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10758417 No.10758417 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best publication of Pale Fire? Obviously the OP is out of print

>> No.10758426

>From the producers of Lolita (tm)

>> No.10758472

What, who gives a shit

>> No.10758619

why who gives a shit? if im spending money i want to know its on the best one

>> No.10758640

Because its the same God damn book either way

>> No.10758645
File: 250 KB, 2000x1500, 5735631866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either the one from Everyman's Library (pic related) or the one from the Library of America, which also includes Pnin and Lolita, both the novel and the screenplay.

>> No.10758802

What a shit cover, who is that even meant to be?
Kinbote is a giant of a man with a huge beard

>> No.10758824

It's the same fucking book no matter what you fucking moron. It's not like you're gonna read a translation, since you're speaking English, and it's not like any editions are particularly well-known for have errors or something significantly different from other editions. Jesus Christ I swear this shit board is becoming worse day by day I keep coming here, fucking retard

>> No.10758833

Are you being retarded on purpose? It's Nabokov

>> No.10758867

Damn really? He looked so different when he was young

>> No.10758870

Still a dumb cover though

>> No.10758872

I wish OP was out of print

>> No.10758882

yeah people age and their faces change, it's a little known fact

>> No.10758905

Few quite so radically though. As a mature man he had such a distinctive bullish build that was totally absent then

>> No.10759030
File: 25 KB, 324x500, pf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a fan of this one, although I don't think a perfect edition has ever been relesed

>> No.10759076

why are you so mad you fucking autist?

>> No.10759336
File: 174 KB, 1772x1329, 71nldghCW6L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The proper way to read it, on mockup recipe cards in a portfolio with the "commentary" in a separate pamphlet. This is actually a thing you can buy.

>> No.10760236

Because you are a fucking retard and a possibly good thread died for you to make this retarded thread, you mouth-breather. Because you are shitting up this fucking board. Don't come at me with that pussy, "Why you so mad bro it's just an imageboard bro lol". Stop shitting up this board and think before you make your dumbass threads, retard.

>> No.10760247

damn thats neat

>> No.10760261

14 year old sperg out

>> No.10760263

It's the stupidest fucking question and stupidest thread ever.