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10747603 No.10747603 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw can't keep up with all the characters in the novel and confuse their names

>> No.10747617

Catch-22 is hell

>> No.10747625

>not basing your characters on people you know irl so you don't confuse them

>> No.10747628
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Iroh is my favourite philosopher

>> No.10747641

>nobody ever pictured you as a character while reading

>> No.10747645
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>What was the Major's name again?

>> No.10747648

feels bad (good)

>> No.10747652

>he doesn't regularly reread his writing

>> No.10747657
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>character has a nickname or alias
>mfw think it's another character

>> No.10748048

>author gives character a trait the real life person doesn't have
>ignore any mention of that trait and pretend it doesn't exist

>> No.10748085

This is a problem for me with russian novels. Everyone has a million names that somehow manage to sound the same: ivan ivanovich, Ivanovna, ivan, ivan, Rumpelstiltskin

>> No.10748171

>reads catch-22
haha a bit complex but I could do it
>start reading Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.10749520

I'm slightly embarassed to admit that I thought Alexei, Alyosha, Ivan, Vanya, Dmitri, and Mitya were six different characters in the Karamazov bros

>> No.10749529


>> No.10749530

>book vaguely describes a house
>immediately start thinking of my house
>can only change it with great effort
How do I stop?

>> No.10749534


>> No.10749788

I don’t believe you

>> No.10749793
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>can't keep up

>> No.10749797
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>> No.10749834
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>only a handful of characters
>each character is referred to by multiple names in the same scene

>> No.10749848
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>get into the habit of skipping over the middle of a characters name each time
>a character with the same beginning and end of their name shows up

>> No.10749856

I don't remember character names. They are all 'that guy' to me.

>> No.10749860

I can't imagine you get much out of any book if that's true

>> No.10749881

I'm special so I don't need to know the character names. That is how deep my connection with them is.
Maybe one day you can get on my level.

>> No.10749930

Move house every so often.

>> No.10749953

Not him but I imagine every house as one of the houses I lived in as a child

How do I solve this, I haven't seen the place in a decade

>> No.10750053

>reading Les Miserables
>Victor Hugo keeps brings up characters that haven't been mentioned in 200 pages, doesn't give you any reminder who they are

>> No.10750056


>tfw only do this with Chinese and Japanese literature in translation
>tfw will never become fluent in either language

>> No.10750812

>One Hundred Years of Solitude
Actually impossible on the first read

>> No.10750823

>reading japanese novel
>all names begin with M
>pisses me off
>turns out there was a reason why they all began with M
>necessary for the plot
well ok then

>> No.10750879

i have the same problem. more than five characters confuse me. But i can't remember names anyway.

>> No.10750895

end your self certerdness. There is a whole world out there and it has alsmost nothing to do with you, untill you can encounter it.

>> No.10750896
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>tfw Norm said he cant keep up with all these weird slavic names in Russian novels, so he just gives them all English Names instead

>> No.10750906

that sounds like more work

>> No.10751217
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>something crucial about some name is said
>wonder who that character is
>remember that is the main character's name

>> No.10751222

>tfw skip end of sentences or end of paragraphs

>> No.10751268

Fuccking Swann's way

>> No.10751281

it's not so bad, Rupert

>> No.10751313

>tfw i will never read kyoko's house because it doesn't get translated

I'm very sure it would be my favourite of mishima's

>> No.10752021
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Hard mode

>> No.10752294

I felt there wasn't a real reason to distinguish the MC from his son of the same name because they make a point that giving them the same name implies they'll have the same personality. That being said, I knew that both Jose Arcadios died. The author does a fantastic job of making it clear what's going on

>> No.10752533

Did you have fun with American Psycho?

>> No.10752565


>> No.10752591

>read news article
>has to scroll up a few paragraphs because I forgot who's who

I don't remember all of my cousins' names. I can't remember most of my coworkers' names. Help.

>> No.10752669
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>author introduces a character
>immediately picture another fictional character I know in my head, ignoring all of the description and getting confused between the 2

>> No.10753284

Truly autistic desu

>> No.10753296

>he thinks the characters actually matter
You are literally incapable of reading.

>> No.10753504

Kindle's "search this book" function serves very well when you need a quick refreshner on a character or a situation. Made reading Infinite Jest a breeze, but I could see how following the plot (or not missing a bunch of details) without the function would be at least somewhat difficult.

>> No.10753562

>Russian novels where the diminutive forms of the names are completely different from the actual names
fuck this so much

>> No.10753573

I got pissed at myself because I couldnt remember the name of Curleys wife in "of mice and men" re-read the novel just be reminded that they never said her name.

Bitch didnt deserve a name

>> No.10753603

How good is Kindle for reading. I'm one of the autists that can't read on electronic devices (I've tried on a normal tablet and a phone), but seeing people on the bus and the kindles they read on look pretty good desu

>> No.10753771

It is really very good. It's a whole other thing from a normal table or a phone, it's hard to even call it a screen. It emanates no light, it just moves "ink" around in the shape of words, it looks just like printed paper. On the other hand holding it is a lot more comfortable than holding a book, even a small book, say nothing of a big book. I've been reading on my kindle for 5 years and now when I have to read a print book it's an experience filled with suffering, it now feels extremely inconvenient to have to hold the book open and it sucks that the pages aren't even straight but rounded in that book-shape.

I've grown too acclimated to the ultimate reading device, and now I can't even understand how I used to tolerate reading books.

>> No.10753798

Damn, that was a good sales pitch. Can I, however, dump pirated .epub's on it, is an equally important question?

>> No.10754640

Middlemarch really kicked my ass for precisely that reason

>> No.10754674

>Characters are so 1d and forgettable that I literally ignore them and/or forget about them as they’re mentioned
All the time

>> No.10754692

read better books

>> No.10754693

i had to keep a notebook with all the names and factions when i read romance of the three kingdoms

>> No.10754696

It can be confusing the first couple of times you read a russian novel but it's really not that complicated

>> No.10754799

Something pretty hysterical about Harry Turtledove, he routinely changes the way characters names are spelled because he just forgets.
>A Soviet tank driver introduced as Gennady Kalyakin in the closing pages of Bombs Away[13] becomes Vladislav Kalyakin throughout the following volumes Fallout and Armistice.[14]
>A Hungarian POV character, introduced in Bombs Away under the name Isztvan Szolovits, suddenly becomes "Istvan Szolovits" (missing the z from his first name) in Fallout, and retains the shorter spelling throughout the remainder of the series.
>At the beginning of The Grapple, Hipolito Rodriguez reflects that his son Miguel is serving in Virginia and his son Jorge is serving in New Mexico. When Jorge debuts as a viewpoint character later in the novel, it is he who is assigned to the Army of Northern Virginia
Also he'll have characters die and come back to life with no explanation.
>In his last scene in Hitler's War (the first day of the Japanese invasion of the USSR), Sgt. Hideki Fujita is informed that his superior, Lt. Hanafusa, has been shot twice in the chest and will probably die.[84] However, in the follow-up volume West and East, Hanafusa is shown to be alive and in charge, and no explanation is ever offered for this discrepancy.[85]

>> No.10755015

i usually do the same but not for fictional characters from other books, usually from fictional characters from games or movies

>> No.10755290
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>book has multiple character with similar sounding names
>other characters mispronounce these names which makes it more confusing