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10740802 No.10740802[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

looking back on today, what modern ideas will future people find the most laughable?

>> No.10740807

Modern? Probably the idea that "contemporary" means "modern" - which is basically a 20th century category.

>> No.10740815

Pickle Rick

>> No.10740819

will being a pedantic faggot be thought of comically do you think?

>> No.10740822
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>will being a pedantic faggot be thought of comically do you think?
Hmmmm... go on...

>> No.10740824

Jordan Peterson

>> No.10740826

blank slateism

>> No.10740832


>> No.10740841

>there's no free will
>physical determinism
>anything peter singer has ever said
except for his shit about animals, i can foresee a future where we are looked back on as barbarians for eating animals, etc.

>> No.10740857

all of continental philosophy

>> No.10740911

Racial Equality

>> No.10740915

>physical determinism
this, most brainless idea to come out of the Enlightenment

>> No.10740926

artifical intelligence

>> No.10740928

Gender being an essentially spiritual stratification of sex
Signifiers signifying signifiers signifying signifiers...
Insecurity is the biggest problem with social media

>> No.10740936

advertising. if you turn your ad blockers and shit off and watch a sunday of football, you'd be fucking shocked at what they're feeding people—amplified by social media, these people are just complete bots

>> No.10740944
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>> No.10740947


>> No.10740948


This is what the machines will find most laughable

>> No.10740965

>Gender being an essentially spiritual stratification of sex
This is a strawman. Saying that inherent hormonal differences affect both gender identity and how that gender identity is expressed isn't the same as saying that there's an essentially male or female soul, which few people actually argue.

>> No.10740981

that mexican food is good

>> No.10740997


>> No.10741010

The sexual revolution
Trickle down economics
Absolute wealth mattering more than relative wealth
Male privilege
Doing away with religion
Antisemitism (not a modern idea, but still around)
Creating a culture where a certain percentage of women are forced to both work and raise children at the same time
Private universities
Social media

>> No.10741018

Secularism, progressivism, 'pro-choice', and all that other bourgeois horseshit.
Fuck off, tel subhuman.

>> No.10741032

Everything under the PC umbrella.

>> No.10741037

>Male privilege
To be clear, the concept that men as a whole are privileged despite suffering from more violence, loneliness, extreme poverty than women do.