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/lit/ - Literature

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10760616 No.10760616 [Reply] [Original]

Did reading them get you any pussy?

>> No.10760628

what the hell do these three people have in common other than being french and scaring amerimonkies

>> No.10760636

its the meme team

>> No.10760644

>what the hell do these three people have in common
Being french and sacring amerimonkies
Also >>10760636

>> No.10760652

being able to get pussy, fag

>> No.10760656

pussy and boipucci*

>> No.10760662


>> No.10760677

the meme team

>> No.10760689

They are the nietzschean gang

>> No.10760747

> Deleuze
His works where he interprets other philosophers work (Nietzsche, Spinoza, Hume, Kant etc.) are very good, his other work no so much

Absolute Charlatan

Probably the best and most approachable of the three.

>> No.10760754

they killed millions

>> No.10760768

I didnt ask for your shitty opinions, just tell me if reading them and understanding them and talking about them made you score with humanities girls or art hoes
Asking for a friend btw

>> No.10760771


>> No.10761239

If by pussy you mean boi puccy, then yes.

>> No.10761255

Only the retarded ones. Not that the meme team is bad, but your sad attempts to shoehorn them into conversation will turn off any girl with half a brain.

Kind of agree re: Derrida but you're totally missing the point of Deleuze's collaborations with Guattari. The fact that his other writing is pretty clear and sober should clue you into the fact that he's deliberately trying to do something different. Clarity is beside the point.

>> No.10761328

D&R is the culmination of his works on other thinkers , pleb. I can respect not enjoying the other stuff but you just outed yrself as underread and/or retarded

>> No.10761340

i dated a humanities phd for awhile and we barely ever talked about those fuckers because for grad students it aint about being right as much as it is about grandstanding. no need to read them and put in the work, read the easier secondary critiques n essays n shit for some superficial talking points and youll be golden

>> No.10761378
File: 1.10 MB, 1114x1080, my angel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love them so
>parmenides plato aristotle
>kant schelling hegel
>foucault deleuze derrida
golden ages

>> No.10761396

>Clarity is beside the point.

Jesus. Are all philosophers just failed poets?

Sweater enthusiasts club members pictured in a rare moment of not sucking down gauloises (or cock) like a nuclear-powered vacuum cleaner.

>reading anything getting you pussy

>> No.10761403
File: 88 KB, 960x954, meananimegirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being concerned about 'getting pussy'
>not striving for a fulfilling relationship with a beautiful and intelligent partner

>> No.10761409


The cats, obviously.

>> No.10761439

>a fulfilling relationship with a beautiful and intelligent partner

Lol. The last recorded cases of love were between 1979-80. It's a pathogen banished from the earth, like smallpox. Maybe it still exists in tightly controlled government labs deep beneath artic permafrost. The society aboveground provides effective inoculation from about 2 years of age to our death like fluorine in the water or advertisements in the air.

>> No.10761448

t. turboautist

>> No.10761455
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>> No.10761461

The term "sui generis" exists for a reason. Just because a work doens't fit neatly into standard categories doesn't mean it's a failure.