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/lit/ - Literature

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10740034 No.10740034 [Reply] [Original]

Any books similar to this film?

>> No.10740045

The Phantom of the Opera

>> No.10740065

PTA directly mentions M.R. James as a big influence in his Fresh Air interview

Daphne du Maurier wrote the novel Hitchcock adapted into Rebecca, might be worth checking out

>> No.10740101

as a big influence for this film or just for all his films in general?

thank you, very appreciated.

>> No.10740160

Just this film in particular. Though frankly I'm not sure he took too much from James beyond the general mood and setting. There's a lot more emotion and romance than an M.R. James story

>> No.10740177

Is it good? PTA never lets me down

>> No.10740184

I think it is fantastic

>> No.10740352

It was pretty good. But with some of the dialouge was a bit to flowery and it sometimes ruined the mood. And in some scenes he delved into melodrama (not as bad as Magnolia though).

>> No.10740382

his weakest effort ..probably because DDL wrote like half of it

Of Human Bondage by Maugham.
1 million times better than this pedestrian film.

>> No.10740414

I so hope you're not right

>> No.10740419

Hard Eight and Magnolia is still his worst films.

The Master>Punch Drunk Love>Boogie Nights>Inherent Vice>Phantom Thread*>TWBB>Magnolia>Hard Eight

*Phantom Thread may change.

>> No.10740477

I think with time he's getting tired and scared of research. He studied a lot of literature for The Master but since then he's not put in that much effort. Maybe he's getting old and lazy.

I agree with your list but i would put TWBB after IV.

sorry if i put you off but do watch it anon and report your review on /tv/

>> No.10740484

Do you know what he studied for the master?

>> No.10740580

He studied biographies and histories of major fashion designers at the turn of the century and a massive amount of material on the business and craft of dressmaking for Phantom Thread. Inherent Vice I don't know about, but it's a little ridiculous to say he was too lazy to research for Phantom Thread, especially when its major star was apparently so interested in the subject that he is retiring to become a dressmaker and when there are many easily available interviews with PTA wherein he gives informative, detailed, and sincere account of his filmmaking process. It's an extraordinarily arrogant and baseless claim that you must know you have no way of proving. I think you resent and envy his success, honestly

>> No.10740594

the blade

>> No.10740737

>anything pre punch drunk love good
No. Punch drunk love is were he finds his style and start making good movies, before that he's just discount scorsese and Altman

>> No.10740817

I agree, but Boogie Nights is still good.

>> No.10741904

>before that he's just discount scorsese and Altman

he still is

>> No.10743157

After Punch Drunk you can see Kubrick's influence.

>> No.10743174

Oprah Winfrey's "The Secret"

>> No.10743707


>> No.10743725
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What is the literary equivalent of Blade Runner 2049?

>> No.10744066
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Anything poorly-written.

>> No.10744072

blade runner 2049 sucked so bad, the trailers made it look like it was gonna be super good but it didnt deliver

>> No.10744393

Stoner, unironically.

>> No.10744432

is it worse or better than The Master?

>> No.10744436

No way the master is better than blood.

>> No.10744448

(Not him). I think he puts a lot of effort into his films, but lately he hasn't choen the right projects. A movie about dressmaking? Seriously. TWBB is where the shit's at. I doubt he will make a better movie.

>> No.10744454

TWBB could be a Kubrick movie, minus the family stuff.

>> No.10744458

ugh /lit/ talking about film is embarrassing
view terence davies, merchant ivory, not motherfucking grunge gen x kids playing dress up like pta/tarantino.

>> No.10744747

Why? The narrative aspects were the absolutely least interesting thing in it

>> No.10745030

More like

The Master / There Will Be Blood / Punch Drunk Love > Boogie Nights / Inherent Vice > Magnolia/Phantom Thread > Hard Eight

Saying that rating his films is juvenile as you honestly can't go wrong with PTA.

>> No.10745035

nah nigga /lit/ needs more Yasujiro Ozu, Kon Ichikawa and Robert Bresson.

/tv/ is worse when talking about films.

>> No.10745055
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>paul thomas redditson

only good post in the thread

>> No.10746363

The Master>There Will Be Blood>Phantom Thread>Punch Drunk Love>Boogie Nights>Inherent Vice>Magnolia>Hard Eight

>> No.10746431
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GOOD lord... 4chan discussing the craft of cinematiques is so cringe

Gentlemen, you should be interpreting the telepictures of mekas, samperi, strick, and kovács. Don't waste your time with homosexual failed playwrights who put on glorified nickelodeons for aspiring midwits... You're letting carnival barkers sell you corn syrup treats instead of grasping at The Absolute

>> No.10746456

You saying it's a movie about dressmaking outs you as not having seeing it. It's just the background for the true themes.