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10753439 No.10753439 [Reply] [Original]

...I don't get it.

Is he just saying "Baw! People are getting brainwashed by shitty Hollywood movies!"? I imagine it must be more subtle than that.

>> No.10753451

Did you read it?

>> No.10753457

I attempted to.

>> No.10753458

No in essence that is it. It only seemed shocking to people who saw it happening. We are steeped in it. I for one remember a time before the net was ubiquitous. Now people feel the need to go to self help groups for internet addiction.

>> No.10753466

How much of it did you read?

>> No.10753482

The first few pages or something. I was too much of a brainlet to understand a word he was trying to say.

>> No.10753593

All he’s trying to say is that mechanization alienates people from their own productivity. The same force that creates this alienation also creates spectacles which further alienate people into a kind of simulacrum of the Real, so to speak.
Mostly just entry level observations.

>> No.10753605


>> No.10753616

It's written in aphorisms. Post the aphorism(s) you didn't understand so we can better help you.

>> No.10753634

you can't

If the entire Situationists International tried and failed then you can't

>> No.10753644
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I just want the world to be not shit.

Fuck, man.

>> No.10753663


>> No.10753665
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Its more about television than film

when has the world NOT been shit?

>> No.10753671

no that's really all he's saying. if he were a better memester he would include academic discourse in this gay exposition of his

>> No.10753676

>when has the world NOT been shit?
Probably never. But I just wish it wasn't.

>> No.10753680

>lets be retarded idealist irony poisoned faggots that’ll show em!

>> No.10753685
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The James Mason SIEGEciety of the spectacle. Manson Spontex Now!

>> No.10753686
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>It's written in aphorisms.

>> No.10753692

the world may be imperfect, but you can always better yourself

>> No.10753712

>t. memerson drone

>> No.10753719


>> No.10753724

Why does this book become a history of communism halfway through?

>> No.10753762

LARP like it's 1968? The global revolutionary upsurge of the late 60s spread like wildfire in a world far less connected than ours. It failed miserably, that's beyond saying, but historical images only show their true meaning as they flash up before us in moments of danger and uncertainty. Anything, any technology, text, any image or work of art, can be our weapon.

>> No.10753783

What are some books like this? I think this is one of the most influential books I've read. It has changed how I see the world to a large degree. Every book critical of society I've read (or tried to read, anyway) after it seemed half-assed and lacking something. Something that expands on the ideas presented in SotC, perhaps.

>> No.10753795

Not him but that's literally a summary of the book

>> No.10753842

Commentaries on the Society of the Spectacle is a follow up by an older, drunker Debord. The stuff on disinformation and the security state is presient af.

Raoul Vaneigem was a fellow situationist, author of the Revolution of Everyday Life

Ivan Chtchelgov tried to blow up the Eiffel Tower once because he couldn't stand the sight of it.

Other SI texts:
Check out the works of Marshall McLuhan mainly: the media is the massage and the mechanical bride

Cristopher Lasch wrote about how the spectacle and mass media promote a Culture of Narcissism

Walter Benjamin's Theses on the Concept of History:

>> No.10753875

> A revolutionary critique of the student situation is currently taboo on the official left

>> No.10753882

Thanks a lot. I've never heard of some of those.

>> No.10753945

It spread and 'failed' because it was supposed to. The cultural revolution of the 60s was a ploy to further the generational split between old timers and boomers, in order to brainwash the generation anew, without ancestral influence. (Modern behavioral science and psychology were born in CIA labs in the 60s, let's not forget)
Bob Weir, guitarist of the grateful dead, joined the bohemian club. Can you name a more iconic 'counter culture' band than the Deads? Cohn Bendit, the public figure of Mai 68 in France, who advocated for sexual freedom and threw pavements at the police literally campaigned for the now French neoliberal president in June '17.

>> No.10753987

Epic conspiracy theories bro

>> No.10754082

Epic CIA disinfo bro

>> No.10754090


>> No.10754199

>Commentaries on the Society of the Spectacle
This, and it's a lot more readable than SotS.

>> No.10754253

No, that's not it at all. It's an extension of Lukacs' criticism of the Assault of Reason which is itself an extension of Marx's and Feuerbach's critique of the 'subject and predicate inversion'. The creation of multiple layers of idealistic descriptions of reality renders people incapable of discerning what's relevant from what isn't and stuff like that. If you want to truly understand it, I reccomend reading Lucio Colletti's introduction to Marx's early writings and his text 'Marxism and Dialectics'. I warn you though, that penetrating harsh materialism is a somewhat pointless journey, as it can't provide you a theory of justice, but it will nevertheless allow you to shit on plebs.
I wish I could elaborate on this properly, but I'm currently quite drunk, so good luck, have a nice life and don't lose yourself in materialism.

>> No.10754290


>> No.10754296

>Modern behavioral science and psychology were born in CIA labs in the 60s, let's not forget

major citation needed here bro

>> No.10754309


The "The global revolutionary upsurge of the late 60s", was just the start of the next stage of capitalism led by bourgeois students in the first world. It has been a resounding success. Thanks to it, all aspects of life including intimate relationships have been commodified and atomized.

Also the situationists were complete retards.

>> No.10754322

Why is commodification bad?

>> No.10754325

I think he's referring to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKUltra..

But i wouldn't say they were born in CIA labs since the vast majority of the research was performed by universities/institutes etc..., just with CIA money.

>> No.10754328

yeah this is one of those assumption built into so much lefty shit "muh commodifcation" wow man so we can efficiently mass produce goods in a safe and uniform manner? oh no how terrible

>> No.10754334

this is why gnome chomsky went on a 50 year anarchist bender, the guilt from mit taking so much dod cash

>> No.10754335

Basically the Kantian argument about considering others as means to an end rather than ends in themselves.

>> No.10754340

I would be a leftist except for the fact I can't fucking stand lgbtsjws/trannies/furries, AKA the utter human refuse that represents over 99.9% percent of the modern left. My seething hatred for those freaks has irrevocably driven me to the far right. I acknowledge the validity of Marxist criticisms of capitalism, but that doesn't mean I'll kowtow before the shrieking of those "folks" and their "marginalized voices"

>> No.10754347

This is your mind on USA

>> No.10754348

Goods are only part of the commodification issue. More importantly, persons and relationships are commodified.

>> No.10754355

Liberals aren't leftists. Marx kicked feminists out of the early communist movement.

>> No.10754381

Those are neoliberals and really hardly any different from the neocon and right wing.

>> No.10754406


>> No.10754414

>implying Marx was a leftist

>> No.10754426

i'm aware of mk ultra, but where is the evidence that what was found in mk ultra produced anything related to modern behavioral science or psychology?

>> No.10754434

Commodification describes the process of non-commodities becoming commodities. So, people, ideas, behaviors, etc.

>> No.10754457


S&S or The Ecstasy of Communication might be what you're after

>> No.10754469


>> No.10754476


Adam Curtis on the CIA mindrape program. Also read up on the RAND corporation, the Macy Conferences, the history of cibernetics, WWII think tanks, Stewart Brand and the Whole Earth Catalog, Sillicon Valley's links to both the military industrial complex and the esoteric counterculture

>> No.10754489

yes its why they destroyed most of the documents in ‘73 and stopped declassifying psychological warfare interrogation reports in ‘79 and also why we’re now as blind as people were in the mid 50’s when it started

>> No.10754500

idk how people trust their governments even slightly when there is stuff like MKultra just floating around online.

I mean they admitted to that. What have they not admitted to? How could possibly fucking trust them?

>> No.10754566

MIT Press put out a collection called "Guy Debord and The Situationist International: Texts and Documents" that's very much worth reading if you're interested in the project. It features the major writings of the Debord and the SI throughout their existence.

If you are embarking on picking up where they left off, it makes sense to read their writings, see what they were facing and how they were approaching it and improve upon it, like the disciple of Heraclitus.

>> No.10754572

Because the majority of people involved in the government aren't aware of CIA operations. It's easy enough to write off MKUltra as an abuse of power by a small sector.

>> No.10754589

>the majority of people involved in the government aren't aware of CIA operations
I know, I,m not talking about massive conspiracy, Im just talking about various agencies abusing the shit out of their power.

I mean where the fuck is the oversight for the endless agencies that have popped up in the last 100 years. Or even just little groups within larger organizations

>> No.10754591

Honestly just read Vineland, Inherent Vice and Bleeding Edge and you'll be educated (superficially) on what this lad's talking about. Not low tier Pynchon at all, just so close to our eyes most people can't see it.

>> No.10754655
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>implying they need oversight
bro just like let people govern themselves freely lmao

>> No.10754662

i dont even know what your memeball is supposed to be

>> No.10755097

Anarcho-Monarchism, which doesn't fit the Nick Landian description.

>> No.10755107

Apologize to the English language

>> No.10755130

In a sentence: mass media communication is the image of commodity relations. Not just "Hollywood movies," but even what we're doing right now is part of the spectacle. This spectacle society, which is determined by representations of itself, shapes even such fundamental things as the perception of time through its reification of its own history.

But like >>10753616 said, it would help to know what precisely you had trouble with.

>> No.10755138
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I'm not yanking your chain. That's actually what the blue and black memeball is. If you don't believe me, you can look up it up yourself.

>> No.10755270

>which is determined by representations of itself
What the fuck does this mean?

>> No.10755282

Every instance of the spectacle (a film, a story on the news, etc.), depending on how it fits into the larger whole of the spectacle, will influence how the spectacle presents itself in the future, or continues to present itself.

>> No.10755645

I double this

>> No.10755651
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Culture of narcissism by Christopher Lasch

>> No.10755814

It's Anarcho-Transhumanism, not Anarcho-Monarchism

>> No.10755885

So just an updated version of Marx's theory of alienation?

>> No.10755906
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Aryan kino

Either surrender the mental field or make a play for it. Return to primitivism is the only theoretical alternative. It's incorrct to think of it only as a false consciousness, it's an open space of consciousness to be filled.

>> No.10755943

>i base my entire political opinion on people i don't like and mostly see on the internet
grow up

>> No.10755946

this thread is pure spetacle my computer has 1% battery i hope to post this before it dies but this thread is memetic reading this poor culture slave is using message boards to read for him for the cultural capital he is a ghost trader in cultural stock and social media is their breeding grond

>> No.10755948

this is also spectacle sjws dont exist

>> No.10756097
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only a fatalist alcoholic marxist would overlook the liberating potential of self-spectacling

>> No.10756115

Tim Leary was an informant and a Narc. So were many others that diluted politics with "spirituality" in that decade.

>> No.10756120

i have good news for you anon, the people that annoy you are centrist liberals and actual leftists find all that shit at least very dubious if not a straight up capitalist smokescreen designed to distract from real economic issues. now that you know this you can go figure out what you actually believe in instead of pretending to be an alt-righter to troll sjws.

>> No.10756165

I admit it was quite a stretch from my part. Other than the infamous MKultra and other CIA projects, which I won't dwelve on as factual insider knowledge is scarce, or 'declassified' by the CIA itself (even though CIA came up with the concept of mass-scale conspiracies, I'll leave the conjectures for you to make).
But like >>10754325 said, CIA funded almost every professional in the field. Behavioral science is my favorite topic, I didn't go looking for CIA ties at all, it just so happened that anytime I digged deeper into sources, almost everything could be traced back to them.

I don't know how to reply? The last two guys I talk about in my post are a google search away. It's not some hidden conspirationnal shit, there is a video of Weir talking about joining the bohemian club lol. Cohn Bendit appears on french TV every other day alongside top politicians. These were two random exemples on top of my head. Acting like those in power aren't capable of such feats don't negate their validity, it simply shows you're not capable of leadership. But I thought Nietzsche made this clear a century ago.

>> No.10756193

>Actually existing Leftists are all hard race, gender & sexuality liberationist SJWs
>Oh no we're not like actually existing Leftists, we're completely different Leftists who don't believe any of that, you've probably never even heard of us!
Always funny to see critical theory turned inward and present this "deconstructed" mask for exoteric consumption

>> No.10756255
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Typical american engaged in the spectacle and CIA propaganda. Anything political in the US is incoherent to the point of hillarity. Leftwing/rightwing is a masquerade of incoherence and incompatible values. One should think at least some americans would see through the web of lies, but no. Pic related.

>> No.10756308

Minus the shitty crown shoop, that's just the egoist flag, you mong

>> No.10756356
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>"muh commodifcation" wow man so we can efficiently mass produce goods in a safe and uniform manner? oh no how terrible

>> No.10756373

Bahahhahaha just how dumb can one get?

>> No.10756375

>actually existing leftists

>> No.10756400
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>my failure to not understand distinct groups is everyone's problem

>> No.10757083

b-but muh college campuses!!!!!!

>> No.10757100
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>""""""genuine"""""""" culture

>> No.10757148
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This is what you want to read.

>> No.10757177

the caster of the illusions makes the illusions to support back the illusions that society has accepted by watching the illusions

i think

>> No.10757191

>zzzee americaines

>> No.10757199

Adorno literally called the cops and had nightmares about his hippie students m8

>> No.10757205

>exchanging one spectacle for another
I'm more likely to get laid if watch superhero movies than gay nazi shit, so I know which pill I'm taking

>> No.10757208

Mate at this point even normies have watched Hypernormalization and started to realize america is the literal Demiurge fallen to Earth.

>> No.10757215

the movies you watch have no impact on your getting laid. in fact nothing you consume, none of your 'taste' or opinions have any relation to it at all

>> No.10757258

but what you consume is then used by you to define you and your relation to the world, and also considering the factor of relating to the norms of society...

>> No.10757292

>the factor of relating to the norms of society...
it's totally unnecessary. We are talking about getting laid here, it consists of how you look, and how charming you can be, and that is all, excluding edge cases like celebrities and the like.

>> No.10757301

Not really. You're assuming only beautiful people get laid, but there's ugly and average people all around and they're all fucking each other despite their appearances more often than you think.

>> No.10757323

Why take it personally? This is some next level stockholm syndrome shit. The american people has been disrepected beyond measure: government actively working against you, CIA brainwashing the masses violently etc.. Rather than fall back to 'american pride' which is another tool of mass control, necessary in a country composed of many many minorities/religions/ethnies. Ever wonder how wasps/latinos/blacks/catholics/yanks/southerners always step on eachothers toes but stand up together anytime they hear the national anthem? I lived in the US, and there was a fucking WASP club forbidden to Jews and blacks! In 2010! Then the synagogue and jewish shit were forbidden for whites and blacks! And where black people lived, you'd better not leave your car if you weren't black. This shit only exists in the US. I don't mean offense when I say americans are brainwashed, I mean the opposite.

>> No.10757631

Can I please move to your country so that I can decrease my chances of getting murdered by a black person?

>> No.10757849

Reject materialism and materialist Western culture. Adopt a more spiritually fulfilling ideology.

>> No.10758091
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It's not that simple. You have to go full Unabomber.

>> No.10758143
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If you read anything other than meme tier novels you'll realize writing in aphorisms can be very interesting. Did you even read Wittgenstein?