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10748746 No.10748746 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone seen this edition before? Picked it up at a used book store for 2 bucks. Apparently is ina. Series of other “banned” books.

>> No.10748749
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>> No.10748923

think I've seen the A Clockwork Orange from the same series

>> No.10749039

Yup, that’s one of the one’s listed. Pretty interesting.

>> No.10749107

I've already read that book but Id buy it again in a second if I found one that looked like that

>> No.10749129

Why don't books get banned anymore?

Are we living in enlightened times?

>> No.10749353

Because its a nazi and trad-right thing and the left is in power right now so they cant get away with doing nazi things.
That and the 451 argument that there's no point because we all stopped reading anyway

>> No.10749613

The one way to get someone to read a book is to ban it.

>> No.10749655

Exactly, just fill their heads with 24/7 Cable “News”, reality TV, social media and internet porn. Give them more information than they could ever process in an accessible, instant and easily digestible way, and they’ll never want to pick up a book, which would require stepping away and putting in some effort.

>> No.10750043
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>Are we living in enlightened times?

>> No.10750116


People don't read or at least Millennials don't unless it's some shitty Netflix adaptation then they'll claim to have been a fan all along.

>> No.10750547

yes. that series was released by the Independent (uk newspaper) a few years ago.
a clockwork orange was the first in the series. it was given away free with the newspaper as a promo for the series.
not sure how popular the rest of the series was- i recall they were quite expensive.
found a list of the whole series: https://www.goodreads.com/list/show/79259.Independent_Banned_Book_Series

>> No.10750608


I have their edition of All Quiet on the Western Front, no idea how the translation is but it's a decent hardcover.

>> No.10751285
File: 76 KB, 553x827, david-duke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Canada and many European countries, you cannot import various titles due to hate speech laws, effectively banning making these books banned in these countries. If you try to purchase anything written by David Duke or WLP, the book will get seized at the border and destroyed.
To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you cannot criticize.

>> No.10751861

nonsense, i can buy books by david duke on amazon marketplace. well i could if i was a complete fucknut. there's even a kindle edition.
also if you're trying to make a point about woo scary jew conspiracy, please explain why the 4chan servers are still running, since jews are criticised on here all fucking day every fucking day

>> No.10751895

where's this character from? i swear i've seen him before

>> No.10753114

>the left is in power right now
lol, it's the centrists who are in power

>> No.10753774

Indeed, that's how you spoon feed the great unwashed masses. You don't even need "fake news". Only broadcast fluff and popular stories that distract them from the things you don't want them to see, and continue on with whatever plans you want, in broad daylight.

>> No.10753819

People like to fetishise books that have been "banned" at one point or another, but usually they're either:

Banned by some ignorant school board in an especially backwards part of the country
Heterodox in their religion
Considered pornographic at the time

>> No.10753830

hero academia

>> No.10753906


Canada has 'banned books' but you can still buy these books in many stores, whether retail or online retail. It's one thing to have banned books, it's another thing to actually enforce it. There's no enforcement of bans here.

>> No.10753920

>let me strawman your theory without even reading the book

>> No.10754052

please explain how your "theory" is somehow special and different from the usual mein kampf / international jew / protocols of the elders of zion horse shit that gets posted here day after day after day
no wait, don't

>> No.10754069

4chan is quite literally the greatest resource to spread disinformation. Why would they give that up?

>> No.10754083

culture of critique

>> No.10754104 [DELETED] 

4chan helped get trump elected and jared kushner into the white house with top security clearance, trump already moved the embassy to jerusalem and im sure he has a few more favors for them before his terms end

>> No.10754128

my dude, mark twain is being taken out of school curriculums because "nigger"

>> No.10754129

>trump already moved the embassy to jerusalem
also this has been US policy since 1995 and has never happened and likely never will. even if trump plans it, it would take years to put into effect, and president oprah will just cancel the order.

>> No.10754134

they were always saving it as a "bargaining chip" and trump is like fuck it here u go, also it's now set to move in may long before the next election, and sheldon adelson is offering to pay for the whole thing

>> No.10754151

>On December 6, 2017, President Trump officially recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and ordered the State Department to begin planning for the relocation of the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.[8] However, following the announcement, Trump signed an embassy waiver again, delaying the move, as mandated by the Act, by at least six months.[10][11] Secretary of State Rex Tillerson stated that the relocation process will begin immediately, but that the relocation itself however could take years to complete.[11] Legally, however, the U.S. embassy can be moved at any time outside of the scope of the Act.
"years to complete" just like everything else trump decides
by which time he'll be long gone, shuffling his fat backside around one of his golf courses until his heart finally gives out

>> No.10755715
