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File: 109 KB, 960x525, marx_freud_nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10748501 No.10748501 [Reply] [Original]

Name a more iconic trio

I'll wait

>> No.10748509

the three stooges

>> No.10748511
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>> No.10748514

Julius Evola
Rene Guenon
Frithjof Schuon
Aka the three retarded hacks

>> No.10748517
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>> No.10748520
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>> No.10748521

I don't understand the unifying theme across these three gentlemen

>> No.10748535

Do you perchance hail from the ungodly lands of /pol/?

>> No.10748541

Absolutely not

>> No.10748553

>Fraud is a stupid jew who projects his own perversions onto everyone. Is a hack fraud and is meme tier

>Marx is some self hating jewish retard who cant balance his checkbook so he wants to burn the world down. Probably had autism with his linear and silly view of history and it candy land utopia as King NEET.


>> No.10748554

They are the three men commonly known as "the masters of suspicion".

>> No.10748558

Ackshully Schopenhauer is king neet. At least Marx had a gf.

>> No.10748561

>>Fraud is a stupid jew who projects his own perversions onto everyone. Is a hack fraud and is meme tier
Making bold statements about authors you haven't read is a risky move, anon

>> No.10748566

also 3 of the ten greatest thinkers in human history (non-mathematicians/science nerds)

>> No.10748575

>hurrr durr all of freud's ideas revolve around sex meme

>> No.10748577

Name ONE(1) part of that comment that is factually wrong

>> No.10748579

really gay post. dont even really have an opinion on the points youre making but this was just an extremely gay post to make

>> No.10748584

you're mom gay

>> No.10749044

>lumping Nietzsche in with those two kikes

>> No.10749050

Talentless hacks?

>> No.10749056
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>> No.10749954


>> No.10750040

Socialism ― or the tyranny of the meanest and the most brainless, ―that is to say, the superficial, the envious, and the mummers, brought to its zenith, ―is, as a matter of fact, the logical conclusion of “modern ideas” and their latent anarchy: but in the genial atmosphere of democratic well-being the capacity for forming resolutions or even for coming to an end at all, is paralysed. Men follow―but no longer their reason. That is why socialism is on the whole a hopelessly bitter affair: and there is nothing more amusing than to observe the discord between the poisonous and desperate faces of present-day socialists―and what wretched and nonsensical feelings does not their style reveal to us! ―and the childish lamblike happiness of their hopes and desires. Nevertheless, in many places in Europe, there may be violent hand-to-hand struggles and irruptions on their account: the coming century is likely to be convulsed in more than one spot, and the Paris Commune, which finds defenders and advocates even in Germany, will seem to have but a slight indigestion compared with what is to come. Be this as it may, there will always be too many people of property for socialism ever to signify anything more than an attack of illness: and these people of property are like one man with one faith, “one must possess something in order to be some one.” This, however, is the oldest and most wholesome of all instincts; I should add: “one must desire more than one has in order to become more.” For this is the teaching which life itself preaches to all living things: the morality of Development. To have and to wish to have more, in a word, Growth―that is life itself. In the teaching of socialism “a will to the denial of life” is but poorly concealed: botched men and races they must be who have devised a teaching of this sort. In fact, I even wish a few experiments might be made to show that in socialistic society life denies itself, and itself cuts away its own roots. The earth is big enough and man is still unexhausted enough for a practical lesson of this sort and demonstratio ad absurdum― even if it were accomplished only by a vast expenditure of lives―to seem worth while to me. Still, Socialism, like a restless mole beneath the foundations of a society wallowing in stupidity, will be able to achieve something useful and salutary: it delays “Peace on Earth” and the whole process of character-softening of the democratic herding animal; it forces the European to have an extra supply of intellect, ―it also saves Europe awhile from the marasmus femininus which is threatening it.

The Complete Works Friedrich Nietzsche, Vol XIV: The Will to Power : An Attempted Transvaluation of All Values, tr. by Anthony M. Ludovici and edited by Oscar Levy, Edinburgh and London: T.N. Foulis, § 125, p. 102-103.

Woops guess you have to take him out if your pantheon.

>> No.10750054

And I

>> No.10750120

That was an awfully prescient statement of him

>> No.10750145
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>t. pseuds

>> No.10750150

Jordan Peterson, Sam Harris, Joe Rogan.

>> No.10750236


>> No.10750257


>> No.10750267

Darwin, Marx, Wagner.

>> No.10750278
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>> No.10750304

Replace Nietzsche with Darwin and you have a trio who completely changed the way humans conceive of themselves and their nature. Darwin buried any necessity for supernatural accounts of human origins, Marx studied human history as proceeding from surplus production and a materialist basis, and Freud further developed our desires and how they shape our social existence. Nothing will ever be the same after these shockwaves.

>> No.10750326

The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit

>> No.10750334

I don’t think you know what that means.

>> No.10750337

I don't think you realise that the letter 'f' can also represent 'fourth'.

>> No.10750640

He didn't project anything. He himself admitted that he used his own thoughts as basis for his theories of sexuality.
Other than that he actually changed the approach to treating psychological disorders for the better of the patients.

>> No.10750847

Baudrillard, the real version of Baudrillard, the hyperreal version of Baudrillard

>> No.10750893

Top kek.

>> No.10751007

Actually there is a freelancer philosopher who treats exactly this topic.
His name is Bernd Laska and this is his superb website:


His main thesis is based on the (implicated) conflicts between:

a) La Mettrie vs de Sade
b) Max Stirner vs Marx & Nietzsche
c) Wilhelm Reich vs Freud

Pretty exciting stuff. Give it a try.

>> No.10751057

Those three French faggots.

>> No.10751478

This is really cool, thanks anon

>> No.10751545

It's a bummer he got completely ignored by contemporary philosophers.

Stirner himself and Laskas interpretations were life changing for me. There is some real merit in Der Einzige und sein Eigentum, too bad it got memed so hard.

If you understand German, buy his books.

>> No.10751577
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>> No.10752800
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>> No.10752818

>i haven't read any of these people but i'll pretend that i have on the internet

>> No.10754120

do you onestly think OP choosed them using "top 3 socialist thinker" as a meter?
how does it feel being so stupid?

>> No.10754138

Stop sticking crayons up your nose

>> No.10754166

nice self-own

>> No.10754170

My testes, pennis, and anus

>> No.10754179
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>> No.10754181
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Need I say an excess or a word at all?

>> No.10754385

Worst Holy Spirit symbol 2bh
Flame is always the best option

>> No.10754727
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>> No.10754942

Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz
Hegel, Fichte, Schelling

>> No.10754947

Nietzsche Heidegger and jung

>> No.10755091

Lacan, Derrida, Kristeva

>> No.10755125

slama lama ding dong