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10748976 No.10748976 [Reply] [Original]

WW3 happens

The last book you read becomes the bible of the new civilization

How fucked are they?

>> No.10749081

>Shadow Over Innsmouth by H.P. Lovecraft
>A parable about how multiculturalism, immigration, and miscegenation are horrifyingly evil and dangerous

I think they'll do alright

>> No.10749119

Harry Potter.

Imagine the peace, social justice, and prosperity if I saved that instead of the murderous, hateful, Christian bible?

>> No.10749120

>Searching for the String: Selected Writings of John A. Keel
We all woke as fuck.

>> No.10749121

>My Diary

Not very desu

>> No.10749125

>Śrimad Bhagavatam with translation and commentary by Prabhupada

They'll be fine

>> No.10749139


I’m really hoping for a badass anarcho-naturalist society

>> No.10749161
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>The Lesser Key of Solomon
guess it's back to plague wards and witchcraft boyos

>> No.10749164

>Things I Believe by Bertrand Russel
Probably fine.

>> No.10749166

>the manual for my new whipper snipper

I don't know what this means

>> No.10749167
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>> No.10749173

>Storm of Steel

I'm not sure how to approach this

>> No.10749177

gravity's rainbow
everything would be exactly the same

>> No.10749180

Shit didn't mean to quote you

>> No.10749181
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>> No.10749182

>Infinite Jest
It'd be like our society, except everyone would be nicer and more understanding

>> No.10749218
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>> No.10749230

Notes from Underground. I unironically think they will do all right.

>> No.10749234
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>> No.10749239
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>> No.10749240

>The Seven Madmen

Pretty fucked desu.

>> No.10749267


Not that fucked up. Clear morality and all that.

>> No.10749277

Why do so many insectoids view all current social and political events through the lens of Harry Potter?

>> No.10749282
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>Starship Troopers

>> No.10749283
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a civilization where people hang out in gardens, fall in love, get laid or spill spaghettis and they also have feelings and stuff.

sounds chill af

>> No.10749290
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>Robert Greene - 50th Law of Power

oh shid things are going to get a lot worse

>> No.10749342

>The Savage Detectives

There would be the church of the natural realists with lots of splinter sects of other poet religions, but everyone would worship the written word. I think it would be a nice, but violent, society.

>> No.10749381
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>> No.10749391

good sketch of b. russell, is it original comment or copypizza?

>> No.10749403

Foundation by Isaac Asimov. I think it’ll be...interesting

>> No.10749416

Lol I just read a book about Moses

Guess the TEN Commandments are here to stay

>> No.10749420

Just finished Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind. Guess we're all humanists now.

>> No.10749422

A History of Ireland, the new civilization will be amazing...

>> No.10749432

I mean I know this is bait, but the Bible inspired a lot of Hurry Puttuh

He literally is prophesized to die and resurrect to save alllll da land (not really biblical regarding how dualistic Harry's and Voldemort's powers are)

>> No.10749579

Thats fitting, its basically the bible of Mua'Dib anyway

>> No.10749584

should be a fun civilization

>> No.10750541

>The Gay Science
not bad i think

>> No.10750546

>12 rules for life

Oh yeah boiii, things will turn out alright.

>> No.10750555

Why do so many newfags have absolutely no ability to perceive obvious bait

Cioran's Problem with being born, they're fucked

>> No.10750600

>If On a Winter's Night a Traveler
Their religion teaches that they are on one plane of reality, with two layers below (Calvino, then below that all the stories within the novel on an "equal" plane) and infinite above. They believe that life is caused by an angel in the next higher plane "reading" the story of their life.
Reading and writing will obviously be highly valued as holy activities.

>> No.10750660

>Revolt Against the Modern World
they'll do the best possible doing that can be done

>> No.10750664

Finished, or currently reading?

>> No.10751052

The Brothers Karamazov.
Maybe they'll have interesting ideas about courts and trials.

>> No.10751100

>Infinite Jest
they'll Abide

>> No.10751121

The last book I read was by Tokstoy, so not fucked at all. In fact that woyld be a great do-over.