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10753956 No.10753956 [Reply] [Original]

>transcends postmodernism before it even started

no wonder we are in philosophical stagnation

>> No.10753965
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What we need is someone to go back to the Greeks, blow them the fuck out, and build off of that new foundation

>> No.10753967

How far are you through the 12 Rules? I bought a lobster tank last week, can't wait to set 'er up.

>> No.10753980

/lit/ has Peterson-PTSD by now, you can't talk about postmodernism without him becoming the subject of the conversation

>> No.10753989

I mean comeon, can we not talk about postmodernism anymore without it becoming a peterson thread

>> No.10754000
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>tfw when no one has actually started with the Greeks, including the Greeks

>> No.10754006

Horrible, horrible thread. Embarrassing. An ephemeral little thought better left unrecorded. It is neither impressive nor true nor can it possibly birth interesting discussion. God! What the fuck!!! Why OP? Who are you? What intelligence... what dread hand and what dread feet... lay behind this thread... what fingers clicked and clacked and what eyes summoned their words to their final destination... WHY have you done this to me OP.

>> No.10754015

Thats what Nietzsche and Heidegger did
What now smartypants

>> No.10754017
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>Le Nietzsche is ubermench xDD DAE think pomo's got BTFO before he even inspired the discipline??
>every second thread
I wonder who's to blame

>> No.10754118

Well we I guess need to get rid of religion then go from there

>> No.10754184
File: 56 KB, 333x499, kybalion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with the Hyperboreans?

>> No.10754213

>BTFO'ing the Greeks
No, he BTFO'd Socrates and Plato, thus revitalizing them.

>> No.10755114

I literally did, desu. As a kid, my father would read to me about mythology. The first non-children's book I read myself was Sophocles' Oedipus the King, and that's also what got me into reading. I went on to read other plays by Sophocles, which got me into the Greeks in general (since, to understand what Sophocles was saying, I had to look up quite a bit about mythology anyway).

>> No.10755492

Nope. Try again, statist. We won't suck your state cock.

>> No.10755503

>whole fucking board thinks """postmodernism""" is a thing

>> No.10755511

NEETzsche was right about everything

>> No.10755520
File: 34 KB, 303x475, the-republic1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anticipates Nietzsche by more than 2000 years, only to destroy him immediately

Neech's hatred of Plato is nothing but butthurt.

>> No.10755579


What happens when you start reading philosophy at schopes and stop at heidegger.

>> No.10756989


>> No.10757001

I find it funny about Neetche that he simltaneously champions a very strong scientism and a crass way of viewing reality, while at the same time being a perspectivist. It's like he allows you to be a postmodern wacko --by claiming all truth is equal at an epistemological level--, but at the same time he would find you repugnant and a pleb of the worst order if you chose that path.

>> No.10757090

>all truth is equal at an epistemological level
He didn't claim that.

>> No.10757106

instead of making these pointless feminine posts, you could have said 'Nietzsche actually meant x' and contributed something

>> No.10757151
File: 36 KB, 650x488, your guns gringo give them to me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can we not talk about postmodernism anymore without it becoming a peterson thread
no. the left wingers are too stupid and emotional to not simply lash out and shitpost all discussion into oblivion. They are post-modernist after all.

>> No.10757154

There is no "actually meant" here because I have no idea what the other poster is even referring to from Nietzsche. As far as I know, he didn't even read Nietzsche besides a summary. If he had pointed out a specific passage and had drawn his conclusion from that, I would have corrected him more thoroughly.

You should stop enabling people to get away with less reading. For the benefit of the board people need to read more and use direct passages when making statements on authors and philosophers.

>> No.10757182

dios mio

>> No.10757195

This doesn't make sense. The amerimutt is staunchly pro-guns.

>> No.10757219

Yes he did. He claimed all knowledge is selectively acquired depending on the knower's value system.

>> No.10757233

You would have to provide the passage(s) where this is said and where the contradiction you claim to have found in him is suggested.

>> No.10757256

thats the shaved headed monstrosity that CNN has been shilling nonstop to convince americans to give up their guns

>> No.10757288

This is mainstream Nietzsche my friend, I am exaggerating for bait purposes, however.

>> No.10757324

and how did he do that

the greeks were right

>> No.10757581

By recognizing Socrates' hatred for life in his dying words, and identifying Socrates and Plato as the symptoms of ancient Greece's degeneration, and pinning them for sharing a physiological attribute that made them think what they did. In summa:

>Socrates was plebs. We know, we can still see for ourselves, how ugly he was.

Read Twilight of the Idols.

Then Nietzsche proceeded to weave a brand new philosophy inspired in the original form of ancient Greece by bringing back their polytheistic love for life with his perspectivism and will to power, which ever since the world has become increasingly more built upon.

>> No.10757582

...but they didn't.
Nietzsche' criticism of Sócrates is the kind of thing you'd expect from someone who has never read any dialogue.
Heidegger's attempt is simplicistic and puerile to the point of self parody.

>> No.10757585

This 10 billions times.

>> No.10757589

He didn't "claim" much of anything for What matters.

>> No.10757678

>muh vurshoo
You don't understand either. Good job.

>> No.10757688

reading the Republic always gives me a strong feeling that philosophy in general is just endless musical chairs of redefinition

>> No.10757784

The Republic was the earliest work of dystopian fiction. It was a thought experiment to get us to consider what radical systemic change can do to a society.

>> No.10757804


>> No.10757821

i would, if in the correct environment, take your eyes and pinky fingers from you for this gay post
Religion is statist all faiths require hierarchy and thus an implicit state, you got memed on by Tolstoy and Ellul and if you’re a right wing christian “”””anarchist””” lol at you
here’s a arrow for (You)
>all the spirituals wuz us we wuz the greeks dawg look the Thayshuns be in northern vicinity of Greece and in Macedon they musta been da Greeks dawg shiet dawg da Greeks was like in Egypt and shiet and da Phoenicians musta been whie shit dawg this wuz us dawg pontic steppe PIE yamna shiet maine can’t you be understanding any of dat shiet nigga?
it is
hahahahahahahaha fucking pseud faggot
no it wasn’t you little scared marmot, do caste systems and wise rulers frighten your mammal blood?

>> No.10758057

>do caste systems and wise rulers frighten your mammal blood?
cool argument. Now explain how anyone in Athens would have read the stripping the personal choice of vocation, raising of children in commons, and the banning of all poets/poetry from the city, with any feeling other than horror.

>> No.10758086

I started with shitty novels, but to me "start with the greeks" means "restart with the greeks", which I did. It's like it's not the same kind of reading. It's having a learner's mindset while reading, and reading the right material: philosophy, literature, the greeks.
So "(re)start with the greeks" is to read the greeks when you finally want to learn, when it becomes a choice, after childhood when you learn automatically.

>> No.10758101
File: 41 KB, 458x504, 1512445136651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i´m actually already doing it

>> No.10758107


now move "the fuck" on

>> No.10759677

>religion is statist all faiths require hierarchy and thus an implicit state
Nope. Try again, ignorant retard.
>right wing
No such thing exists. Try again, retard.

>> No.10761483

But we've already transcended Post-Modernism

It did end in the 90s you know

>> No.10761691


>> No.10762603


Sorry friend, but you obviously do not know what you're talking about, and seem to be contributing to the overall decline in quality of the thread.

>rightwing anarchist
>ad homs

Good thing we're anonymous.

>> No.10763037

If anything he prefigured postmodernism. The first book of beyond good and evil is postmodernism par excellence.
He didn't transcend anything. Nietzsche is great but you have to realize his limitations. He hinted at transcending postmodernism but he was way too incoherent to be capable of doing so. Richard Rorty, another postmodernist par excellence, got that Nietzsche did all the same skeptical epistemology as himself, but couldn't resist braggadocio with an objective air a few pages later in the same books. This isn't transcending postmodernism; it's just self contradiction, which is well within the postmodern norms.

>> No.10763088

Too late, we meta modernism now.

>> No.10763142

>Religion is statist all faiths require hierarchy and thus an implicit state, you got memed on by Tolstoy and Ellul and if you’re a right wing christian “”””anarchist””” lol at you
Huh dude. Have you even heard of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? Everything is a meme compared to what Jesus preached. He is the ultimate anarchist. I mean it in all intellectual honesty, I'm not even religious