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File: 11 KB, 371x298, postmodernist SJWs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10760562 No.10760562[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this true? Are they the same?

>> No.10760576


>> No.10760577

No you idiot
Postmodernism is famous for its skepticism in society. The alt-right technically is post modern as it goes against current societal standards

>> No.10760578

The absolute state of /lit/

>> No.10760592

Eh, they're definitely not skeptical of their favored societal narratives.

>> No.10760593

stop posting. go do something on google or whatever.

>> No.10760599

I don't think O'Brien really wanted us to be able to marry bicycles.

>> No.10760600

the alt-right will often admit it could be wrong. you will simply never see a Leftist say 'yeah maybe Hitler had a point'. It doesn't happen

>> No.10760665

They're not the same thing, but SJWs are certainly riding off the coattails of the postmodernists, who had been causing havoc in the academic sphere for decades prior to the internet. They are in the same vein but not exactly the same.

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise that postmodernism, and modernism in general, is not for all intents and purposes a project, not recognized by its participants as but one but nonetheless can be theorized as one, designed to derail all strong standing traditions, using the method of questioning the inane, posing the question as something valuable and relevant, and avoiding all declarations with which to move forward with. You can very quickly see this if you pick up a book by one of the most severe postmodernists that existed, Derrida, who does exactly that. He comes in, makes a big stink over nothing, acts like he is doing something meaningful, and leaves everyone in earshot in utter confusion over the complete nonsense that he spewed in all directions.

SJWs are not as devious, but they certainly subscribe to a similar notion, that strong standing traditions ought to be torn down. SJWs do have a plan on how to move forward though. It's a despicable one, but at least still a plan.

>> No.10760676

>the alt-right will often admit it could be wrong.
No? Even its breeding ground /pol/ had a meme that it was always right

>> No.10760702 [DELETED] 



>> No.10760707

I'm a leftist and think "maybe Mussolini had a point" all the time.

>> No.10760752
File: 5 KB, 250x174, 87B6728B028B4931A751DD0A340AD5A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the alt-right will often admit it could be wrong

>> No.10760767

I won't pretend to be a member of the "alt right" but it is an undeniable fact that, in general, the right is much more capable of admitting when they are wrong than the left.

>> No.10760780

>You can very quickly see this if you pick up a book by one of the most severe postmodernists that existed, Derrida, who does exactly that. He comes in, makes a big stink over nothing, acts like he is doing something meaningful, and leaves everyone in earshot in utter confusion over the complete nonsense that he spewed in all directions.
You've never read Derrida, Nietzsche, or the Greeks, and I'm pretty sure you're going to have to google the word philology. While you've the dictionary out, look up exegesis too. Postmodernism is a return to tradition, and the ideas you're probably trying to criticize are modernist, which postmodernism is especially designed to critique. You're not just a retard, I think you're so retarded the one reference you could link with a referent in that entire post is SJW.

>> No.10760788

>ad hominem: the post
>defending postmodernism
Checks out.

>> No.10760791

>too dumb to read an argument
>too dumb to know >>>/his/tory
you know where you belong

>> No.10760808

You don't have an argument, which is why you resort to shallow ad hominem.

>> No.10760815

My argument is that since anon cannot separate two antagonistic movements such as postmodernism and modernism from each other, and claims that postmodernism has no substance or basis in tradition, he's a de facto ignorant retard in terms of knowledge the history of the the 20th Century. I did however, allow that the one of the terms he might have used correctly was SJW; I wholeheartedly believe anon is retarded enough to spend hours on tumblr.

>> No.10760827

>not realizing the "pol is always right" meme is retrospective not prospective
how fucking new are you?

>> No.10760845

The only tradition Derrida can be said to have maintained is the tradition of the subhuman, which is for sure a strong standing tradition, so I retract that statement partially.

Modernism and postmodernism are also not "antagonistic" movements — postmodernism is simply further down the way of the subhuman, which allows it to distant itself from itself in order to attack itself, as redundant and meaningless as it is.

>> No.10760859

>The only tradition Derrida can be said to have maintained is the tradition of the subhuman
So you didn't look up philology.
>Modernism and postmodernism are also not "antagonistic" movements
Yes, they are. That is what makes a work postmodern- it must subvert the form of modernism.

I'm quite fond of modernism personally- in a modernist perspective, you're subhuman enough by being this badly educated, you should be whipped while running a treadmill because it's the height of your potential productivity. Sadly, some people wanted to go back to believing in souls.

>> No.10760877 [DELETED] 

I am a bus, not a human.

>> No.10760901

everyone posting in this thread including myself should demap themselves

>> No.10760912

>"I have forgotten my umbrella." These words were found, isolated in quotation marks, among Nietzsche's unpublished manuscripts. Maybe a citation. It might have been a sample picked up somewhere, or overheard here or there. Perhaps it was the note for some phrase to be written here or there. There is no infallible way of knowing the occasion of this sample or what it could have been later grafted onto. We never will know for sure what Nietzsche wanted to say or do when he noted these words, nor even that he actually wanted anything. [...] What if Nietzsche himself meant to say nothing, or at least not much of anything, or anything whatever? Then again, what if Nietzsche was only pretending to say something? In fact, it is even possible that it is not Nietzsche's sentence, and this notwithstanding any confident certainty that it is indeed written in his hand. What, after all, is handwriting? Is one obliged, merely because something is written in one's hand, to assume, or thus to sign it? Does one assume even one's own signature? The formulation of such questions, however, is disqualified by the signature's structure. Furthermore, if one is going to suppose that this sentence is not his through and through, it is hardly necessary to recall the fact that this sentence appears in quotation marks in Nietzsche's text. Its mere readability alone would be enough to expropriate it. Could Nietzsche have disposed of some more or less secret code, which, for him or for some unknown accomplice of his, would have made sense of this statement? We will never know. [...] Everyone knows what "I have forgotten my umbrella" means. I have (the verb to have (verbe avoir)—even if it is used here as an auxiliary and although the fact of my having an umbrella is further marked by the possessive adjective) an umbrella. It is mine. But I forgot it. I can describe it. But now I don't have it anymore. At hand. I must have forgotten it somewhere, etc. I remember my umbrella. I remind myself of my umbrella. An umbrella is that sort of thing that, just when it is really needed, one might either have or not have any more (n'avoir plus). Or else one still has it when it is no longer needed.

This is the fucking guy you are defending. Of everything I have read from this fucking retard, it is always like this — nothing but a lot of empty pretense that no doubt made him feel clever and that makes me want to wring his neck for being the faggot degenerate that he so obviously was. If there is anything valuable at all in the massive heaps of shittiness he left us, well, I'll most likely never find it since I can't be assed to care enough to, and I sincerely doubt there is anyway, when you look at all the rubbish he wrote.

Better off writing off the entire thing. Modernism was a mistake, because it led to postmodernism, the bigger mistake.

>> No.10760944

Can we all agree that reading Wikipedia is much more efficient than actually reading philosophy? Instead of clenching your teeth to seep through the shit they wrote, you just read a nice compact version of it and can move on.

Wtf? I hate umbrellas now

>> No.10760966



>> No.10761013
File: 79 KB, 960x960, jibberish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10761684

SJWs are the foot soldiers of post-modernism. Post-modernism is about deconstructing White society & values as revenge for the holocaust and persecution of Jews generally.

>> No.10762629

Take out "White" and everything after the word "revenge" and you are spot on.

>> No.10762646

>the alt-right will often admit it could be wrong
Citation badly needed