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10740741 No.10740741 [Reply] [Original]

Which is the book all of us NEED TO read and why is it Infinite Jest?

>> No.10740805

This and Moby Dick. Weed out all the plebs and crossposters

>> No.10740973

aside from some of the relatable themes of IJ, having read the book is kind of an accomplishment simply because it is a laborious effort

reading IJ is a sufficient condition to being considered a somewhat serious reader

>> No.10740998

>Reading a joke book now makes you a somewhat serious reader

>> No.10741020
File: 11 KB, 430x474, 1515104680817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironic, huh?

>> No.10741054

when the joke book is 1000 pages long and written with a vocabulary fit to rival Nabokov, yes it does.

>> No.10741685

>what is the meme trilogy

>> No.10741693

How soon we are forgotten

>> No.10741698

will never read this trash hahahaha

>> No.10741989


Length and complexity have absolutely nothing to do with being a serious reader. I'm sure you could power through the critique of pure reason or the phenomenology of spirit, And it wouldn't matter at all if you don't get it

No, understanding the themes, symbology, character progression, etc and forming your own interpretation of a book based on those is what makes you a serious reader, It is not related to length or vocabulary.

>> No.10742002

i already read it buddy, looks like u laggin'

>> No.10742151

You guys need to read the recognitions because you are all otto

>> No.10742360

>fit to rival Nabokov
So, welterweight?

>> No.10742670

may as well be an unilogy baka desu senpie

>> No.10742990

this book is not even remotely difficult. once you get 100 pages in and you're used to the writing style the thing is a breeze. the only difficult thing about it was inferring about the "hidden" ending (which admittedly, I didn't put together all the way)

the book is heartbreaking, hilarious, and very comforting for anyone with depression or isolated feelings. easily the best book I read last year, really want to read it again soon.

>> No.10742996

I get really fucking mad when people call this a joke book. Not trolling, I actually do. DFW didn't poor everything in his heart out over 1000 pages for some pseuds who jerk off to jordan peterson videos to make fun of him

I',m not kidding, it actually makes me mad.

>> No.10743063

i dont even understand the idea of it being a joke book? is it because it’s funny in parts and the title?

>> No.10743437

woah /lit/ really is otto huh. that book was an experience

>> No.10743634

I just bought the book this morning and have been reading it. I always hear about how people on this board have such trouble getting through the first chapter because its hard to understand...
Yet I really had no problems comprehending it.
is everyone on this board just retarded or what?

>> No.10743708

I don't even think it is thought as a "joke book" outside of /lit/.
Some people legitimately don't like it because of its style (very few people I guess).
The majority of the people who doesn't like it never actually read it and just wanna bash it because it's easier to few superior by saying "I won't read this because it's a meme lmao" than actually facing the fact that it's a daunting task and you are jealous of people who did it.
Specially when you can use Bloom's words about it ("no discernible talent") to justify your plebness.

Anyway, it used to be a big /lit/ favorite quite some years back (tbqh it probably still is), then a lot of contrarians who have never actually read it started calling it a meme because it feelsgood to diss a 1000+ page book and get a excuse to not read it.
That's why it is called a "joke book" here sometimes.

>> No.10744097
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It's def IJ ,because you need to read it to be in on the memes


>> No.10744136


In my SJW philosophy circles it's kind of a meme book in the sense we all know it's a good book overall but most people who talk about it intentionally over hype it for the investment you need to put into it, especially dudebros. So it's fun to talk about using it as a door stopper or a foot stool or whatever. I guess my friends kind of look at it like doing psychedelics - fun but it doesn't make you deep or interesting like tons of people want to act like it does.

>> No.10744202

>fun but it doesn't make you deep or interesting like tons of people want to act like it does.

Finished it last month, couldn't agree more. I only read it in the first place because some of the content matter (especially depression) interested me. I was also intrigued by people online who swore it was the greatest literary achievement of all time and that it was the realest shit ever, and by people who said it was trash and DFW was a hack/meme yada yada.

In the end, what I got was a very heartfelt and personal book that I really enjoyed and certainly don't think sucked, but it was not some paradigm-shifter for me. As you said, a lot of the hype comes from the time investment. FUck it was long.

>> No.10744236

>it doesn't make you deep or interesting like tons of people want to act like it does
that's every book tho

>> No.10744256


>> No.10744294

>trying to narrow it to one but accidentally picking the worst of the meme trilogy

>> No.10744483

On a side note, why does Bloom feel as he does about IJ? Did he ever justify it to any extent? I don't really care about his opinion, but it's just so vague and in all honestly a pleb-criticism coming from a literary giant like Bloom.

>> No.10744500


Uhh no, unless you're including his French and Russian cross posting. Ive had to grab the dictionary far more often in the first 100 pages of IJ than I did all of Lolita, excluding the French.

Anyway, Nabokov is excellent because of the prose, not the vocab as the other anon pointed out it's not about length or using arbitrarily long or obscure words.

>> No.10744511

For me it's not the individual chapters but the drastic changes from chapter to chapter. You'll see what I mean, possibly, when you get to Year of the Trial Sized Dove Bar. That chapter and the one before it, while not difficult, required some rather abrupt readjusting that I haven't had to do before.

>> No.10744515

what is otto?

>inb4 (you)

>> No.10744523

Nevermind, I think I was being oblivious to the obvious, but correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.10744527

What should I read first, IJ or the Greeks?

>> No.10744532
File: 674 KB, 2048x1310, tfw to inteligent too walk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw to inteligent for nabokov and david foster walace

>> No.10744533

Doesn't matter in this case. You need Greeks to understand canon and works that reference it, IJ is neither


>> No.10744545


it's treated like it is in SJW circles bc DFW is the most obvious white male author there is. it's legit no more complicated than that. his hate crowd are completely shallow. I've dated so many girls who do the "I hate IJ readers" shtick. go find one of those girls n feel em up. agree with them then probe to see what they even know about his books to begin with (never even touched them and most barely read to begin with). Jesus fucking Christ. they have as much self awareness as someone who just irrationally hates Twilight readers

>> No.10744551

I would rather step on a lego with my testicles than read Infinite Jest.

>> No.10744562

Wide vocab is a plus in a work of fiction?

>> No.10744582

Why are you asking this? Did you think my post implied that somehow? Or are you just baiting me for a (you) with a deragatory question like this?

>> No.10744606

He's not even asking a derogatory question; fiction should be a mix between beige and purple prose, and Infinite Jest is a pretentious rag which swings toward the latter.

>> No.10744614

>written with a vocabulary fit to rival Nabokov
Wait, so I'm not functionally illiterate for having to look up hundreds of words per chapter of IJ?

>> No.10744615

It could easily be perceived as deragatory bait, as more obscure vocab does not equal better writing, and he was, as far as o could tell, implying I believed this (how he arrived at those conclusions I don't know, my post clearly expressed feelings to the contrary). Also, prose can be purple while using no obscure vocab.

>> No.10744822

>pretentious rag
just because you can't finish a long book doesn't mean its a pretentious rag.
go back to reading Ready Player One baby boy.

>> No.10744837

Is English your second language?

>> No.10744844

read it when I was 15. pleb.

>> No.10744987

You must have been very popular with your aunts.

>> No.10745297

Was DFW even sincere?

>> No.10745308


>> No.10745309

lmao wrekt

>> No.10745332

>to inteligent
How are you this retarded?

>> No.10745334

The fact this book is spammed by /lit/ pseudo-intellectuals means I'm never going to read it.

>> No.10745339


>> No.10745344


>> No.10745359

What do you mean "meme"? As if that somehow validates the utter degeneracy that plagues this putrid board. Honestly I'm sick of it and you should be too. How dare you let a perfectly reasonable forum for discussion be torn down by childish phenomena like "memes" about incorrect spelling. Haha, so funny, absolutely hilarious. Jesus Christ, you'd think this board is run by 5 year olds. Grow the hell up. Idiots.

>> No.10745364

What do you mean "meme"? As if that somehow validates the utter degeneracy that plagues this putrid board. Honestly I'm sick of it and you should be too. How dare you let a perfectly reasonable forum for discussion be torn down by childish phenomena like "memes" about incorrect spelling. Haha, so funny, absolutely hilarious. Jesus Christ, you'd think this board is run by 5 year olds. Grow the hell up. Idiots.

>> No.10745401


>> No.10745557

No, he was an absolute spoofer, he was doped to the gills on benzos and SSRI's which explains how he managed to, with no apparent self awareness, waffle on for 3000 fucking pages before turning in a manuscript to his poor fucking editor.

Literally 2 thirds of his original manuscript was binned which is ridiculous. And this CUNT thought we were going to distribute media via cartridges in the future, I haven't seen a cartridge since the Super Nintendo.

Abstract suburban nonsensical shite.

>> No.10745635

Close-minded people don't belong on /lit/

>> No.10746622


>> No.10746998
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>Which is the book all of us NEED TO read
The only thing that NEEDS to be read is the word of God, not some postmodern hipster garbage

>> No.10747439

No, why? What are you trying to imply now, that because I had to grab the dictionary more for IJ than Nabokov that suddenly I'm ESL tier? That doesn't even make any fucking sense, not by any stretch of implying implicit implications.

>> No.10747443

How does it feel falling for bait, and realizing you're even more retarded than him?

>> No.10747466
File: 164 KB, 300x300, quran.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the word of God
ummm try again sweetie

>> No.10747784

sandniggu REEE