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10748134 No.10748134[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I am ugly, prospectless, friendless, will never experience romantic love, and have no real skill.

What are some books that can help me constitute an idealized self-image that gives me the feeling of being powerful and worthwhile?

So far I've read these books which have helped immensely:
Schopenhauer's 'On Women' (convincingly argues with logic that there's a hiarachy of sexes, and that women are like children and should be discarded)
The Bell Curve (presents facts that evidence that I belong to a superior creed who have built the West)
Sex and Character (proves that sexual relationships are disgusting and should be avoided at all costs because of women destruction)
Culture of Critique (shows that I am not to blame, our culture is dead and destroyed by pernicious forces)

Anything else that could help me cope? Does Jodan Peterson fight our cause for recognition?

>> No.10748142

>What are some books that can help me constitute an idealized self-image that gives me the feeling of being powerful and worthwhile?
Any will do if you're dumb enough.

>> No.10748144

JP will actually tell you to get your fucking shit together, bucko.

You might also try the book Natural Harvest seeing as you're such a goddamn faggot.

>> No.10748161

Soycucks needn't apply. Please stay on topic instead of your feels being hurt

>> No.10748198

Anon I think you would be well-served in the Army. Or the Marines. Or go abroad and join a militia. Basically I think you are totally pathetic, but some time being shot at might whip you into shape.

>> No.10748204

How old are you, soyboy?

>> No.10748207

Sexual intercourse is inherently corrupting and degenerate.

>> No.10748227

Step 1: Manage to spend an entire day (24h) without any artifical stimuli, meaning no books, no music, no internet, no elaborate food. Just minimal sustenance and walking in nature, if possible.

Step 2: Meditate 20 minutes a day for a month. This is the most useful and fundamental habit you will ever acquire.

Step 3: Create better habits, eat well, exercise, etc. This will *not* help your depression if it is actually clinical, but it will lay ground for future salvation.
Step 3: Educate yourself on psychedelics.
Step 4: Ingest a sufficient dose of psilocybin mushrooms, with a trusted person, in an appropriate setting, with the intent of confronting your fears/shortcomings
Step 5: You know what do now. Work.
Step 6: Save the fucking world from the fucking lie that almost destroyed you in the first place.

>> No.10748239

I'm sorry you can't liquidate your existence.

>> No.10748246

If he has to do all this just to save himself, it sounds as if it's not a lie.

>> No.10748251

Literally everything you've read focuses on external factors you have no influence over to make you feel relatively superior or to shift responsibility for your weaknesses. Don't you want your power to originate from yourself? Change your mindset faggot. And unironically read Nietzsche.

>> No.10748263

but it feels good though

>> No.10748274

why live in delusion my friend? If you are not strong enough to succeed when the world is available to you, than it is good that you will die without having left any children. The world will not hold your hand, the world spits in your face. Fight back or die. Eat shit you pussy

>> No.10748275


>> No.10748276
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>> No.10748299

Just find friendly people who are similar to you and talk to them, mate.

>> No.10748307

The dialectics of Sex is a great book for you OP

>> No.10748333

Don't talk to me about feelings until you've made a soufle of your own salty coins, anon.

>> No.10748569

Solid advice

>> No.10748645

>psilocybin mushrooms
If I may so inquire,where may an individual happen upon these most peculiar spores?

>> No.10748655

THIS. Just dont use too many shrooms too often it will ruin you.

>> No.10748661

Your average stoner knows where to find some. Or look up how to grow spores in your room

>> No.10748682


Tis true my form is something odd.
But blaming me is blaming God;
Could I create myself anew,
I would not fail in pleasing you.
If I could reach from pole to pole,
Or grasp the ocean with a span,
I would be measured by the soul,
The mind's the standard of the man.

>> No.10748706

Why psilocybin and not acid?