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10749362 No.10749362 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone read this? What do you think of it?

>> No.10749461


>> No.10749469

Dues, more like desu

>> No.10749712

quick summary: data is number 1

>> No.10749722

Just like Sapiens, Harari takes his sweet time making his point. Both of those books could be shortened by half and still retain the same information. As for Homo Deus, I found some of his insights thoughtful on the possible directions future tech, though I much preferred the historical analysis. In general a weaker book than its predecessor.

>> No.10749725

ain't readin gay erotica

>> No.10749762

Nick Land for the unwashed masses

>> No.10749768

>written by durka min abimibabadab al sallami muhamadan arab bin not a white man
>title is gay

>> No.10749785


why do you losers exist?

>> No.10749794

it was great. lots of interesting ideas and a plausible vision of how the future will unfold.

>> No.10749796

nick land is nick land for the unwashed masses

>> No.10749812

I exist in my current form mainly because I have the good sense to use heuristics to judge what is and is not a worthwhile use of time. Non-white (and especially semetic) literature falling into the latter category.

>> No.10749820

lol u mad gay boi?

>> No.10750277

I read it. Very good, but only if you're interested in futurism and human evolution. Although hes from (((Israel))) he's fairly anti-Jew

>> No.10750528

Jewish transhumanist agenda

>> No.10750581
File: 105 KB, 500x610, that-gay-shit-miss-me-with-that-gay-shit-3354464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>books literally called 2 gays
Fuck outta here with that faggot shit

>> No.10750611

i was expecting this to be about the future, you know, because of the title but that was only maybe the last 5 to 10% of the book... but his musings on Dataism was ok, some goods insights . we can't stop processing our data in a sophisticated way since it's good for us but it will change us.
"We are acquiring the technical abilities to begin manufacturing new states of consciousness, yet we lack a map of these potential new territories. Since we are familiar mainly with the normative and sub-normative mental spectrum of WEIRD people, we don’t even know what destinations to aim towards."

" we might rush forward without any map, and focus on upgrading those mental abilities that the current economic and political system needs, while neglecting and even downgrading other abilities." but limited workers but surely there are some people out there who have thought about this, worked on this ?

>> No.10750653

> pleb tier book. anybody who's excited about any book that Yuval writes is basically proving that they don't read enough
> basically a summary book of 20x other books like his other books

>> No.10751037

Just go away you pretentious brainlet.

>> No.10751117

>a summer is worth nothing.
every book is a kind of summery or other things thought and written. Nothing comes from nothing

>> No.10752147

thank you

>> No.10753080

It's pretty much a book by a historian pretending to be a philosopher, and to some extent a futurist. The main point is that our moral system is based on human experience. The end question is how we should treat morality when we're able to use technology to morph our minds and change our needs with science. The problem is that it disregards prexisting ethics that could answer this question (Kant primarely).

>> No.10754775

it's a bit homo desu

>> No.10754863

>Harari takes his sweet time making his point.

Jews take forever to make their point. It's a byproduct of Talmudic study.

The idea is that the audience will be too bored, exhausted, or overwhelmed by irrelevant information at that point to notice or give a shit.

>> No.10755912
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It's a great book. Literally an intellectual masterpiece of the current century. I can see this being on the shelves of several prominent thinkers and historians. There's nothing short of simplicity in this book at all, everything single conclusion or suggestion is based upon several layers of advanced reflection about our material being. It is a book only a half witted religious fanatic, with no intellectual capacity what so ever, would hate.

I say read it. Even better.. buy it. You Will Want this on your shelf even for future reading and reflections on our Being on this planet.

>> No.10756155
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At least try to get yourself triggered by a decent book.