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10737985 No.10737985[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>read the bible
>become more atheistic
uhh guys?

>> No.10737997
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>> No.10738003
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>> No.10738008
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Christianity doesn't make any sense keep going pal

>> No.10738036

it makes me hate Christians more every single time I read it. The only stories I like are the ones where god kills lots of people or where Jesus yells at Jews

>> No.10738046

Probably because you read it with your atheist goggles on and looked for ways to confirm your biases the whole time

>> No.10738062

But I actually found a lot of stories in there to be very moving and personal.

>> No.10738071

>hahahah lmao these Christians are so dumb. How can they believe a dude parted the sea or that a guy could cure blind people hahahaha
>Doesn't realize that the Bible is metaphorical and its purpose is to establish a moral code for people to live by

>> No.10738074

What made you more atheist then? I would've expected a shift towards agnostic if anything.

>> No.10738076

>doesn't realize that's only the first half of the bible

Finish reading the second half, brainlet. It's a philosophy of divine love, Christ is a conduit to the metaphysical world from which infinite love emanates.

>> No.10738083

>this amount of backpedalling
christcucks claimed their book was to be taken literally for most of the last 2000 years, but once people stopped buying their bullshit it's all metaphorical

>> No.10738092

My op was actually bait to get people to argue. I was Episcopalian because lol parents, read the bible and got more conservative before going to school with a lot of regular church goers and becoming contrarian.

>> No.10738100

>the Bible is metaphorical
this is a complete meme, the Bible was their understanding of the world at the time. The moral code is not bad though, especially the bits about women

>> No.10738110

Long before that. Even old world theologists took a majority = metaphor slant on the book.

>> No.10738133

The church. She is a corrupt institution
The taxes. They are not held accountable

>> No.10738137

>people aren't allowed to be wrong
We know better now

>> No.10738170

Personally the Bible made me more in touch with my spiritual side, but it caused my view of the Church (regardless of denomination) to lessen.

Quakers are still cool though.

>> No.10738296

It's pretty meh as a philosophical system. It only works if you lose a huge bunch of Greek writings for a thousand years so you can't figure out that reconciling Plato and Aristotle with Christianity only works on a very superficial reading of them. Christian philosophy hasn't mounted any serious philosophical alternative for a long time now. Talk shit and get hit.

>> No.10738391

Even Augustine said it was mostly metaphorical

>> No.10738791

>Moral code
If God weren't real then a moral code wouldn't be important. You think someone made up all these stories so that in 2000 years people wouldn't kill each other?