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10745191 No.10745191[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how do i stop taking everything at face value?
it's like my mind is fixated on the illusion of an objective reality to the extent that i don't even make logical assumptions when reading
i can barely process themes and concepts in relation to the rest of the book

i never used to be like this
what do?

>> No.10745206

sounds like you're fucked my friend.
reality is an illusion and we're all gonna die.

>> No.10745207

I don't know. I've been tortured by skepticism and can't tell what is ironic and what is sincere anymore. I have no idea what the hell is happening around me anymore and I want to stop feeling like this.

>> No.10745241

I'm what my friend calls "autistic type borderline" That means, that I'm obtuse as fuck and generally have a hard time understanding sarcasm and emotions make me uncomfortable, so I usually ignore them.

The trick is to not care. Whether you understand little things like that has surprisingly little impact on your life if you're aware of it. Just run with what you get. Oh, the book was a satire, but you didn't read it as one? Ok.

I get the feeling you're all hung up on this idea of consuming literature like academics and dissecting what you read like you have to understand every nuance to the point you can write an essay on it . You don't though. Just enjoy what you get. Read it again, if you find out you missed something.

It's easy.

>> No.10745254

> i don't even make logical assumptions when reading
Why on earth do you even do this in the first place?
Sounds like another made-up problem by a person who has to much time at his hands. Just read the book and don't fret about, your perception of it is it's 'true' content.
>I have no idea what the hell is happening around me anymore and I want to stop feeling like this.
A basic problem of hermeneutics. External world is a code you must decipher using your own resources and understanding. There is no inherent or immanent 'meaning', only what you make of it.

>> No.10745263

>Why on earth do you even do this in the first place?
I don't do it consciously
in fact I don't feel conscious at all

>> No.10745268

You sound like your thought processes are fucked up.

>i never used to be like this
Nutcase. See docter now.

>> No.10745269

>in fact I don't feel conscious at all
Stop being dramatic, please. It's obnoxious.

>> No.10745270


pomo go homo

Don't listen to this guy OP go clean your flippin' room then read the Greeks

>> No.10745271

Fortunately, I get when people are sarcastic and such. But epistemology and modern politics just make my head spin. I'm using skepticism as a de facto defense mechanism. I slowly quit talking to people because I can't stand discussing something with someone who can't even back it up all the way. They just make shit up as they go. This might sound really autistic, but it really bothers me how uninformed and aloof people around me are. I understand how they can be that way, I just don't want to be around them and explain their own shit to them again and again. I used to like people and wanted to help... Now I just want to be left alone to my retardation and await death.

>> No.10745273

>in fact I don't feel conscious at all
I think you should observe your feelings and behaviors outside of reading too. Did something bad happen to you recently?

>> No.10745279

>implying your understanding of things is superior
>implying your concepts and knowledge is not 'made-up'

>> No.10745282

Humanity is shit, but is also cool sometimes. and you should appreciate this fact and move on.

>> No.10745284

But I know that. The only difference between me and them is that I know why my bullshit is bullshit.

>> No.10745287

That's normal, I think. Tell people "I don't want to talk about this". Politics get me frothing too. Find people you like. Being friends with people who aren't assholes really helps.

>> No.10745290

I think I had a breakdown about eight months ago but I didn't get around to seeing a doctor so it went untreated
I might be depressed, fried up or becoming a schizoid but what can I do about it now that so much time has passed since?

>> No.10745300

you can always get help, even decades later. If you've noticed abnormal thoughts and behaviors, the best thing you can do is go see someone.

>> No.10745303

>I know why my bullshit is bullshit
Do you, really? I wish I had your confidence.
Because lots of times I thought I knew things right and my understanding was near perfect only to find out later I knew fucking nix. Knowledge is our product and it is prone to defects and misunderstandings. Of course, in mundane situations it doesn't matter so much, but when it comes to more serious topics, my understanding could be as fallible as my oponent's. So instead of discarding your opponent's opinion you should try to understand it. If you think he is wrong, try to find out why he is wrong and what makes him wrong.It's more efficient than just saying 'shut up u fuckinng brainlet, you spout nonsense'.

>> No.10745304 [DELETED] 

>I just don't want to... explain their own shit to them again and again
>I used to like people and wanted to help
I understand this line of thought because I've had this problem, and honestly the only thing you're doing is annoying people and coming off as an arrogant jackass. Stop assuming you know anything better than anyone else does and thinking you need to "cure" their ignorance, and maybe you can interact with people in a healthy manner.

>> No.10745307

I guess I could try finding new groups of people. As >>10745290 said, my behaviour is schizoid. I was even diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder. I'd never say that me being unsure of everything is a fantasy world. It just sounds silly. I'd just say that I'm a bit depressed... Ahh, I have no idea why I posted here. Tnx for your time. I'll go to sleep.

>> No.10745311

Yes. I'm sure that I'm unsure that my bullshit is bullshit and therefore I'm sure that I know my bullshit is bullshit.

>> No.10745317

This knowledge being highly relative, of course.

>> No.10745325

Friends are important, but people seem to be willing to put up with a lot they shouldn't. A friendship is a relationship, and a relationship is supposed to be healthy. If your friends aren't willing to compromise with your needs, then drop them.

>> No.10745343

These threads never get any proper answers

>> No.10745357

because there are no answers you fuck

>> No.10745362

Thats a symptom of schizophrenia

>> No.10745447

I’ve been told this a few times by girls Aproached and talked to.
Never really understood what they meant that by “you take things at face value” or “you’re a down to earth” guy.

I think it’s because I don’t invest much in speculating about the subtext of conversations, especially around women who essentially love to speak and flirt with subtext. I learned how to avoid such things because of a bad Gf I had who would always insinuate that she was cheating on me and such and I knew that something was wrong but I get turned down for asking etc. It’s unhealthy but useful in situations where someone is trying to manipulate you with implied subtexts.

Of course I can see through it now. My way of flirting with women is essentially by being direct, honest, curious of their being, and being wholeheartedly present. Sometimes I will tease and use subtext but it is rare.

But OP understand that you should not be ignorant of subtext, that makes you look like an oblivious autist. I identify it and intentionally avoid it which is different from being unable to recognize it. So for that I suggest watching someone flirt like Craig Ferguson who is a master in subtext and innuendo.

>> No.10747299

there are always answers

>> No.10747309

But what do they mean? Why do they mean that? And why should I care?