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10750982 No.10750982 [Reply] [Original]

I want to read something that would make me feel sick to my stomach and creeped out
I think I'm completely desensitized but there's got to be something out there
I need something completely F**KED UP
show me what you've got

>> No.10751039
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Children of Hurin?

>> No.10751072
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>> No.10751078

Definitely not Naked Lunch. Naked Lunch is funny as heck.

>> No.10751118

My diary desu

>> No.10751134


>> No.10751218

Whacha gon do about it, punk?

>> No.10751976

I need more weird websites like bathe in my milk

>> No.10752671
File: 19 KB, 220x216, 220px-Marquis_de_Sade_portrait[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 120 Days Of Sodom

>> No.10752796

Have you actually read it?

>> No.10752807

Yeah I started it and some parts had me rolling.

>> No.10752881

Story of the Eye might titillate you.

>> No.10753127


>> No.10753461

what's that monster on op's pic

>> No.10754127

There's this really great story on /x/ called The Day of All the Blood. Ask them to tell it to you.

>> No.10754395

The Consumer by Michael Gira
Thomas Ligotti's Conspiracy
Kosinsky's books

>> No.10754480

I second Story of the Eye and recommend I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream

>> No.10754592

this is normie but Guts by Palahniuk


>> No.10754596

the camp of saints

>> No.10754632
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try a little Ball Washer

>> No.10754639
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>> No.10754833

>The Consumer by Michael Gira
>Story of the Eye
Seconding both of these

>> No.10754839

The Collector

>> No.10754846


>> No.10754860
File: 1.19 MB, 1672x1672, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jun-chan, welcome back. I have never dreamed that we would see you again in this way. You must have been in so much pain ... so much suffering ... The happi we all made for the school festival looked really good on you. We will never forget you. I have heard that the headmaster has presented you with a graduation certificate. So we graduated together – all of us. Jun-chan, there is no more pain, no more suffering. Please rest in peace...

I'm on the verge of tears, reading this shit. Fuck you.

>> No.10754883

Ha what a faggot

>> No.10754902
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>le ebin edgy sociopath xD

>> No.10755104



>> No.10755128

Read about Japan in WW2

>> No.10755133

This and The Room by Hubert Selby Jr. After Selby wrote The Room, he refused to read the published version for 20 years. It's an exhaustively detailed power fantasy about a guy torturing and destroying anyone or anything that has wronged him.

>> No.10755141

Was Junko Furuta a meme? I can laugh at gore when I see it but having it brought full circle like this, back to the emotions her friends and loved ones were feeling, is fucking distressing.

>> No.10755314

why do japs love murdering people so much

>> No.10755384

This made me laugh and feel a tad but sad.

>> No.10755512

Man this one left me speechless. Just imagining the horror of being put in a situation like the narrator here is devastating. Its a short read, maybe 30 minutes at a brisk pace. Hope you enjoy!!

>> No.10755513

I liked this too. Absolutely devastating imagery.

>> No.10755523

try audio read by author

>> No.10755535

Anything about Unit 731
Japs were savages.
Nukes did them good

>> No.10755557

I tried, but I could only get up to the second gentleman before giving up in disgust.

>> No.10755634

can’t believe no one mentioned the supreme edgelord Peter Sotos yet. i personally couldn’t finish reading some of his stuff

>> No.10755722

why is this picture so scary

>> No.10756212

Natsuo Kirino's "Grotesque". OP's pic is how I imagine the protagonist's sister.

>> No.10756321

Fault in our stars

>> No.10756348
