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/lit/ - Literature

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10751899 No.10751899 [Reply] [Original]

I really like buying those B&N hardcover classics because they just look so good on the shelf, and generally I buy ones I want to read. The other day however I bought one about the works of Nikola Tesla strictly because I liked the electro tower thingy on the spine, but now I feel ridiculous knowing I don't really wanna read it at all....

>> No.10751931
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as you should, but it is your right to fritter away your hard earned cash on something that will not feed your body or keep you safe. (can always burn it for warmth though)

>> No.10751949

>Printed in China.
The fumes from one ignited copy will destroy all life in a three block radius.

>> No.10751950

no, it would be like buying a nice piece of furniture, no shame in it at all

>> No.10751951

No, because I don't waste my money like this.

>> No.10751956

Aesthetics do play a role for a me but it's fairly minor, for example I've chosen the NYRB edition over another cheaper edition of a book because of aesthetics. But with very few exceptions I'll always choose paperback over hardback because they're easier to carry around and read.

>> No.10751962

oh well in that case it could be a nice last ditch fuck you we're all gonna die to your aggressors

>> No.10751990

Why not? As long as you like it, it’s all good. And if you have the money for it, go ahead, if you don’t, please don’t. For your own sake.

>> No.10752007
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>raping people is fine as long as you like it

>> No.10752350

You shouldn't be ashamed for buying things you think look nice, you should be ashamed for thinking those awful B&N hardcovers look nice.

>> No.10752757

Why not?

>> No.10753582


well you buy more than you can read in a life time.that's the problem

>> No.10753632

Basically this

>> No.10753652

the barnes and noble hardcover classics are so fucking tacky, they look like tryhard bullshit. i want to puke just thinking about them

>> No.10753784
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Sweet Jesus have mercy. These vexing B&N hardcovers rouse more passion in my heart, from simmering rage to unbridled hatred, passion of a greater intensity than anything I've experienced when laying with a woman, or from engaging in fisticuffs with some scoundrel, which does happen on occasion. This literature... in my country it is nothing.

>> No.10754554

>Barnes & Noble
Folio and Easton Press are for wasting money on books you don't read.

>> No.10754600
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Folio Society is getting tacky too. But they have no excuse at their prices.