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/lit/ - Literature

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10758920 No.10758920 [Reply] [Original]

How's the writing career coming, /lit/?

>> No.10758924

Kind of been leaving off to focus on my not killing myself day job

>> No.10758928

Poorly desu, been in a state of writers block for about 8 months now

>> No.10758940

Pretty good so far

Im still just privately showing people but people seem to like them

Im gonna make it /lit/

>> No.10759106

I think that thread where the NEET confronts his father with his literary ambitions killed the last remaining bit of hope I had

>> No.10759206

Non existent. But at least now trying to write doesnt seem completly worthless. I have come to see it as something I would actually like to do but I just can't get my shit together. I guess I'm slowly crawling my way out of crippling nihilism into a more fun version of it! Maybe I'm just manic right now

>> No.10759222


I'm getting paid $500 to ghost write an article for a fairly think tank, so that's something.

>> No.10759227

Howd this come about

>> No.10759286

you know there is no way that's true right; dramaticized

>> No.10759304


A friend called me a pathetic failure of a human being and asked me why I couldn't just pull myself up by my bootstraps like his friend who is a blind man that was born during a gunfight in some shithole third world country but is now a successful paralegal or something. I told him to can the useless rhetoric and find out himself, and he said lol ok, I have plenty of writing work if you're serious, might as well give you a try, lmao.

>> No.10759349

Recently I abandoned the pursuit of creative writing, since that should be left to those who have things to say. Instead, I started translating Beckett's plays into Spanish, specifically Endgame and That Time. Will do more as I finish them.

>> No.10759405


My dream job tbfh

>> No.10759495

Trying to start slow, don't want to get too ambitious yet. Working on something for my College writing contest and otherwise just practicing

>> No.10759526

It's gonna be a slow burn, but it should be nice.

>> No.10759584

Writing can be a hobby.

>> No.10759596

(Not true, by the way)

>> No.10759637

Anything can be a hobby.

>> No.10759646

Okay, but you'll never be good at it

>> No.10759977

I think I have made an important discovery about the nature of my writing and art. I tried to employ that discovery today in the writing of a poem. Hopefully something good comes of it.

>> No.10760073

the only publication i was proud of to actually show anyone happened like 10 months ago now.
No word back from things I entered back in October as of yet.

I've been stagnant.

>> No.10760105

And? It's a hobby.

>> No.10760212
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W-well reddit liked my book. It wasn't anything special, but a few thousand people enjoyed it. Never had that many readers before and now people actively follow what I write so uhh... I guess I've been hopeful ever since that happened. Worst part is that I can't share it with anyone (online and irl) because the book is really edgy and anime.

>> No.10760250

>Wrote a few short stories and 2 500 page+ novels in fucking high school
>All of it was pure shit but I got some props in the way of a teacher liking a script I wrote so much she gave me extra credit when none was offered on the assignment and my AP english teacher telling me she was sure I'd be published one day
>Published one of my short stories in the college literature journal with the editors calling it their favorite work of the semester
>Became an editor at that journal second quarter of freshman year
>English prof asks me to switch majors to English
>Turn her down, continue in psych and pre-med
>Get bogged down in pre-med and other activities for all of college
>Have to quit the lit club
>Stop writing and reading as calc and ochem takes over
>Go years without progress
>Graduate in 2014
>Work an easy 9 - 5 job
>Get back into reading and writing for 2 years
>Read and write for hours every single day
>Hard to get back into it; first short story takes me months and isn't very good
>Join a writing workshop
>Starting writing more and more
>Figure I'll write a bunch of short stories, edit them, then submit them en masse to journals to try and get publishing off the ground
>Write 10 - 15 good stories before grad school sucks me away again; work on none of them
>Grad school is unbelievably busy
>Full time work at a psych hospital to pay for tuition along with full time grad work
>Can't read/write much
>Send a couple stories off
>Get rejected
>Too much of a pussy to edit and send off more
>Feeling everything I taught myself about prose fading away
>My good short story drafts are just collecting dust on a google drive

One bright spot is I have way more free time this semester and next semester, even with work, so I might be able to start again. Biggest hurdle for me is that I need to read an absolute shit load to write anything decent so I need to get back into reading and also watching great films. To cultivate the soil of creativity and all that shit. I just don't know if I can.

A friend of mine is telling me he has an investor who wants to make a movie, and my buddy wants me to do the script for it. He's calling Tuesday so we can work on a pitch. Maybe this is my key back into the swing of things.

Pray for me /lit/.

>> No.10760447

rooting for you bud

>> No.10760460

Effexor is really fucking with me. Days just fucking speed past. I honestly don't know how I ended up just looking at my screen all day.

>> No.10760672

I had one amateur-ish short story published when I was 17, and haven't sent anything to a magazine since. I'd like to get back into it and start sending stuff out eventually though.