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10757847 No.10757847 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Hegel the most important philosopher in human history

>> No.10757861

If it wasn't for Hegel there would've been no nazis

>> No.10757874

Popper still mad from beyond the grave

>> No.10757876

You read Hegel and then you think about something related to Hegel. I think that's pretty much it.

>> No.10757883

He's not, he was a jackoff with too much free time and a boner for the prussian monarchy.

>> No.10757906
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>Want to teach others to think about thinking
>It ends up absolutely confusing and extremely impenetrable because you're a proto-German idealist fag with absolutely zero communication skills
>People do literally anything under your name, from inviting workers to revolt to drawing analogies to anal sex
>tfw you utterly failed to communicate with the external world

>> No.10757911

Because he raised Max Stirner

>> No.10758661

He completed philosophy and unified all human thought into one coherent system

>> No.10758666

Unironically this

>> No.10758679

>He completed philosophy and unified all human thought into one coherent system
>History begins in the East and ends in the West
this is how much of a brainlet he was

>> No.10758721

because the abstract machine known as the demiurge uses the dialectic to structure the alchemical experiment that is humanity

>> No.10758738


>> No.10758812

>Hegelian ontology is wrong, mostly because Hegel doesn't take you at your word when you say that nothing is not a thing.
>Hegelian's conception of necessity is wrong, i.e. it is not logical necessity in any strict sense, but rather what Hegel thinks is necessary for some step in his dialectic.
>Hegel fails to actually establish a presuppositionless system of thought.
>Hegel conception of sense-certainty does not follow its own rules, and not just in the sense that it develops in its phenomenological journey.
>Hegel's Understanding should have been sated in finding the notion of law, as this is the absolute unconditioned universality which is its object, but instead Hegel desires some sense of necessity which is not required, so continues on.

That being said he's a genius. His Preface is an deep pool from which I pull my bantering style.

>> No.10759232

>not being enlightened enough to know history began with the aliens who engineered us from apes
Judge not, lest ye be judged.

>Hegelian ontology is wrong, mostly because Hegel doesn't take you at your word when you say that nothing is not a thing.
You never even looked at the TWO SENTENCES in the very first page of the Science of Logic where he explicitly warns against determining Being/Nothing in any manner.
>Hegelian's conception of necessity is wrong, i.e. it is not logical necessity in any strict sense
This is what it seems like when you have no idea how it works. It's thought, thinking, and recollection. It's necessary, like it or not.
>Hegel fails to actually establish a presuppositionless system of thought.
He achieves the system in general, but could not complete the details. Existential presupposition has no determination on thought >if< thought can think itself, and that is what the Logic is meant to investigate and shows again and again as true.
>Hegel conception of sense-certainty does not follow its own rules
The point is to show that pre-absolute knowing for us in modernity is simply transcended in looking at what such knowing does. How people harp on the idea that the Phenom breaks its own logic is beyond me. Everyone knows that someone truly stupid cannot know their own stupidity. WE know more than mere sense certainty; thus, we are able to transcend it, but if a being existed that could literally only think in such a manner it would definitely be unable to transcend it.
>Hegel's Understanding should have been sated in finding the notion of law
But law is not the absolute form of knowing and that's why he transcends it.

I suggest you actually think through Hegel more, you clearly missed the point.