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10750733 No.10750733 [Reply] [Original]

Give me a red pill on this guy
How do i become an overman

>> No.10750737

you wont

>> No.10750739

Every fucking time.

>> No.10750744
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>> No.10750745

Read Nietzsche

>> No.10750757

Amor fati

>> No.10750763

The correct term is Übermensch....you can always tell when its some stupid fucking american in way over his head

>> No.10750780

not using the english word is just ultimate pleb tier tourist tier shit like posting pictures on instagram on your tourist vacation

>> No.10750788

and read his books, OP. You absolute retard, it’s not that hard.

>> No.10750794

smoke heroin

>> No.10750840
File: 66 KB, 499x499, nietzsche-pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche is basically the most comfy philosopher because his eternal recurrence says I will forever shitpost on 4chan which is the most ubersmensh thing you can do

>> No.10750851

so, stoicism but without the whole going crazy thing.

>> No.10750857

As Bertrand Russel pointed out,

>> No.10750877


>> No.10750882
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redpills incoming

>> No.10751038

You don’t become an overman because you can’t... because you’re a faggot.

>> No.10751094


It's an idea he toned down in his later works to "higher men".

The main components are a love for solitude, an unwavering concviction in yourself and giving "style" to your character (in the form of self-overcoming. Bear in mind the final transformation in TSZ is into a 'child'.

It's worth pointing out he's not trying to talk to everyone here, only a handful of people are in a position to do this and even less among those have the inclination.

Read the later books particularly, Ecce Homo is indespensible in this regard.

>> No.10751104

You kind of have to wonder where his ideas would have gone if he hadn't been cockblocked so much.

Dionysus versus companionship.

>> No.10751129

Höhere Menschen and Übermenschen are two different concepts. Read Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Especially the last part where the Höhere Menschen come visit Zarathustra.

>> No.10751137


I was always under the impression that the overman was a dramatic exxageration of higher men? Perhaps I've been reading Nietzsche too poetically.

>> No.10751140
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He beat you to it.

>> No.10751164


>someone called my work shitty on 4chan so I cried about it in a spergy diatribe: the post

Does anyone have the screencap from his forum where he flies off the handle with narcissistic rage and bans one of his fanboys for pointing out his grammatical mistakes? Truly an übermensch, a solitary predator-species man, a creator of values and grammar.

>> No.10751169

The reason I'm here is because autistic individuals don't like to have anything associated to them, because you can be threatened/mocked/bullied/judged/blamed for any opinion/thought that you hold and you will be condemned, your entire individuality will be condemned by what you do. So tell me, why do anything that is associated with your individuality? I'm saying this as a young, fit and semi-smart man, not a neet loser, although you never now what the future holds.

>> No.10751171

Höhere Menschen are men of greatness which prefigure the Übermensch. Nietzsche makes a point by claiming, among others, another prophet, two kings, one pope and the first atheist as Höhere Menschen who seek Zarathustra out because they are unsatisfied with their lives and seek a higher purpose.

>> No.10751199

or not at all

>> No.10751210

Bald retard, as if I can go on Twitter and say politically incorrect shit without being targeted within 2 seconds. 4chan is the website of free speech.

>> No.10751213

Perhaps the most embarrassing part about this is that most of the "praise" on his website are taken from 4chan posts.

>> No.10751216

You will become what you are, nothing more!

>> No.10751244

but you can say that shit on your personal website, or you could tripfag with your name

>> No.10751251

This, all thoughts of free will inevitably end up making you who you are, which was determined by what you do.

>> No.10751290

How does being strict and demanding curb him from being the top intellectual in the world? In fact, it's precisely that characteristic that got him where he is now.

>> No.10751299


Did I make such a claim, you brazen and impudent subhuman?

>> No.10751304

>Truly an übermensch, a solitary predator-species man, a creator of values and grammar.
The Overman is partly the top intellectual in the world.

>> No.10751308

>if i can't spout racist falsehoods without people disagreeing with me it's censorship

>> No.10751439


t. middle-class white person living in the suburbs

Or maybe you’re just a subhuman ape yourself, fuck if i know

>> No.10751459

Wew lad. What kind of faggot writes out his inane fantasies like this?

>> No.10751551

"""The left""" 's ideology wasn't so bad when they were the counterculture. Now that this way of thinking is mainstream we see how toxic to society it really is.

Total rejection of truth.

>> No.10751717

You have to realise that the Nietzschean overman denies alot of what a man is. It is not a superman but a non-man. Instead of trying to enhance certain characteristics at the expense of others, think of what a normal man is like and become an amplification of that totality. Then you will be a superman.

>> No.10751725

No, stoicism, but WITH the whole going crazy thing