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/lit/ - Literature

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10762081 No.10762081 [Reply] [Original]

Just a quick reminder that you have access to literally any book through your local library(even more so in college).

>> No.10762084

If only this were true

>> No.10762092

so i can get MDE's book from my local library?

>> No.10762094


>First world solutions to third world problems

>> No.10762108

Wonderful I'll go pick me up some of Thespis plays then.

>> No.10762114

In the UK there are only three places this is literally true. Cambridge, London, and somewhere in Scotland there are copyright libraries which have the legal right to request a copy of any publication published in the UK ever.

>> No.10762116

doubt this is true for most people browsing lit

>> No.10762117

Yeah that’s true

>> No.10762121

>local library has a piss poor collection of classics

>> No.10762123
File: 846 KB, 1280x960, 35b_websize_Tianjin_Library_©Ossip(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know what "literally" means. I can sit here and start naming books that are in less than ten libraries worldwide, and continue all day. I love libraries, but let's be reasonable. I'd love to visit this new TianJin one, though.

>> No.10762129

If I wanted to get hep b and get sprayed with a fine mist of homelessman jizz yes I could brave the library to rent some books

>> No.10762131

Why would I want to sit and have to listen to subhumans grunting all having phone conversations while I read and have to wade through homeless people trying to figure out how to use computers when I could just get a book for 4 dollars from amazon and own it

>> No.10762136

Just called every library within 200 miles. No one has it.
I can get the ebook on Google play for $230, not on lib gen

>> No.10762166

i'm pretty sure thats the case for bodleain, or whatever the main oxford library is, too. IDK if you can use that - or the cambridge one - if you don't have legitimate ties to the university/specific research purposes though

>> No.10762174

bodleain isn’t

I’m a cambridge MA graduate so i can use it whenever I like

though the library looks like a prison

>> No.10762178

eh i quite like it, i thought it was funny that they had the oblivion (or skyrim maybe) map up on the wall in one of the main corridors for ages

>> No.10762433

i hate how scihub is down now i have to use shitty proxy

>> No.10762441

i don't know. the last time i went to my local library it seemed like they seriously cut down on literary fiction to make more space for movies and ya fantasy shit.

>> No.10762579

>All these fags that don't know about inter libraries loans.

I have gotten 50 year old obscure soviet research literature from some Siberian institute through my local library.

>> No.10762593

I work at a library and can confirm this is all true. Also, no way does the library system have every copy ever, only true for copyright libraries and there's like four of them.

>> No.10762596

My library has a limit on the number of interlibrary loan requests you can make per year

>> No.10762600

. t w
keep it on the dl

>> No.10762608

abebooks is so cheap
its like 1/2 £ for a book and i get to add it to my collection

>> No.10762610

here in germany you can get like every book in a public libary

>> No.10762611


>> No.10762617

The regional library system I have is pretty good, has a decent amount of books, but not them all.

I was able to read The Mezzanine and The Kybalion but couldn't find Prometheus Rising,, they were nice enough to offer me the ebook version though

>> No.10762624

My city's library barely even exists and any new acquisitions are decided by people's requests

>> No.10762871

Any book
Even more

How possible?

>> No.10762878

Consider interlibrary loan

>> No.10762882

What is interlibrary loan

>> No.10762909

Oh man how true is this, I missed being a grad student in KCL. You couldn't find anything
>KCL library
>If not one of the University of London instituion / UCL library
>If not the University of London Library around the British museum (They had an entire floor for classics, man I miss it)
>If not British Library (Never had to use it)

Now I'm a PhD student in one of the shit tier schools in University of California. Thankfully you can get books from other UC's but man when you experience the optimal experience, nothing satisfies you.

>> No.10762922

I'm only going to community college because they have the Gulag Archipelago and my county library doesn't

>> No.10764098

Thanks anon i got a book from a local college i couldnt find anywhere

>> No.10764414

what do you mean

>> No.10764479

I can't find an English translation of the Nanjung Ilgi anywhere, and the only copy for sale on Abebooks is 2500 bucks.

>> No.10764558
File: 534 KB, 1071x976, Buckley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stand up straight and sort yourself out bucko.

>> No.10764569

>couldn't even hold his own against a middling black writer in a public debate
>this is your idol

>> No.10764606
File: 351 KB, 1500x1500, HenryRollins1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bringing race into this
>being a cuck to "your" race
>taking the postmodernist bait and playing the identity politics game

Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world, bucko.

>> No.10764618

>tries to larp as a "stand up straight" machismo stoic but gets emotional and heated from the first nonplussed bant that comes his way
literally every single time. go back to pleddit, dork.

>> No.10764691
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x720, LS-1280x720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ad hominem.

Try not cleaning up your room and then get back to me bucko.

>> No.10764700

I have all the books in the world but not the time to read them.

>> No.10764713
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>>taking the postmodernist bait and playing the identity politics game
>thinking post modernism is associated with identity politics when the entire point is reevuluation of the individual and historical contexts of subjectivism
petersonposter deportations when

>> No.10764719
File: 53 KB, 500x369, irenigg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You watch videos of an 18 year old girl who looks like a 12 year old loli.

Im taking your opinions with a grain of salt.

>> No.10764725

meanwhile both pomos and Peterson on the Jews: I don't think so bucko we don't speak of them. anti-Semitism is platonic evil friend

>> No.10764736
File: 66 KB, 1080x1350, jewish girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's literally nothing wrong with being jewish

>> No.10764740


Who is this ooze flooz, this shaft-gripping siren-sibling, this penis peculator, this oubliette coquette, this pants perfricator, this dick delectation, this prick polyplectron, this fleering fuckdoll? What meretricious minx, what rod-quop-thot, what tit-mass alloplast bearer is she? Which lubricious lass, which ribaldry recrudescer, which load-lodestar is she, Muse of my assignation invitations?

>> No.10764742

there is so much wrong with being Jewish it is hard to know where to begin. they are the biggest meme people to ever exist

>> No.10764743

protip: if you want to be le true stoic manly man then you actually need to become stoic in attitude and action. you can't try to desperate affect an image of it and then let some random anon trigger you back to emotion with ease.

why is it that the plebberson fans who are so infatuated with trying to seem stoic always end up being the most emotional anon out there? do you seriously not see it?

>> No.10764745

I couldn't even find a copy of Meditations at the downtown library in Seattle, just a bunch of smelly homeless people sleeping in chairs.
What a metaphor for the tradition of the library.

>> No.10764746
File: 88 KB, 500x727, french-petition-against-age-of-consent-laws-page-issues-ra-15918159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bloody postmodernists and their lolis

>> No.10764751

Goddamn she would be beautiful if it weren't for the nose rings (and the nose).

>> No.10764753
File: 41 KB, 880x632, agatha_begone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

memes are neither good nor bad in themselves. memes are power.

she is too good for you. keep it moving, goyim.

>> No.10764760 [DELETED] 
File: 434 KB, 647x535, 1516517383700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont use aggies for stupid mean posts pls

>> No.10764762
File: 85 KB, 1080x1287, 22344849_123678018339899_4882736598409543680_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you take that back. Her nose is god damn beautiful

>> No.10764766 [DELETED] 

to many jewess itt

>> No.10764773


>> No.10764778

by meme people I mean they're a denial of reality for absurd linguistic masturbation that has made a mockery of the normal lifespan of a people by refusing to ever disappear and ruining peoples native cultures everywhere they go. and that doesn't even begin to describe their memery

>> No.10764779

thank you.

>> No.10764783

would if spanish

>> No.10764784
File: 70 KB, 1024x693, seesters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sorry what?

>> No.10764787


Damn she looks like a portrait. A couple hundred years in the past I'd be writing poems and fantasizing about this woman after seeing a glimpse of her perfect complexion before she took off in a carriage to her rich husband's property. I'd either frantically stalk her during her many frivolous walks in the city or simply keep writing poems and die from tuberculosis whilst daydreaming about a forbidden affair with the goddess.

That's how beautiful she is

>> No.10764793

It's too Semitic for me, sorry. My nose is already intrusive. We would end up eskimo french kissing.

t. someone who has been mistaken for a Jew by Jewish people

>> No.10764798
File: 112 KB, 961x961, 15625207_1322150534474696_7815416280449548288_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10764807

post nudes of this simian siren

>> No.10764808

oy vey dis is like anudda shoah

silly goy

>> No.10764850
File: 101 KB, 1080x856, 13671815_145735139198574_856868400_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there aren't any nudes of her sadly.

>> No.10765533

>some dude is eating chips with his mouth open and rifling around in the bag right now in the library

I don't understand. I don't understand how you can make it to adulthood without eating a rock and dying, and not also understand that people don't want to hear you chewing food with your mouth open. It's like a guy saying, "Every day, I play Russian roulette five times." The immediate reaction is, "You're lying, because you'd be dead by now. You'd have been dead within one day you fucking moron." But somehow it's true. Somehow this guy has made it over twenty years through life being sufficiently stupid that he is capable of eating a bag of chips loudly with his mouth opeim going to fucking kill him how fu hdsag;lksagdsa

>> No.10765537

>there aren't any nudes of her sadly.
my bullshit detector came here to find this. EVERY girl has nudes

>> No.10765558

University Libraries are /pretty/ good at having lots of books. Hell I even checked out one of Varg's, but Local Libraries tend to be filled with normie tier shit. Though they do tend to have classic /lit/ tier books on the shelves.

>> No.10765578



>> No.10765588

>Just a quick reminder that you have access to literally any book through your local library
Nah. I live in a not too bad suburban town, and the local library is complete shit. I live pretty much on the border of another town so I can walk to that library in about 20 minutes, and that library is complete shit too.

Any decently good college will likely have a great library, though, that's fair.

>neither of these libraries have any books by Al Ghazali or Ibn Arabi, two of the most important Muslim philosophers of all time, if not THE most important Muslim philosophers of all times
>nothing by Paracelsus
>neither of them have anything by fucking PLOTINUS
>one of them doesn't have anything by fucking HAFIZ or even RUMI

I mean I'm probably being autistic, but I feel these are relatively extremely huge names in the history of the world's philosophy and poetry, so it boggles my mind that they have sections devoted to new best-selling fiction and YA books but can't throw in any poetry from fucking RUMI, one of THE MOST IMPORTANT AND WIDELY READ POETS OF ALL TIME

>> No.10766606

That’s pretty autistic.

>> No.10766701

Modern-day library culture is absolute cancer. I try to stay clear of them as much as I can.

>> No.10767056

Try to find Uncle Fester's guide to cooking meth (i can't remember the exact title) at your fucking library.

Nigga please.

>> No.10768135

Rest of KCL campuses are quite shite but oh man do I love the maughan. No doubt the best uni library in London.

t. Current KCL grad student

>> No.10769863

Well, if you're not interested in philosophy and poetry, it certainly sounds autistic. But I think anyone with some culture know show extremely important these figures I mentioned are, particularly Rumi, Hafiz, and Plotinus, in my opinion, with Rumi probably being the biggest "What the fuck are you doing nigger" on there.

>> No.10769878

how the fuck do they get the books way up there? fucking architects

>> No.10769893

>Well, if you're not interested in philosophy and poetry, it certainly sounds autistic.
I'm massively interested in both, and it's still autistic. Really your post was just a namedrop sesh behind all the pretense.

>> No.10770278

fewer, as long as we're nitpicking

>> No.10770328
File: 5 KB, 249x177, 1519234720406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally any book through your local library
>(even more so in college)
how can there exist "even more so" of "literally any"

>> No.10771118

they dont, the main room has book spines printed on the walls
antmen dont read