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1075309 No.1075309 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, what's the best, most efficient way to learn a new language, in this case French? Pic unrelated.

>> No.1075314


Unfortunately, we have none of those in Rhode Island.

>> No.1075311

have a hot french woman in your direct proimity

>> No.1075320

The best way to learn a language is to learn it as a child or move to a country where they only speak that language.

>> No.1075317

Basically this.

>> No.1075322


What if I am past childhood and don't have the means to move to France?

>> No.1075328

Then you might just as well learn Bantu. It gives more indie-cred and is about as useful on Rhode Island.

>> No.1075331

Pick up some English to French CD's or take a French class at community college.

>> No.1075332


Well I might end up studying abroad in France, that's why I'm asking. I might move there one day, too.

>> No.1075336

>Hey /lit/, what's the best, most efficient way to learn a new language, in this case French?

Simple: learn Latin.

80% of English has Latin roots, so you can guess your way through most of it.

I would suggest you learning maybe 2 years or so in class. Pay special attention to pronunciation because in French, many times, end syllables do not even seem as if they are "pronounced" to English ears.

>> No.1075339

Why would you want to move to France, French people really are horrible to foreigners. If you want to do a European language study Spanish. Spain is an amazing place to visit.

>> No.1075340

Then you should probably study some Arabic, just in case.

>> No.1075342

you should start as we do to learn english, go on french websites, chat...etc and see your movies in french with us subtitles first, then french with french subtitles. best way to learn a new language, and to have a pretty decent vocabulary.

>> No.1075370

what is it that attracts Americans to France? The southern coast is expensive, the west coast is downtrodden, the northern coast is wild and paris has lost it's status as the intellectual mekkah roughy 30 years ago.
the sole people to philosophise in our cafés (on topics that bore frenchmen to death) are chinese, american and russian tourists. the upper classes send their kids to the école supérieures if not to western, anglosaxon universities.
the fuck do you expect to find? people who have more depth? you might find them but you won't get to explore it. expect to be a strange outcast foreigner like the awkward taxi driver from where you come from, anon.
also, read chekhov's 3 sisters today.

>> No.1075382

France has a much higher standard of living than America. Work less hours, get more vacation days, get better health care.

>> No.1075384

I guess what this guy is saying is that you're better off staying at home and reading about a once great and now imaginary Paris.

Also tell me dear French Anon, what is the French countryside like? You know, the little picturesque farms and vineyards?

>> No.1075386

Latin is not the way to go. I've taken Latin courses, it makes it way easier for me to figure out words in any of the Romance languages and English, but shitty advice for a person looking to brush up on French real quick.

Look into Rosetta, or if you're self-driven, SuperMemo and a good French audio course. The biggest obstacle for a lot of people more familiar with Germanic grammar like English speakers is the verbs. DON'T focus on that at first. Focus on memorizing and learning a good amount of basic vocab. That'll serve you better than knowing how to conjugate all of the regular and irregular verbs at first. From that point, then you should learn about the verbs. Also, don't bother with faking the accent. Adults have a much harder time interpreting and reproducing accents than children do. Speak French with a non-French accent like a man until you're fluent. Even if you'll be seen as an outside, at least you'll know what's going on.

>> No.1075391

So does just about every European country. At least with places like Sweden they are somewhat welcoming to foreigners and quite a few speak English.

>> No.1075393

Simple. In France, when it is time to go to war to defend the things that we believe in, our culture, our heritage, history, secrets, military position, economy, and treasures, all we need to know is how to throw a white flag in the fucking air and wait for someone else to sweep away our enemies. Hell, it's easier to live ina country than to BE a country.

>> No.1075394

>brush up
>Op wants to LEARN
>fuck you, I am a linguist

>> No.1075407
File: 85 KB, 481x338, 128273646949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch her videos, you'll love French


>> No.1075419

Take a class at a local community college.

>> No.1075428

>Also tell me dear French Anon, what is the French countryside like? You know, the little picturesque farms and vineyards?
the vineyards have seasonal jailbait that a btard would enjoy but the locals are usually hideous catholics who like le Pen. They don't speak English or French or any language intelligible to anyone aside from their mother and family dog.

You might also bump into gypsies who will try to kill you to get your fancy pair of nikes.

>> No.1075430

More like 30%, and closer to 5% in daily conversation.

>> No.1075436

Buy a dictionary of the language, a guide to pronouncing the language, then a book of fiction in that language. Read long stretches without using the dictionary, then look up the really persistant words, etc. Figure it out. Buy an english language edition if you need to, but keep reading the french one.

>> No.1075437

Do you converse with riff-raffs, anon?

>> No.1075441

That's a great way to learn to speak a language very very poorly.

>> No.1075444

Do you want to learn to speak, read, write, or some combination of the above?

>> No.1075450

It's like how a child learns to speak, just on paper and with less context. Look up Kato Lomb.

>> No.1075487

This is actually how really good advice. It's how I learned Spanish and Japanese. You can get the basics through textbooks, but the only way you're gonna learn vocabulary and know which word to use in which situation is by absorbing a massive amount of material. Books, movies, fuckin cartoons, it doesn't matter, just get as much exposure as possible. That's why going to a foreign country is so effective: you get that exposure even if you're a lazy bastard.

>> No.1075488

I've found immersion to be quite effective. Take some beginner courses to establish some understanding of the language, and after, listen to French songs, read French books, watch movies in French, browse French sites, and so on. I've learn essentially all of my English, among other things, this way.

I'm actually trying to study French, too. Also trying to revive my rusty Swedish skillz and improve my Japanese. And make myself more fluent at English. I kind of dream of being able to understand, speak and write all of my 5 languages really well one day...

>> No.1075605

The best way to learn French is to eat chocolate cereals, sitting on a couch in a wife beater shirt wearing a SS hat.

>> No.1075609

By the way, your grandfather was a nazi.

>> No.1075627

yes, but also was blonde and damn good at school. ss wasn't something for schlubs from the street.

>> No.1075657
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>> No.1075766


<3 It's Always Sunny

Anyway, I fell asleep like 5 minutes after making this. I don't know why some of you are arguing against my interest in France. The question isn't "Should I move to France?" but "what's the best, most efficient way to learn a new language, in this case French?" But, yeah, I've read immersion is the best, like listening to French music, reading French materials, etc. My only question is, does this mean that you have to start distancing yourself from the same sorts of English media, at least for a little while?

>> No.1075778

I met a guy from /r9k/ yesterday who was Italian. He learned English in just over a single year by watching English TV shows and films but with subtitles. First, the subtitles would be in Italian, then, when he felt confident enough, in English.

Amazing guy. His accent was still fairly strongly European, but his grammar was impeccable and his vocabulary was surprisingly wide.

So... maybe that.

>> No.1075787

The most efficient way to learn a language is done by learning it actually. Go forth and learn! you're wasting my time and you're wasting yours. all europeans speak 3 languages at least. there's no magics behind it. do it.
consume their media, take their books, take their films, their BDs and use a dictionary why there is something you don't get.
Drop a look onto their grammar, memorise the conjugation et voilá! You do not need a secluded monastery on the himalayan mountains.

>> No.1075807


Visit the country.

>> No.1075810

It depends on what you want to do.

For learning to read French (or Latin or German or anything) you want to learn the grammar and get a basic vocabulary of 1500-2000 words, then just start reading and look up unknown words in the dictionary and unknown constructions in a grammar. Keep notes of what words you didn't know and memorize them.

Learning a language doesn't take much work but it does take dedication. If you spend half-an-hour a day doing this you'll progress by leaps and bounds.

>> No.1075849

Holy shit i just saw that episode today.

>> No.1077076

yeah! do it, baby! chick dig it, boy dig it

just fathom the scene:
its a bar full of hipster, a slight blaze, you enter throw your cashimir shawl of the should and "ma petit soer, comment ca vas? arthur le perroque me dit que tu peus baiser comme une vraie saloppe du moulin rouge en mont-parnasse! tu veus le demostre pour moi?"

>> No.1077171
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Are you trying to be funny?

>> No.1077294

im a btard
all i know is spite