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/lit/ - Literature

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10750293 No.10750293[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any feminist writers similar to Germaine Greer, Camille Paglia, Christina Hoff Sommers and Angela Nagle?

I'm already reading The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir.

P.S. any also centrist and leftist feminists who are for the rights of biological women are also appreciated.

P.P.S. we leftist men so cucked now that we kill ourselves, leave the party, or drop from politics and leftist women are the ones left fighting idpol from the inside

>> No.10750311

I meant feminism defending the rights of biological women

>> No.10750316

>Politically incorrect guide to women, sex, and feminism.
This series is actually some good reads.

>> No.10750339

have you tried reading the works quoted int the second sex?

>> No.10750344

>Are Men Obsolete: The Munk Debate on Gender
>Women Who Make the World Worse
>Why So Slow? The Advances of Women
>The Myth of Matriarchal Prehistory: Why an Invented Past Will Not Give Women a Future
>The Manipulated Man
All of these by women.

>> No.10750355

Thank you! The revolution is beginning
too bad it's just infighting, for basic freedom of speech, against some trans marxists

>> No.10750357

She cites a ton of literature stuff but I've read a few of them yeah. It's a ton though and many obscure writers

>> No.10750367
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we must go deeper

>Ninon de l'Enclos is a relatively obscure figure in the English-speaking world, but is much better known in France where her name is synonymous with wit and beauty.

>When Ninon's mother died ten years later, the unmarried Ninon entered a convent, only to leave the next year. For the remainder of her life, she was determined to remain unmarried and independent

> In her early thirties she was responsible for encouraging the young Molière, and when she died she left money for the son of her accountant, a nine-year-old named François Marie Arouet, later to become known as Voltaire, so he could buy books.

>> No.10750370


if you already think like a secular humanists, then there is nothing new for you to learn

>> No.10750376

come on you seriously don't believe you don't have a right not to be murdered or to be able to express yourself freely

the problem is drawing the line between rights and nonsense

>> No.10750388 [DELETED] 

that cleavage

>> No.10750399

Mary Daly

>> No.10750419 [DELETED] 

So-called rights are a spook. The woman is a natural slave.

>> No.10750422 [DELETED] 

incels like you are worse than soyboys and buzzcunts

>> No.10750444 [DELETED] 
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>tfw i'm starting to feel attracted to Lindsay Shepherd
is this what love feels like?

>> No.10750451 [DELETED] 


she has a cute butt and sexy as fuck in glasses

I would unironically be dating her right now if we went to the same university


>> No.10750457 [DELETED] 

also taht voice. you can tell a true natural woman if she has a bells and whistle voice. You should only date women with bells and whistly voice

>> No.10750459 [DELETED] 

>reading women

>> No.10750468

The Second Sex is unironically one of the most important books I've read

it's got so much insights and redpills

>tfw she discusses lil girls


>> No.10750470

Such as? All i know is that De Beauvoir has some pedo-opinions.

>> No.10750481

What? I just meant that she describes the feminine psychology so well, from the developing teenage years to adulthood

I don't know how to explain but it's the most feminine thing I've ever read. Also she's not a "girl power" philosopher at all. She praises masculinity and IRL conceded she's inferior to Sartre

I don't know where you get that opinion from, that's some rumor mongering character assassination tier

>> No.10750491 [DELETED] 

where did you see her butt?

>> No.10750503 [DELETED] 


Her voice is fucking horrible, annoying as shit. Are you a goblins? You Nigger s have the worst taste honestly

>> No.10750533 [DELETED] 


>He's never had a whistle voice gf
In europe women who are feminine have this

>> No.10750569

feminism does nothing to liberate the talk about psychological violence on men from women

feminism does nothing to liberate the talk of raped men inside a household

feminism favorizes the abortion whithout even the requirement to inform the father

feminism does nothing against coerced paternity

feminism does nothing about the inequality favouring women on the dating game

feminists actually do not promote intellectual independence as a men is considered a sexist scumbag as soon as he disagrees with them or even try to nuance their positions

do you still believe that the feminists fight for equality ?

>> No.10750594 [DELETED] 

what world do we live in that the attractiveness of a plainly feminine woman is even up for debate

>> No.10750621 [DELETED] 

she has no ass but I'd still pound her caucasian pussy.

>> No.10750636 [DELETED] 

That's a pretty cute butt desu

>> No.10750638 [DELETED] 
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>she has no ass
things degenerates say

>> No.10750645 [DELETED] 

I love how it bursts her pants like tiny fruits between her skinny legs and thin waist

>> No.10750670

there has never been euality between men and women. besides, men receiving help from women would be the most shameful thing

>> No.10750683 [DELETED] 
File: 202 KB, 1080x759, me irl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh huh. its like yes she has buttocks. but she doesn't have cakes as we like to call it in the african amercan community.

I got mad love for PAWGs and the western cannon, approach me like an ursine mammal when you catch me at Target or you'll get slumped bitch nigga.

>> No.10750686

>and Angela Nagle

Even Tao Lin was more subtle than this.

Give it a rest, Angela, everybody who is going to read your book here already pirated it.

>> No.10750721 [DELETED] 

bro it just sounded like you were ass shaming

I hate flat asses an no asses too

and thick girls are amazing when it's right

>> No.10750726 [DELETED] 
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My man.

>> No.10750741 [DELETED] 
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like I think it's sexy af when a cute skinny girl puts on a few pounds or gets pregnant. it's amazing to see girls developing

do you know that feel when a petite girl starts having a bit of a belly area

>> No.10750750 [DELETED] 

do the writer's block disappear if i jerk off?

>> No.10750808

Serious point here:

Anyone else really sick that we've sunk so low that we have to fight even about free speech? We could be talking about panopticon, power, world-as-prison, hyperreality, zombiefication, cultural degeneration, reification, consumerism, inauthenticity, or not even these but any traditionally left topic of discussion, but we have to waste time engaging in a long, tiring, fruitless wrestling match just to get to square one

>> No.10750815 [DELETED] 

Shut up whitey

>> No.10750828 [DELETED] 

I'm not white cunt

>> No.10750832 [DELETED] 

>I hate flat asses an no asses too
this fit af milf i work with has no ass, but she has such a killer 6 pack. i feel like i have transcended beyond ass and tiddies, i now require healthy muscles on my women

>> No.10750833 [DELETED] 

also how could is this not considered racist?

>> No.10750870 [DELETED] 

Holy fuck look are carefully she parts her hair in an S shape

>her bf will have access to her dirty undies


>> No.10751062 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 1260x871, DEC07_HUTCHINS_SHEPHERD_POST16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>is this what love feels like?
Yes, and I don't blame you.

She has the body of a poet, the spirit of an athlete, and the mind of a philosopher.

>> No.10751074 [DELETED] 

desu she's weak-faced but has that girl next door kind of appeal that's surprisingly rare these days

imagine if there were more "average" looking girls like her

>> No.10751076

I liked the book Femal Chauvinist Pigs bit I read it a million years ago.

>> No.10751087

Is this thot some sort of new Lauren Southern for midwits?

>> No.10751108 [DELETED] 

Who is this sexy lady and where can I have sex with her?

>> No.10751182

Can someone explain to me how feminism isn't just a Nietzschean power struggle between men and women, as opposed to a movement concerned with genuine equality? Feminist publications talk more about manspreading than do about the fact that men live shorter, are more likely to experience violence, are more likely to be homeless, are more likely to be punished for identical crimes, etc.

>> No.10751204 [DELETED] 

why do women think doing this scoliosis pose is hot?

>> No.10751225
File: 6 KB, 233x300, bettyfriedan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nietzschean power struggle
slave morality

it seems like there's a split between feminists and ressentiment feminists who don't want the really slave's liberation, but to ENSLAVE others, to become the master's themselves

you can see this with the hatred of the trans marxists of the beauty, grace and superiority biological women

I mean look at her face and tell me you don't get the heeby jeebies

then look at the other type of feminists. you can see in their appearance what kind of person they are

>> No.10751232 [DELETED] 

you have butt pix? post that shit

>> No.10751233


>> No.10751248 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not gonna do that because I'm not gonna reduce her to an object, despite the fact that we're all reified and objectified under capitalism

despite the fact that everyone's perception of us is already an objectified one because of reification of the subject I'm not going to do that because she's a decently hot young woman. I'm not gonna objectify her with my penis because that's wrong. You should just cut off your penis.

>> No.10751255

There is definitely a strong inverse correlation vis a vis a woman's physical attractiveness and socialist views.

>> No.10751292 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 300x300, susandey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're using socialist as a blanket term for the liberal progressive identity movement

an argument for an ugly right can be made as easily as if not more than an ugly left

>> No.10751303
File: 94 KB, 500x428, 1499836679487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did you first realize all women are whores? Even the quiet innocent girl that sits in the back of your uni class is defintely a whore.

>> No.10751309 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 249x228, 1506628475441s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find both of these opinions to be sophomoric and pedantic.

Smartest poster ITT

>> No.10751315


>trans marxists

r/jordan_peterson having a slow day?

>> No.10751317 [DELETED] 

it's cool. i saw that the mods were deleting the objectifying posts and that made me laugh hysterically. so i decided to go ahead and look her up anyway to find some decent ass shots. no doubt this post will be deleted too by whatever sweaty mod feels that /lit/ must be cleansed of triggering language.

what a fucking joke.

>> No.10751340 [DELETED] 

fuck off with your boomer family ideal bullshit
they are as much whores as men are pervs
don't demand from others, demand from yourself
I like that the quiet innocent girls are the sluttiest ones

retard I'm a leftist who was btfo'ing the petercucks days ago. accept that you're not welcome in the left anymore since you made everybody else not welcome

pretty much just accept that anything you say is subject to censorship

>> No.10751343

None of those are feminists

>> No.10751344

fuck off. trannies aren't women

>> No.10751348


>not welcome on the left

Neither are you screeching plebs. You do know how the world sees you insecure freaks right?

>> No.10751352

since when has a leftist ever cared about the world's perception of them?

have you no conception of history, you fake?

>> No.10751353


An articulate and erudite theory. Perhaps this is more along the lines of the level of literature you're seeking:


>> No.10751354

p.s. you are literally the



think about it. you are slave morality par excellence

>> No.10751356


>since when has a leftist ever cared about the world's perception of them?

I don't even know where to start with this...

>> No.10751370
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degenerates of civilization

>> No.10751373


>Slave morality
>Herd identity
>Looking specifically for authors that agree with you
>Unironically used the phrase 'slave morality'

Does anyone on this board even read books any more? I'm out.

>> No.10751382

>fuck off with your boomer family ideal bullshit
I never said that, you're putting words in my mouth. Calm down, sweetie.
>they are as much whores as men are pervs
Blaming others for your character flaws, how mature.
>don't demand from others, demand from yourself
If only millennial womanchildren could abide by this...
>I like that the quiet innocent girls are the sluttiest ones

>> No.10751383

>privileging the discourse of the university

Like you don't even read Marcuse

'It is not the slumber of reason that engenders monsters, but vigilant and insomniac rationality.'
-g deleuze

>> No.10751385

Please don't feed the /pol/

>> No.10751392

Pandora doesn't go back into the box. You chucklefucks want to discuss muh feminist literature but you can't reconcile the fact that it (muh feminist literature) doesn't exist in a vacuum.

>> No.10751394

It doesn't help turning into some battle of the sexes though. We need to work together to combat the degeneracy that wants to eradicate sexes in the first place

>> No.10751398


>Discourse of University

Since when do you need to go to University to buy a fucking kindle and download books?

>> No.10751399


The logic of idpol dictates that it could only be fought by women. It’s inherent in its logic that any criticisms levelled by men can be dismissed because they are from men, and frankly the majority of criticisms from men end up missing the keys problematic areas and end up critiquing the overall project of emancipator politics.

Like pointing out that middle class black activists getting mad about poor whites who have an AAVE inflected dialect are pushing towards the exact same political future that Richard Spencer wants, where all the races ‘stay in their lane’, and where the influence of black culture on white culture is ‘degenerating’. Or that the logic of anti cultural appropriation has led a lot of PoC activists to feel obligated to dress and express a a heritage culture they feel is artificial for them to perform, and alienates them from their real community of peers. I know lots of women activists who will secretly confess that being part of certain radical liberal circles has made them feel obligated to perform interest in their Turkish, Basque, Iranian, Indian, Argentinian, Egyptian background. They feel bits of guilt over listening to western music, wearing western clothes, and generally living a ‘normie’ life.

Typically I’ve found that black and indigenous activists have a far more organic connection to a distinct heritage and don’t really feel that way, but it’s different for non-white activists who aren’t.

And then white guys come along and say ‘oh you care too much about race and not about class’ and totally miss their critique at the actual contradictions here.

>> No.10751400

I'm not a poltard you retard

This is what you get from excluding everyone from the left

>> No.10751402

Why are you trying to banish a valid point of jew, faggot?

>> No.10751406

You're not wrong. Wymyn and MRA types are fundamentally incapable of empathizing with eachother, unfortunately.

>> No.10751410

free speech is code word for nazi

>> No.10751415


Of course it doesn't. History is full of cunts like you - anti-semites, racists, sexists homophobes etc. Ya'll end up in the same scrap heap.

>> No.10751421

Well this thread turned out great...

Read Caliban and the Witch OP.

>> No.10751422

Where did I say anything racist, sexist, homophobic, or anti-semitic? Quote it..you can't. You're delusional.

>> No.10751425

anti-semites, racists, sexists homophobes according to idpol

the Dalai Lama
Judith Butler
Justin Trudeau
Jennifer Laurence
include everyone who doesn't subscribe to 100 percent of their beliefs

>> No.10751431

everyone is a anti-semites, racists, sexists homophobes according to them

>> No.10751433


>> No.10751434

You're a homophobe since you're homophobic against Milo, checkmate

K thanks

>> No.10751435


>Being this illiterate

>> No.10751436
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OK and who is "them"? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills

>> No.10751443

N'est pas un argument

>> No.10751447
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>> No.10751449

Feminism is based and the ultimate redpill. If you aren't a feminist then you are the real cuck.

>> No.10751450


Everyone who isn't a twat essentially.

>> No.10751452

If male and female doesn't exist why do queers need to take hormones?

If gender is a social construction where did we get it from in the first place? Did we just think up man and woman?

What is nature? What is dimorphism? What is reproduction?

>> No.10751454


>> No.10751455

old women, official whores or not, should have a bunch or suppliers like they had in their twenties.
Men must also wear condoms at all times, unless they can pay a hefty fee to the woman.

If there is any consequence that deemed bad by the woman, like an STD or a pregnancy, or the woman feels threaten in anyway, the man will be held responsible if the woman accuses him. the punishment is being forbidden to give money to women so that he is selected to fuck them.

Men also must be rated on a public record of their performance. Less taxes for men who provide a good time to the women
ANy man who fails to provide orgasms to women paid or not will have a bad rating.
After a few bad ratings, the man will be required to attend a course on female sexuality created by women.

>> No.10751457

Why do all of the transphobes start samefagging every time someone mentions Germaine Greer?

>> No.10751462

What fucking doujin did you get this from

>> No.10751464


>If male and female doesn't exist why do queers need to take hormones?

Good fucking God and you wonder why the left don't want you?

>> No.10751469

Also I wish that controversial discussions don't get censored so much. This is the fucking literature board for fuck sake

I'm literally Hitler because I believe in two sexes

answer the questions

If male and female doesn't exist why do queers need to take hormones?

If gender is a social construction where did we get it from in the first place? Did we just think up man and woman?

What is nature? What is dimorphism? What is reproduction?

>> No.10751470

What fucking revolution you daftie?

>> No.10751473

reclaiming radical left politics from identitarian brainded mob, fatso

>> No.10751476

Why would you want that? It gave way to all that nonsense in the first place.

>> No.10751483

>radical left politics
I don't want to be imprisoned and have my property confiscated because I committed thoughtcrime or because I committed the crime of being born male

>> No.10751488

>imprisoned and have my property confiscated because I committed thoughtcrime or because I committed the crime of being born male

that's what I want to rescue the left from. these anti-women anti-men tranny marxists

>> No.10751493


>Also I wish that controversial discussions don't get censored so much. This is the fucking literature board for fuck sake

Literature. This shit is not literature.

>Literally Hitler

Literally schizophrenic?

>If male and female doesn't exist why do queers need to take hormones?

Hormones are administered as a medication for Gender Dysphoria. Your question is based on a faulty premise.

>If gender is a social construction where did we get it from in the first place? Did we just think up man and woman?

Sexual organs. There are plenty of historical and current cultures that have recognised two sexes and more than one gender.

>What is nature?
he phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, the landscape, and other features and products of the earth, as opposed to humans or human creations.

>What is dimorphism?
something that occurs in two distinct forms.

>What is reproduction?
The creation of offspring.

>> No.10751494
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>> No.10751497

because the liberals have hijacked any hope of a real left movement

>> No.10751500

That ain't happening. The Left spirals into insanity by nature.

>> No.10751502


edit* More than two genders

>> No.10751509

>real left movement
Why do you want this though?

>> No.10751510

Feminism was a product of and still is tied with literature

>a medication for Gender Dysphoria
And what sexes produce what hormones? How distorted are you?

Thank you for the sassy nonresponses but I think you get my point

>> No.10751511


Through an identitarian braindead mob based on collective identity?

>> No.10751521

Because I want what is good for all including animals

>> No.10751527

lol was with it till the bottom and what is anonymous childbirth?

>> No.10751528

where the fuck did you pull that out from? your ass?

>> No.10751532


>Feminism was a product of and still is tied with literature

Dribbling, inchorent transphobia isn't a discussion of literature.

>And what sexes produce what hormones? How distorted are you?

Both sexes produce both hormones naturally in different quantities.

>> No.10751539

Well that's never happening. Focus on you, your family and your friends. Don't get caught in Utopian ideas they will only leave you disappointed.

>> No.10751550


no shit sherlock thanks for shooting over the target; but why do they exist in different proportions? Nvm don't answer that you fascist cunt

Heavy censorship everyone

>> No.10751556

>free speech
>marxist trannies (lolwut)

Well I'lm glad I came into this thread. Keep it classy /pol/.

>> No.10751563

Daily reminder that Adorno and Marcuse talk about the degeneracy and disappearance of discourse in modern culture

>> No.10751564

The only thing this thread needs now is some REALLY smug radical centrism.

>> No.10751568


>dribbling, incoherent transphobia

Sounds like a solid discussion of Germaine Greer imho.

>> No.10751570

Daily reminder that anyone who disagrees with these sick people are reactionaries even Judith Butler and Justin Trudeau and the Dalai Lama

>> No.10751576
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>> No.10751587

Radical centrists are the least self-aware group of them all. Everyone on both sides sits around laughing at them while they claim objectivity and rationality.

>> No.10751601


True but when the people laughing at you are Jacob Rees Mogg and John McDonnell it doesn't really sink in.

>> No.10751610

What's this supposed to mean

>> No.10751622


Justin Tradeau and the Dalai Lama don't make 4chan posts about trannies. Don't flatter yourself.

>> No.10751630

or do they?

>> No.10751640

They were condemned in one way or another by the idpol left

Closed thinking has never been a hallmark of the left

>> No.10751642

How do you know?

>> No.10751645

apparently the Dalai Lama is a "foolish old man" and Trudeau is a white supremacist imperialist (kek)

>> No.10751653


Good point. I suppose it must get a bit boring being the PM of Canada. A bit of shitposting here and there might be effective stress relief?

>> No.10751674

Trudeau is a white supremacist amirite

>> No.10751677

Trudeau the most cuck national leader you could ever hope for, is not enough for these troglodytes

>> No.10751684
File: 27 KB, 640x360, 6XN_pboJevM_640x360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trudeau the cuck; still not cuck enough

That should be his slogan for his next campaign

>> No.10751686


Everyone needs a hobby?

>> No.10751731
File: 356 KB, 457x733, Justin_Trudeau_APEC_2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey! I'm the most cuck guy you could ever wish for to b e a global leader! Uet I'm still not cuck enough! I'm a white supremacist' Judith butler is transphobic and all feminists are just TRANS HATING misogynisys!

Doesn't matter that trannies aren't women; jsut ignore that fact haha; you are the misogynist for hating on us meanwhile we hate every natural born women

>> No.10751749

if she breathe she a thot

>> No.10751754


I'm a woman haha let me compete in female sports like mma and completely dominate because I'm a man whoops jk lol dont be transphobe, just let us be misanthropes ok deal