've got other things to think about (or it won't be worthwhile).

>> No.10763365

I never "never have other things to think about"
as I get older my mind gets infinitely more busy. I don't know how to slow it down.

>> No.10763369

It's not really true. Back when i was a kid i read shit like Dinosaur books and kid novels. That's a lot easier to read than plowing through the Phenomenology of Spirit.

>> No.10763382

literally me

>> No.10763386

trying to read but being too retarded to do it

>> No.10763412
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good or not?

>> No.10763429

I think its good that you're self-aware,
Just laugh it off, being this retarted is funny really. Try harder, write what you've read in a small summery after a period of words. Tell me how it goes faggot

>> No.10763449

zoning out, day dreaming, etc.

>> No.10763457

Isn't this normal?
I thought the everyday individual did this.

>> No.10763460

this is legti autistic

>> No.10763463

Yeah man, i though it was weird that no one said it either. Alas, this is /lit/; what else are we to expect?

>> No.10763472
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>say "my favorite nook is Swann's way"
>oh what's it about, anon?
>w-well it's hard t-to tell
my literally face when

>> No.10763476

what the fuck do you even put down in your notes?
i don't consider even the most profound reflections and insights i have while reading to be something worth writing down, seems embarrassing

>> No.10763480

This is scrubs right?
What episode?

>> No.10763482

>seems embarassing
It is.

>> No.10763499

>Just laugh it off, being this retarted is funny really.
not after you've been reading 6-10 hours a day for an entire year and seen no improvement whatsoever

>> No.10763526

It's not embarrassing if it's your own book.

>> No.10763527

>this is legti autistic
How so?

>> No.10763535

its embarrassing no matter what, no one cares what you think

>> No.10763536


>> No.10763621
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>finish book

>> No.10763628

happens to me too

>> No.10763631

Then start smoking weed

>> No.10763653


>> No.10763656


>> No.10763666

there is nothing degenerate in that

>> No.10763673

Cannabis is one of God's greatest gifts.

>> No.10763679

along with mountain dew and doritos

>> No.10763691

I don't think they are equivalent. Mountain dew and doritos don't conveniently grow everywhere.

>> No.10763725

this. i have almost no memories at all of my childhood, and i think it's because i just didn't pay attention at things and never had to put any efford into solving problems or anything.

if i ever have children, i will force them to write a diary, i think it literally has no downside, don't understand why so few people do it

>> No.10763760

/lit/ is shittier than usual today

>> No.10763764

actually read it next time

>> No.10763773


>> No.10763780

It does have a downside.
It's boring as shit to do. Writing is tiring as fuck.

>> No.10764010

yeah kids sure are better spending that half hour a day in facebook, youtube or 4chan instead

>> No.10764049

Tempt someone else Lucy.

>> No.10764079


>> No.10764109

It's our lifestyle anon. Pressed for Time: The Acceleration of Life in Digital Capitalism

>> No.10764113

Do a Q&A on it.
You'll find you know more.

>> No.10764124
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>> No.10764136
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average user of goodreads: read all shit you can for the annual reading challenge