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10751641 No.10751641 [Reply] [Original]

>writing a cynical, hard-hitting, controversial literary novel about the downfall of Western civilization
>pause to watch a youtube vlogger having fun with random strangers of various ethnicities in public
>delete the file and feel sad

Anyone else know this feel?

>> No.10751647

Write a light-hearted and comedic novel about the downfall of western civilization instead.

>> No.10751651

I hope that, after that, you know what it is to be happy

>> No.10751662

the camp of saints was a laugh. mostly because his "paranoid racist alarmist" estimates for immigration now seem quaint

>> No.10753217

>letting the truth be deluded by anecdotal evidence

>> No.10753242

It's because everyone has become quintessentially american, i.e. vapid consumerist nigger lovers with nothing to die for

>> No.10753270

What about ISIS? You are just like the rest. You cant even comprehend life outside of the first world. The struggle you fantasize about is not in you.

>> No.10753278

did you see those ISIS recruitment videos? Bascially an MTV music video

>> No.10753289

ISIS is simply antithetical to americanism, it is just as nihilistic and aimless. They just choose suicide belts and death by cop over AIDS, opiates and cancer.

>> No.10753312

>he thinks people do these things from nihilism

Again, cannot comprehend life outside of your bubble, you think everyone must be like yourself which is a very typical cognitive bias. There is no red pill. You cannot think yourself out of it. You have to be thrown into a life and death struggle
He thinks poor tribal subsistance farmers watch those videos

>> No.10753317

I think you are confusing ISIS with Taliban, which are essentially just garden variety nationalists.

>> No.10753327

How DARES HE have fun with strangers of various ethnicities in public? What a cuck!

>> No.10753342

I guess you are right actually i dont pay it much attention. My point was that many people are engaged with life in this "passionate" way and ultimately it is no more grand than the dissolute west.

>> No.10753353

>writing a cynical, hard-hitting, controversial literary novel about the downfall of Western civilization
OP I doubt you have even a fraction of the education to have even the most tenuous grasp on the course of western civilization if you think it's remotely near collapse. We are currently living at the zenith of western power and global influence. The reason you are miserable is that you are no more the master of this society than the faceless inhabitants of the third world you probably see as your inferiors. The true architects of this culture no longer have your interests in mind, indeed they never really did, it was simply coincidence that what benefited the elite also benefited you and your family for a few generations. That happy romance is nearing its end, and soon the favor of the haves will transfer to another subset of the have-nots and you will know what it is to be marginalized.