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10749131 No.10749131 [Reply] [Original]

>reading Symposium
A-are they really defending touching little boys?

>> No.10749140

that's what love is

>> No.10749150

guess you're not cut out for the intelligentsia, fag

>> No.10749169

can't fight love

>> No.10749191
File: 77 KB, 604x746, dak6ECNVafPK_Cl3eX9_60oTxYf8JyieC0iJ7y3oOk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love is love, don't discriminate

>> No.10749198
File: 106 KB, 1177x754, 1515448484224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want anymore of the greek philosoper soup, sponge, please.

>> No.10749223

love is love friendo

>> No.10749224

The ancient Greeks weren't Christian. They were pagans. Regardless of their wisdom, they still failed to understand morality. They did their best, but they didn't have the light of divine revelation to guide them, and so fell into darkness. God have mercy on them.

>> No.10749506

Not gonna lie but it makes it a little difficult to still believe anything they say, when they manage to talk themselves around to touching little bum bums and that being okay.

>> No.10749508

lol fag

>> No.10749517

>Start with the Creeps

>> No.10749541

I hate CHristians so god damn much.

>> No.10749546

Stop moralising cultures no-one could even begin to understand in full (due to the distance in time and lack of information on them). Anything can easily be acceptable, cultures don't evaluate themselves on pseudochristian ideals that no one has ever adhered to, to begin with.

>> No.10749566


This. Without the Bible pedophilia and other forms of degeneracy run rampant.

>> No.10749597
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>against pedophilia

>> No.10749605

Socrates points out a higher form of love in contrast to the other guys' speeches though, why is everybody too stupid to understand that Symposium isn't le fucking little boys meme book

>> No.10749657

Jesus was the first (and, as far as I know, the only) of the great moral teachers of humanity to elevate children as figures of profound moral consideration above and beyond their famial duties. Before Jesus, children were universally regarded as mere chattel property of their parents and extended family. Jesus' teachings regarding children are ultimately the reason why we no longer put children to work in coal mines and such. You should visit a pagan country sometime and see how children are treated.

>> No.10749666
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>> No.10749670

you're not actually reading symposium, you've just made a shitty bait thread concerning a tired meme that just won't die.

plato does not condone boyfucking

>> No.10749694

women are fucking gay

>> No.10749699

>Jesus' teachings regarding children are ultimately the reason why we no longer put children to work in coal mines and such
Yeah it only took 1800 years.

>> No.10749727
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I am only on like the second speech; havent even gotten to the great platonic realm socrates speech.
>Hint: If a frog is in the OP, it is most likely a meme post

>> No.10749736

>anything can easily be acceptable
>the greeks argued for objective morality

>> No.10749750

Considering that ancient Rome was collapsing while converting, and Europe was in chaos during the Middle Ages, and the early modern period was undergoing such upheavals, and none of them had the benefits of steam power to replace child labor, it makes sense that the Victorian Era would be the time when those labor reforms would be made. No one ever said that Christians are indeed perfect in act or can indeed build perfect societies.

>> No.10749752

>coherent positions

>> No.10749756

Ill post a pic of my symposioum copy on your mom's tits as proof

>> No.10749767

you fucking imbeciles putting children in coal mines had nothing to do with christianity or religion

the reason this was stopped was because of the unions

>> No.10749772

I hate UNions so god damn much.

>> No.10749776

Look at this moron
Dumbfuck can't even read lmao

>> No.10749777

socrates doesn't make a speech of his own

>> No.10749800
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